• last year
अयोध्या में राम मंदिर की प्राण-प्रतिष्ठा को लेकर सोमवार शाम काछीवाड़ा क्षेत्र में अक्षत वितरण सायंफेरी निकाली जा रही थी। 20-25 युवा और किशोर नारेबाजी करते हुए आर्य मंदिर के पास मोती मस्जिद के सामने पहुंचे तो पत्थरबाजी शुरू हो गई। इससे अफरा-तफरी मच गई। दोनों ही पक्षों ने


00:00 We have received a message that there was an incident with the group that distributes the donations. We received this information. We have sent a force and we have placed the points at different places. One person has been injured and we have sent an FIR.
00:28 Have you filed a police report?
00:30 Yes, we have filed a police report.
00:32 We have also filed a case against 144 people in 3 areas.
00:39 Have you filed a case against them?
00:41 Yes, we have filed a case against them.
00:42 How many people have you filed a case against?
00:44 We have filed a case against 24 people.
00:46 Sir, have you arrested any of them?
00:48 We are investigating the case.
00:50 Thank you.
