• last year
The family of 22-year-old Danny Castledine who was stabbed to death while on holiday in Amsterdam in June 2022 joined Idris Elba in Parliament Square this morning demanding that the government does more to tackle youth violence.

The Luther actor launched his "Don't Stop Your Future" campaign aiming to bring the issue of serious youth violence to the top of the political agenda.
00:00 Yes, so Danny was at university, he was on his summer holidays, he went to
00:05 Amsterdam and when he was there a random man stabbed him to death.
00:27 It just ends your life, it's not something that you would ever expect to be involved in.
00:33 Danny had never been in any trouble in his life, he was a good young man.
00:39 Your life just ends, nothing seems worth carrying on for anymore.
00:46 Celebrations, Christmas, birthdays, holidays, they're just not the same without him.
00:54 Do you think the government is doing enough to help tackle this problem here in London?
01:06 No, I think things are going too slowly, they're letting things get out of hand.
01:12 They need more education in schools, children need to be taught about what they're doing
01:19 and the consequences and the devastation that they're causing.
01:23 But nothing's being rolled out into schools, support services are being cut,
01:29 things seem to be getting less rather than more.
