• last year
Collette Butler, founder of Beyond the Rainbow talks to us about the pending launch and her hopes for the future. Video by Rod Thompson
00:00 I am very excited. I think considering, well, just over 12 months ago I did the first fundraiser
00:15 just to see what the interest was around it and to gather those funds to get us going
00:20 and set us up, and now over 12 months later we've already started supporting families
00:25 in Hobart, been supporting Walters in general all year. So even though we've already been
00:34 giving to families, this will be our first sort of welcome to the community. So I'm really
00:41 proud of how far we've come, but it definitely, it's been a team effort. It's lovely to see
00:50 what it's becoming and the potential that it has to keep going. And we've heard from
00:56 some beautiful families that have received boxes and they're hearing about us, and to
01:02 hear how receiving a box like this has helped their grief, just that initial phase of when
01:12 you first hold your baby that has passed, and to be given a box knowing that this has
01:18 been made by families that have also gone through it. Yeah, it's been really lovely,
01:24 very bittersweet, very hard at times to hear of other families and their passing of their
01:28 babies, but very special to know that it's hopefully helping them. That's been one of
01:37 our big things is keeping the boxes good quality, people knowing that it's been designed by
01:45 families that have also had losses. So yeah, carefully selecting each of our items so they
01:52 know that they're being gifted something of beautiful quality. Yeah, so I'm proud of it.