Kelly McCabe (DE)

  • il y a 7 mois
00:00 [Générique]
00:02 [Générique]
00:04 [Générique]
00:06 [Générique]
00:08 Stands stronger and darker than ever before.
00:11 [Bruit de porte]
00:12 - Anyone comes after us, we will exhaust our arsenal until the threat's neutralized.
00:16 - I neutralized him and sued into oblivion on the streets.
00:21 - Neutralized.
00:22 Like dead.
00:23 - Do you guys, we really should get together more often.
00:24 It's just a balm for the soul.
00:26 [Bruit de porte]
00:27 [Musique]
00:28 - You're a hundred cuss.
00:30 - And you also claim that you're the devil.
00:33 - Was the devil.
00:34 God now.
00:35 Well, nearly.
00:36 - And how old would you say you are again?
00:37 - Well, one time works very differently in hell, so...
00:41 - He's just sensitive about his age.
00:43 I mean, even I don't know the real number.
00:44 [Bruit de porte]
00:45 - It's time for you to assume your place on father's throne.
00:49 - What's the rush?
00:51 Becoming god is a big job.
00:52 Maybe he doesn't want to go in half cocked.
00:54 - I should definitely be full cocked.
00:55 [Bruit de porte]
00:56 - I need your help.
00:57 - I thought I was...
00:58 [Bruit de porte]
00:59 [Musique]
01:00 - Every corpse has a tale to tell, and this one has the touch of evil.
01:10 - Archie, a kid is dead.
01:12 I saw you guys.
01:15 - How you feel about me, is it real?
01:17 - I'm asking you right now if you love me.
01:21 - Who are you lying to?
01:24 - I'm Breakfast at Tiffany's, but this place is strictly in cold blood.
01:27 [Musique]
01:28 - This is shit.
01:29 C'est chiant.