Vatican Lists Surrogate Motherhood Among Threats to Global Peace and Human Dignity

  • 6 months ago
Vatican Lists Surrogate Motherhood , Among Threats to Global Peace and Human Dignity.
On January 8, Pope Francis called for a universal
ban on surrogate motherhood, which he called
the "commercialization" of pregnancy. .
ABC reports that the pontiff made the statement while
giving an annual speech listing what the Vatican
considers threats to global peace and human dignity.
According to Francis, the annual address
comes at a time when peace has been , "increasingly threatened,
weakened and in some part lost.".
The pope reportedly cited Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine,
Israel's war against Hamas, the worsening climate crisis and
the production of both nuclear and conventional weapons.
The pope reportedly cited Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine,
Israel's war against Hamas, the worsening climate crisis and
the production of both nuclear and conventional weapons.
The pope reportedly cited Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine,
Israel's war against Hamas, the worsening climate crisis and
the production of both nuclear and conventional weapons.
Francis also listed smaller-scale
problems the Vatican considers
threats to peace and human dignity.
In regards to surrogacy, Francis said the lives of unborn
children need to be protected and must not be , “suppressed or turned into an object of trafficking.”.
I consider despicable the practice of
so-called surrogate motherhood,
which represents a grave violation of
the dignity of the woman and the child,
based on the exploitation of situations
of the mother’s material needs, Pope Francis, via ABC.
I consider despicable the practice of
so-called surrogate motherhood,
which represents a grave violation of
the dignity of the woman and the child,
based on the exploitation of situations
of the mother’s material needs, Pope Francis, via ABC.
According to the pope, a child should never be considered, "the basis of a commercial contract," , while calling for a global ban on the practice of surrogacy.
ABC reports that critics have accused
commercial surrogacy of exploiting
women from poor, vulnerable communities.
Supporters of the practice say the process
gives women a chance to provide childless
couples with children of their own
