Coffy -HD (1973)

  • 9 months ago


00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:00:13 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:17 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:20 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:23 Oh, for goddammit, what do you mean coming in here after me
00:00:50 when I'm with my friends?
00:00:52 Look, you get your black ass out of here.
00:00:54 You get your supplies tomorrow, and I'll get me my deal.
00:00:56 No, man, it ain't that, man.
00:00:58 I brought you something.
00:00:59 Yeah?
00:01:00 What?
00:01:00 I brought you a piece of tail, man,
00:01:02 because like I owe you a favor, you dig?
00:01:04 A piece of what?
00:01:05 Man, what you talking about?
00:01:07 Look over there.
00:01:08 I got plenty of tail.
00:01:10 I got more tail than I can handle.
00:01:11 I even got white tail.
00:01:13 And you coming in here telling me you brought me something.
00:01:16 What you been shooting anyway?
00:01:17 No, man, it ain't that, man.
00:01:19 This is something special, man.
00:01:20 This broad is strung out.
00:01:21 Says she'll do anything to get straight, man.
00:01:24 Anything.
00:01:25 Then she's yours.
00:01:26 You fix her.
00:01:27 Oh, come on, man.
00:01:28 Don't be like that.
00:01:29 If I say she's something special,
00:01:32 she's something special, man.
00:01:35 At least you can look at her.
00:01:36 She's sitting in your car.
00:01:38 In my car?
00:01:41 You mean you got something strung out broad in my car?
00:01:44 Man, I'm gonna kick your ass.
00:01:45 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:49 All right, baby.
00:01:51 Everybody out.
00:01:52 You say she'll do anything?
00:02:01 That's what she said, man.
00:02:04 Ain't she something?
00:02:05 Too much for me.
00:02:07 Get in.
00:02:08 You drive.
00:02:15 Well, honey, you're with friends at last.
00:02:18 We're going to straighten you out for sure.
00:02:21 You know just the words that turn me on.
00:02:24 And I know what you want, too.
00:02:26 And you're going to get it.
00:02:27 Let's go to your place, Grover.
00:02:29 You can have the leftovers.
00:02:30 No, man.
00:02:31 I just want to get high and watch.
00:02:41 Hey, ain't one man big enough for you, honey?
00:02:45 Now, do I look like the kind of girl
00:02:47 one man would be enough for?
00:02:50 One big man.
00:02:51 One big dealing man, maybe.
00:02:55 Say, you are that big dealing man I've been hearing about,
00:02:57 ain't you?
00:02:58 Yeah, maybe.
00:03:00 Big enough.
00:03:00 When you going to give me some?
00:03:07 In a little bit.
00:03:08 We're almost there.
00:03:10 Anything you want, big man.
00:03:13 Oh, Jesus.
00:05:41 Janet Grover, what the hell are you doing in there?
00:05:44 Making a goddamn soup, Freddy?
00:05:46 Just the one, sugar man.
00:05:48 First things first, you see?
00:05:50 Hey, big man, why don't you turn out the lights?
00:05:58 [GRUNTING]
00:06:00 This is the end of your rotten life, you
00:06:13 motherfucking dope pusher.
00:06:15 [GUNSHOT]
00:06:16 [CRASH]
00:06:30 It was easy for him because he really
00:06:32 didn't believe it was coming.
00:06:34 But it ain't going to be easy for you because you
00:06:36 better believe it's coming.
00:06:38 Wait.
00:06:39 Wait.
00:06:40 What do you want to go and do this for?
00:06:42 Why?
00:06:43 Why?
00:06:43 Look here, I got your fix.
00:06:45 Don't you want your fix?
00:06:46 No.
00:06:47 But you do.
00:06:50 I don't get this.
00:06:52 What do you want with me?
00:06:54 My name's Coffin.
00:06:55 LaBelle Coffin is my little sister.
00:06:58 Lubelle.
00:06:59 Shooting smack out 11, and you got her out of your dirty shade.
00:07:02 Please.
00:07:03 Please.
00:07:04 Her whole life is gone.
00:07:07 She can never get it back.
00:07:08 And you're living real good.
00:07:10 That ain't right.
00:07:12 It ain't right.
00:07:13 So go on and take the shot.
00:07:15 I can't.
00:07:15 That'll kill me.
00:07:17 Maybe it will, and maybe it won't.
00:07:19 But if it do, you're going to fly through them pearly gates
00:07:21 with the biggest fucking smile Saint Peter ever seen.
00:07:24 No.
00:07:24 No.
00:07:25 I don't even remember your little sister.
00:07:27 No.
00:07:27 No.
00:07:28 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:07:31 I can't do it, Doctor.
00:07:35 Christ, now what?
00:07:37 Sorry, Doctor.
00:07:38 It's her first time in emergency.
00:07:39 Well, get me somebody in here who can handle this job.
00:07:42 Where's Coffin?
00:07:43 Get Coffin in here.
00:07:46 Sorry I'm late, Doctor.
00:07:49 Where the hell have you been?
00:07:50 Car broke down on the freeway.
00:07:52 Just shook me up a little bit.
00:07:53 I'll be all right.
00:07:53 Jesus, what's happening around here tonight?
00:07:58 This place is turning into a fucking insane asylum.
00:08:01 Coffy, get your ass out of here.
00:08:04 And don't come back until you're good and ready.
00:08:07 Now move!
00:08:09 Yes, Doctor.
00:08:11 All right, let's go.
00:08:12 We don't have all day.
00:08:13 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:18 Hi, Doctor.
00:08:20 Another fun-filled Saturday night, huh?
00:08:22 So what can I do for you, McHenry?
00:08:24 This here's my new partner, Carter Brown.
00:08:27 Carter, Dr. Bannon.
00:08:28 How are you, Doctor?
00:08:29 Hello, young man.
00:08:31 Sergeant says you want some information on that junky OD
00:08:34 case we turned up tonight.
00:08:36 Oh, right.
00:08:37 Come on over to the desk for a minute.
00:08:39 I don't think he's going to come out of it because he
00:08:41 apparently shot somebody else besides heroin.
00:08:44 Clipboard, please.
00:08:46 I'd like to know if you found any other drugs around the scene
00:08:49 because I'd like to know what to treat them for.
00:08:51 That is, until we get the analysis.
00:08:53 No, Doctor, I'm sorry.
00:08:54 You know how that goes.
00:08:55 Flushed it down the toilet.
00:08:56 Hey, Coffy.
00:08:59 Hey, baby.
00:09:01 Oh, Carter.
00:09:03 What's the matter?
00:09:04 Something wrong?
00:09:06 No, I'm just a little tired tonight for some reason.
00:09:10 What are you doing here?
00:09:12 The only cop I know to get a dislocated toe while run over
00:09:16 by his own squad car while riding a parking ticket
00:09:19 because he didn't set the handbrake.
00:09:21 Come on, Coffy.
00:09:21 Don't tell stories like that.
00:09:23 And I had to hold your hand while they said it.
00:09:27 You want some?
00:09:28 Yeah, black, please.
00:09:31 Boy, we had a real messy one tonight.
00:09:33 Junkie killed his connection with a shotgun.
00:09:37 Blew his head clean off.
00:09:39 Then OD'd himself.
00:09:41 Yeah?
00:09:42 Kind of strange, isn't it?
00:09:44 At least that's what my partner says.
00:09:47 I don't believe it.
00:09:48 You don't?
00:09:49 There's a mob been moving in here
00:09:50 and taking over the Bison narcotics rackets,
00:09:53 even trying to pay off the police.
00:09:55 You're really beginning to sound like a cop now you know it.
00:09:59 I got a busy night, Carter.
00:10:00 I got to go.
00:10:03 Hey, wait a minute, Coffy.
00:10:04 I still want to see you.
00:10:05 Can't we get together this week?
00:10:07 Oh, come on, Carter.
00:10:08 I told you how it is.
00:10:09 Things haven't changed any.
00:10:11 I can't believe you're still hung up on that phony politician.
00:10:15 Now you're not going to get to me by insulting my friends,
00:10:18 you know.
00:10:19 Well, just give it a chance.
00:10:21 I mean, something innocent like a movie or a drive
00:10:23 in the country.
00:10:24 Come on, what are you doing tomorrow?
00:10:27 You won't want to do what I'm doing tomorrow, Carter.
00:10:29 Yes, I will.
00:10:32 Try me.
00:10:33 [CAR DRIVING]
00:10:37 Some of the kids were on all kinds of pills.
00:10:50 Some are on methadone now.
00:10:53 The youngest is only nine years old.
00:10:57 The worst are the ones that got the contaminated junk.
00:11:00 But you know how some dealing junkies out there
00:11:02 put anything into it to stretch another dollar out of it.
00:11:05 Time to sit up again, Lubell.
00:11:07 Your sister's come to see you again.
00:11:10 Oh, flower chair.
00:11:12 Hello, Lubell.
00:11:19 Remember me?
00:11:20 Remember Carter?
00:11:20 I brought you your favorite candy.
00:11:26 How do you feel today?
00:11:31 I feel better.
00:11:32 Good.
00:11:33 You look a lot better.
00:11:36 Look under your ear.
00:11:37 So when I got my certificate, I moved up here
00:11:43 so I could make more bread to send some home to Lubell,
00:11:46 paying for music lessons and dance classes
00:11:49 so she wouldn't end up hustling like my older sister.
00:11:51 But when you got a sister who's hustling
00:11:53 and a brother who's snorting coke and shooting up,
00:11:58 then I found out about a month ago, for the past year,
00:12:04 all the money's been going for junk.
00:12:06 Pills first, then smack.
00:12:09 I told her to stay away from those people.
00:12:12 But some junkie knew she was getting money,
00:12:13 and he started leaning on her.
00:12:15 You know how it is.
00:12:16 Carter, wouldn't you want to kill
00:12:23 somebody who had done a thing like that to your little sister?
00:12:26 Sure would.
00:12:28 Then you think it'd be right?
00:12:29 What?
00:12:31 To kill some pusher who's only selling so he can
00:12:33 get money to buy for himself?
00:12:36 What good would that do, coffee?
00:12:38 I mean, he's only part of a chain that reaches all the way
00:12:41 back to some poor farmer in Turkey or Vietnam.
00:12:45 What would you do?
00:12:45 Kill all of them?
00:12:46 Well, why not?
00:12:48 Nothing else seems to do any good.
00:12:50 You know who they are.
00:12:51 Everybody knows who they are.
00:12:54 Now, you're a cop.
00:12:55 Now, why don't you just arrest them?
00:12:57 It's not that simple, coffee.
00:12:59 The law can't do that.
00:13:01 You bet it can.
00:13:02 And I know why it can't, too.
00:13:04 Because the law is in for a piece of the action.
00:13:06 Not all of it.
00:13:12 Not yet.
00:13:21 Oh, look who's here.
00:13:24 Pretty hard for a poor, ordinary cop to compete with, huh?
00:13:28 Oh, Carter, now, you've been real nice up to now.
00:13:31 Don't spoil it.
00:13:33 Yeah, but we had a real good thing together once, coffee.
00:13:36 I think there's still something there.
00:13:38 Well, we were kids then.
00:13:39 Things are different now.
00:13:43 Good night, Carter.
00:13:44 Good night, coffee.
00:13:45 Good night, coffee.
00:13:46 Hello, Floyd.
00:13:57 You're here kind of early, aren't you?
00:13:58 Good evening, Miss Carpenter.
00:14:00 Mr. Brunswick said he'd be finished with business early.
00:14:02 So you can come sooner if you like.
00:14:04 OK, but give me a few minutes to change.
00:14:06 Yes, ma'am.
00:14:07 OK, be right back.
00:14:09 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:14:13 [CHATTER]
00:14:16 Howard, I think your interest in this place
00:14:41 goes a little beyond just sticking your nose
00:14:43 into those books once in a while.
00:14:46 Now, Reuben, you know I never mix business with pleasure,
00:14:50 except in a ratio of three to one.
00:14:53 When I was a cop on the East Side,
00:14:55 I had the same ratio, only the other way around.
00:14:59 Well, I didn't say how I mixed them.
00:15:03 Here comes my best business now.
00:15:06 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:15:09 Thanks, Floyd.
00:15:12 Yes, sir.
00:15:13 Hello, baby.
00:15:14 Reuben, this is Ms. Coffin.
00:15:19 Coffee, this is Reuben Ramos, our deputy commissioner.
00:15:22 Commissioner of what?
00:15:24 Apple stealers, flatfoots.
00:15:26 He's the heat, baby, so don't pull out any pills or joints.
00:15:29 Oh, really?
00:15:30 The fuzz, huh?
00:15:31 Isn't there some kind of conflict of interest
00:15:33 with you two being here together?
00:15:35 Not at all.
00:15:36 In fact, the city council and the police
00:15:38 have many interests in common.
00:15:40 Now, careful, Reuben.
00:15:41 There are limits, you know.
00:15:42 Unfortunately, especially when the interest is
00:15:46 so charming and so beautiful.
00:15:48 Now, don't try that Latin machismo charm on her.
00:15:51 She's a liberated woman.
00:15:52 But not that liberated.
00:15:54 Now, let the man have his say.
00:15:56 Hi, there.
00:15:57 Like to have your picture taken?
00:15:58 Sure, why not?
00:15:59 Oh, Albert, I look awful.
00:16:00 You look just fine.
00:16:01 OK, here we go.
00:16:02 Wow.
00:16:03 Well, I gotta go catch me some criminals.
00:16:16 Oh, so soon?
00:16:17 You were just getting warmed up.
00:16:19 Oh, he's got hippies to beat up.
00:16:21 Yeah.
00:16:22 The day of a public servant is never over.
00:16:24 It's been delightful meeting you, Miss Coffin.
00:16:26 So long, you lucky dog.
00:16:30 I'll have to take that, sweetheart.
00:16:32 What?
00:16:33 Get out of here.
00:16:34 What do you want?
00:16:35 Shut up, or I'll cut it off.
00:16:37 Now, I don't have time to fuck around.
00:16:39 Just give me the film.
00:16:40 You ought to be more careful when you point that camera,
00:16:52 sweetheart.
00:16:54 Now, baby, what are we doing in this dump?
00:16:56 Oh, you'll like it.
00:16:58 Well, I just bought it.
00:17:00 You bought this place?
00:17:02 Well, part of it, along with some other people.
00:17:05 Well, I guess I can drink to that.
00:17:07 I got something better than that you can drink to.
00:17:09 Yeah.
00:17:10 Remember that surprise I promised you?
00:17:12 Yeah, what?
00:17:13 Meet Congressman Brunswick.
00:17:15 Oh, yeah.
00:17:16 He's a real good guy.
00:17:18 He's a real good guy.
00:17:19 He's a real good guy.
00:17:20 What?
00:17:21 Meet Congressman Brunswick.
00:17:23 Congressman?
00:17:25 Are you out of your mind?
00:17:27 No.
00:17:28 They're going to run me for Congress.
00:17:30 Really?
00:17:31 Oh, but let me congratulate you, Congressman.
00:17:36 I ain't never screwed a Congressman before.
00:17:46 When you do that, it makes me feel so good.
00:17:49 I love you, baby.
00:17:51 You make me feel so happy.
00:17:53 I love you, baby.
00:18:01 You're my woman.
00:18:02 Oh, I'll say I am.
00:18:09 Oh, you are.
00:18:12 I am.
00:18:13 I am.
00:18:14 What's the matter, coffee babe?
00:18:25 Something bothering you?
00:18:28 Oh, I've just been thinking about having to go back to work tonight.
00:18:33 That night shift has been making me a little jumpy.
00:18:37 I thought it was because when a man gets my age, he can't satisfy them lusty young bitches no more.
00:18:44 Now don't start getting insecure, Grandpa.
00:18:47 Now you know that long goody will keep on working as long as I'm able to handle it.
00:18:52 And you know it, too, you old dog, you.
00:18:55 You shouldn't have made me laugh.
00:19:05 I was just going to show I've been saving it all for you.
00:19:08 I guess.
00:19:11 You know, baby, I'm really due for a few days off.
00:19:31 Maybe a week.
00:19:34 We had such a good time last year in Hawaii.
00:19:37 Could we go back?
00:19:39 I don't think so, baby. I'm going to be pretty busy with the campaign.
00:19:43 Well, then let's go up to the cabin.
00:19:46 It's really nice in the mountains now.
00:19:49 Okay, baby, look, after the election,
00:19:51 Win or lose, we take a couple of weeks off and go down to Acapulco, okay?
00:19:56 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:19:58 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:00 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:02 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:04 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:06 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:08 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:10 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:12 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:14 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:16 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:18 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:20 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:22 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:24 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:26 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:28 I'm going to be pretty busy.
00:20:56 Beautiful, you in trouble?
00:20:58 No, I'm all right, thank you.
00:21:00 Hey, wait a minute, I just want to help you.
00:21:01 Hands off, there ain't nothing shaking.
00:21:03 Hold it, mister. Police.
00:21:04 What the hell do you want?
00:21:05 I'll do the questioning.
00:21:06 You got identification?
00:21:08 Hold it there. What's in this pocket?
00:21:09 Get up. Get up.
00:21:11 Get up back there.
00:21:13 All right, what are you doing in this lot?
00:21:18 A male lady's in the hospital up there.
00:21:20 Well, there's no loitering in this lot, and I want you to move it.
00:21:22 Move it, buddy.
00:21:24 Thank you.
00:21:26 Why, thank you, officer.
00:21:37 At your service, ma'am.
00:21:39 Carter, what are you doing here?
00:21:42 Well, actually, I was looking for you.
00:21:44 Really?
00:21:46 Yeah.
00:21:48 Coffee, is there something you want to talk to somebody about?
00:21:53 Yeah, as a matter of fact.
00:21:55 Why don't we go someplace and find a cup of coffee?
00:21:58 I make the greatest cup of coffee on earth.
00:22:01 That is good.
00:22:04 I feel better already.
00:22:06 You know, we did have some good times together.
00:22:10 Remember how you used to make me laugh?
00:22:13 When was the last time I laughed?
00:22:21 Carter, have you done something when you were mad, I mean really mad,
00:22:27 that it was like being in a dream?
00:22:30 Like being up in the ceiling looking down on somebody?
00:22:33 Yeah, I think I know what you mean.
00:22:35 Well, the past few days...
00:22:37 Excuse me.
00:22:41 Hello?
00:22:47 Oh, hi, Mac.
00:22:49 Yeah, I thought about it. I thought about it a lot.
00:22:51 I got to tell you something.
00:22:53 And not only am I not in, but if you go along with it,
00:22:56 I'm going to find a way to bust you personally, right along with the rest of them.
00:22:59 You hear me, Mac?
00:23:01 Yeah, well, you better be hearing me good, because that's the way it's going to be.
00:23:04 [Silence]
00:23:07 [Silence]
00:23:35 Ever get the feeling you talk too much?
00:23:38 What was that all about?
00:23:40 That was me, blowing my piece of the action.
00:23:45 What do you mean?
00:23:48 My partner, Mac Henry, is on the take.
00:23:51 Who's paying off?
00:23:52 Big gangster out of Vegas named Petroni.
00:23:55 Moving into the black rackets because the big money now is in narcotics.
00:23:59 Taking over most of the pimps and dealers already.
00:24:01 Pimps?
00:24:02 Yeah, like King George. He's a big dealer, too.
00:24:05 All goes together.
00:24:07 I've heard of King George.
00:24:09 So tell me, if everybody else is for sale, why are you so special?
00:24:13 Look, there's plenty of good cops left.
00:24:16 What we need is more support from the people.
00:24:19 [Glass shattering]
00:24:21 Quick, get in there. Shut the door.
00:24:25 [Glass shattering]
00:24:27 [Gunshots]
00:24:29 [Grunts]
00:24:31 [Grunts]
00:24:33 Leave him alone!
00:24:37 [Gunshot]
00:24:39 Let go of this bitch!
00:24:42 [Glass shattering]
00:24:44 [Grunts]
00:24:47 [Grunts]
00:24:49 [Grunts]
00:24:53 Now, let's go.
00:24:59 What are you doing? We ain't got time for none of that stuff.
00:25:01 Just a second.
00:25:03 Oh, Jesus.
00:25:07 Come on, damn it!
00:25:10 [Groaning]
00:25:16 Carter.
00:25:20 [Groaning]
00:25:22 I'll kill those bastards for this. I swear I will.
00:25:29 He's not so good, coffee. Quite a bit of brain damage.
00:25:33 Down this way.
00:25:57 What are his chances, Doc?
00:25:59 Well, he may be able to go to the bathroom by himself someday.
00:26:02 Somebody sure worked a mobile.
00:26:04 Yeah.
00:26:06 Yeah, I'd sure like to get my hands on the guys that did this.
00:26:10 Hey, what's happening?
00:26:25 Do you know a lady named Priscilla that lives around here?
00:26:28 Yeah, back there up the steps.
00:26:53 Priscilla?
00:26:55 Hello, Priscilla.
00:27:04 I know you from somewhere.
00:27:06 Yeah. I helped sew up your face, remember?
00:27:09 Oh, yeah.
00:27:13 The nurse at the hospital.
00:27:22 What do you want with me?
00:27:24 I see you're back on the junk again.
00:27:31 Uh, just a little now and then.
00:27:35 I ain't got a habit anymore.
00:27:37 You ain't, huh? You still street hustling for King George?
00:27:41 No.
00:27:43 Now, listen, my old man is coming back any minute,
00:27:46 and if she catches you here, she's gonna want to kick your ass.
00:27:49 Don't get excited. I just want to ask you a few questions about King George.
00:27:54 Yeah?
00:27:56 Why?
00:28:00 You want to get in the life?
00:28:04 Maybe.
00:28:06 No, I ain't seen him.
00:28:11 Not since I met Harriet.
00:28:17 And anyway, I never was a street hustler.
00:28:22 I was his top call girl and his personal old lady.
00:28:27 Until he cut your face.
00:28:29 Then you weren't so popular anymore.
00:28:32 Then he put you back on the street. Now, ain't that right?
00:28:35 Yeah. That's because I got mad and I called him a nigger.
00:28:40 I knew I shouldn't have done that.
00:28:43 You know this fellow Vetroni?
00:28:45 Arturo Vetroni?
00:28:47 Sure. All George's girls know Arturo.
00:28:51 Balling Arturo is like paying your taxes to the government.
00:28:55 What's he like?
00:28:57 Uh, you mean, what is he like or what does he like?
00:29:03 Both.
00:29:05 Oh. Well, he's kind of freaky.
00:29:09 Not too bad.
00:29:12 [ Sniffling ]
00:29:14 He likes a girl he thinks is foreign.
00:29:22 Exotic, you know?
00:29:24 I mean, you tell him that you are the queen of the giant Klukluks from inner Siberia...
00:29:33 ...and he starts dripping in his pants.
00:29:35 And the only way he's gonna get it off...
00:29:38 to have you crawl around the floor, talk bad to you, spit on you, things like that.
00:29:44 Where does King George find girls that'll do that kind of an act?
00:29:49 Through his pushers, mostly.
00:29:52 They find strung-out chicks that do anything to get straight.
00:29:56 He has got people all over.
00:29:59 Now, uh, one more thing.
00:30:03 Where does he keep his supply?
00:30:05 His supp--
00:30:08 Hey.
00:30:10 What are you trying to get me killed?
00:30:12 Come on, Priscilla. Where does he keep it?
00:30:14 You know, don't you? You lived with him.
00:30:16 You get out of here. Right now.
00:30:18 Go on. Get out of here.
00:30:21 Get out!
00:30:23 So you want to play with knives, huh?
00:30:30 Well, you picked the wrong player.
00:30:32 No. No, please, look, I didn't mean nothing.
00:30:35 Please!
00:30:37 Now, I'm gonna give you another slice to match the one you got from that dog-pushing pimp...
00:30:41 ...unless you tell me where he keeps the stuff.
00:30:43 No, please. He'll kill me.
00:30:46 Oh! All right. All right.
00:30:49 He's got a fireplace. It's in a box under the ashes.
00:30:53 Harriet! Harriet!
00:30:59 Harriet! Harriet!
00:31:02 What the hell is going on here?
00:31:04 She busted in here trying to make me.
00:31:06 Get her out of here!
00:31:09 Come on, dear.
00:31:28 Lousy bitch!
00:31:31 I'd go away for half an hour for you to turn a trick.
00:31:36 When I come back, I'll find you balling some nigger, bitch.
00:31:39 You white tramp!
00:31:42 George, George.
00:31:50 George, George.
00:31:56 They call him Mr. Cool.
00:31:59 Don't play him for a fool.
00:32:04 That's right.
00:32:06 He's the king of the king.
00:32:09 King George, my main man.
00:32:16 George, George.
00:32:23 George, George.
00:32:26 He's a pimp.
00:32:30 He's a pusher.
00:32:33 With a strong game.
00:32:36 And you should, you should, you should...
00:32:39 swearing.
00:32:41 He's a pusher, I swear.
00:32:44 Ah, yes. Mr. George, I presume.
00:32:50 You're the lady from Jamaica who called me.
00:32:53 That I am, ma'am.
00:32:55 And I can see that you're not at all disappointed, of course.
00:32:58 So I'll come straight to the point, as I like to do.
00:33:01 Boss.
00:33:03 Another drink for my friend here.
00:33:06 I presume a champagne cocktail is sufficient?
00:33:09 Good, ma'am.
00:33:11 Now, I assume you've got complete protection from the police, have you?
00:33:14 - Of course. - Of course, ma'am.
00:33:16 Now, I contacted you as soon as I arrived from Kingston...
00:33:19 ...because I'm told you are the very best there is in your business.
00:33:22 That right, ma'am?
00:33:24 - I'd say so. - Good, ma'am.
00:33:27 Now, I don't do no leather work, ma'am.
00:33:29 No whips, ropes, chains, or none of those fetish freaks.
00:33:33 Just plain sex.
00:33:36 But for that, I don't mind saying that I am the very best in my business.
00:33:43 You'll just have to see about that, won't you?
00:33:47 Of course, I will, Martin.
00:33:52 These aren't getting any better, honey.
00:33:54 You're gonna have to stay off your back a while.
00:33:58 Oh, well.
00:34:01 I'll be back in a minute.
00:34:04 I'll be back in a minute.
00:34:06 I'll be back in a minute.
00:34:08 I'll be back in a minute.
00:34:10 I'll be back in a minute.
00:34:12 I'll be back in a minute.
00:34:14 I'll be back in a minute.
00:34:16 I'll be back in a minute.
00:34:18 I'll be back in a minute.
00:34:20 Oh, well.
00:34:22 Hello, Robert.
00:34:34 Hi, this is Jerry.
00:34:37 I got your number from Lois.
00:34:40 You remember Lois.
00:34:42 Well, I'm new in town, and I thought you might like to meet me.
00:34:48 What do I do?
00:34:50 What do you want?
00:34:53 Ah, yes.
00:34:55 I know all about that.
00:34:59 Lois told me, and it turned me on.
00:35:05 Hmm?
00:35:07 Oh, I have long blonde hair, blue eyes, creamy skin,
00:35:16 and I'm very busty, I guess you could say.
00:35:21 Hmm?
00:35:23 I guess so.
00:35:25 What's your address?
00:35:28 Good grief.
00:35:32 Half hour?
00:35:35 Hmm.
00:35:37 Bye.
00:35:39 Jerry, this is for you.
00:35:43 Better get dressed.
00:35:45 Shit, Heller.
00:35:46 Come on.
00:35:48 It's only a blowjob in his office.
00:35:52 All right.
00:35:54 I'll be back soon and take the rest of the night off.
00:36:02 What the hell's going on around here?
00:36:14 It's like a goddamn pajama party.
00:36:17 Hey, look, I want you to meet somebody.
00:36:19 This here is, uh, Miss Steak.
00:36:24 Hmm, quite an assortment you have here, man.
00:36:28 Not too bad, really.
00:36:30 Yeah.
00:36:31 They'll do.
00:36:33 Come on, let's go in the other room so we can talk.
00:36:38 Georgie, sweetie, here I am, surprised.
00:36:42 What are you doing here?
00:36:43 You weren't supposed to get back until tonight.
00:36:45 No, I took the morning flight in.
00:36:47 Miami was such a drag.
00:36:49 That old fart, he couldn't do anything.
00:36:51 I mean nothing.
00:36:52 A thousand bucks a day just to show me off to his friends.
00:36:56 So what I need is some real action, honey.
00:36:59 Like the kind I can only imagine.
00:37:02 So what I need is some real action, honey.
00:37:05 Like the kind I can only get from my old man.
00:37:09 Who's this?
00:37:13 Meg, I want you to meet Miss Steak.
00:37:17 Miss Steak, what kind of name is that?
00:37:19 She's Jamaican.
00:37:21 She's gonna be a big asset to our organization.
00:37:23 Now, look, why don't you run in the other room and get yourself a cup of coffee while I check her out.
00:37:27 Check her out? What do you mean, check her out?
00:37:29 What's there to check out?
00:37:30 Meg.
00:37:31 It's business.
00:37:33 Now go on in there and get a cup of coffee.
00:37:35 It's for the big man.
00:37:36 Big V.
00:37:38 Someone better turn the fan on.
00:37:48 I think the temperature's rising.
00:37:50 Cindy, love, this one's for you.
00:37:53 Oh, no. Not the fat man again.
00:37:59 [knocking]
00:38:02 [knocking]
00:38:04 [knocking]
00:38:06 [sniffing]
00:38:08 [sniffing]
00:38:10 [sniffing]
00:38:12 [sniffing]
00:38:34 [sniffing]
00:38:36 [chatter]
00:38:47 [chatter]
00:38:49 I want you to meet Miss D.
00:39:07 [chatter]
00:39:15 Good evening, Mr. Petroni.
00:39:16 Hello, Studs.
00:39:18 Don't look so hostile, Studs.
00:39:31 We're all on the same side now.
00:39:35 You're working for us.
00:39:38 I work for the king.
00:39:40 That's all.
00:39:44 Studs, I need a manicure.
00:39:47 You need a shine.
00:39:51 I said a drink will not be my excuse.
00:39:57 Oh, yeah. How do you do?
00:40:00 I'm Mr. Petroni.
00:40:02 Ah, yes. Mr. Petroni.
00:40:04 Oh, I'm sorry. You're a mistake.
00:40:06 I'm sorry.
00:40:08 Oh, Sam.
00:40:09 I think Mr. Petroni likes a, uh, another drink.
00:40:13 [chatter]
00:40:15 I would like to do that any time. Any time.
00:40:18 [chatter]
00:40:20 Oh, why, Mr. Petroni, you don't have a drink.
00:40:24 [chatter]
00:40:26 I'm so sorry. You're a mistake.
00:40:30 [chatter]
00:40:32 Here, let me help you.
00:40:36 Oh, my goodness. You really are a mess.
00:40:39 It's just an accident. Accidents will happen.
00:40:43 You are a very naughty girl.
00:40:47 It was an accident.
00:40:48 It was not an accident.
00:40:49 Yes, it was.
00:40:51 [chatter]
00:40:58 Without a doubt. It was an accident, like she said.
00:41:02 Yes, it was an accident.
00:41:03 Without a doubt.
00:41:05 [chatter]
00:41:07 [chatter]
00:41:09 [chatter]
00:41:11 [chatter]
00:41:13 [chatter]
00:41:15 [chatter]
00:41:17 [chatter]
00:41:19 [chatter]
00:41:21 [chatter]
00:41:49 Now, Mr. King, don't push it.
00:41:52 You're going to have a few irate customers pretty soon.
00:41:56 Sugar instead of snack.
00:41:58 [music]
00:42:00 [music]
00:42:02 [music]
00:42:04 [music]
00:42:06 [music]
00:42:09 [music]
00:42:37 [chatter]
00:42:39 Oh, Meg.
00:42:47 You don't have any salad.
00:42:49 [screams]
00:42:51 [screams]
00:42:53 [chatter]
00:42:55 [screams]
00:43:02 [screams]
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00:43:06 [chatter]
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00:43:16 [chatter]
00:43:18 [screams]
00:43:20 [chatter]
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00:43:34 [struggling]
00:43:39 [struggling]
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00:43:54 [struggling]
00:43:59 [struggling]
00:44:04 [struggling]
00:44:09 [struggling]
00:44:14 [struggling]
00:44:19 [struggling]
00:44:24 [struggling]
00:44:29 [struggling]
00:44:34 [struggling]
00:44:39 [struggling]
00:44:44 [struggling]
00:44:49 [screaming]
00:44:54 [screaming]
00:44:59 [screaming]
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01:10:39 [wind]
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01:16:04 [wind]
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01:16:14 [wind]
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01:17:04 [wind]
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01:17:14 [wind]
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01:17:39 [wind]
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01:17:54 [wind]
01:17:59 [wind]
01:18:04 [wind]
01:18:09 [wind]
01:18:14 [wind]
01:18:16 Don't go away now, beautiful.
01:18:18 Oh, I won't.
01:18:19 Ride back.
01:18:20 I won't, baby.
01:18:21 [wind]
01:18:25 [wind]
01:18:30 [wind]
01:18:35 [wind]
01:18:40 [wind]
01:18:45 Hey!
01:18:46 Hey, come on back!
01:18:48 [wind]
01:18:53 [wind]
01:18:58 [wind]
01:19:03 [wind]
01:19:08 [wind]
01:19:13 [wind]
01:19:18 [wind]
01:19:23 [wind]
01:19:28 [wind]
01:19:33 [wind]
01:19:38 Gentlemen, it does my heart good to see the various races getting together in such a spirit of cooperation.
01:19:45 Yes.
01:19:46 Well, I've got to be going.
01:19:48 I've got a friend waiting.
01:19:50 I hope very impatiently.
01:19:53 Going out to replace at the beach, huh?
01:19:55 Yeah.
01:19:56 It's a good life, no?
01:19:57 Well, it can be, Reuben.
01:20:00 It can be.
01:20:02 Good night, gentlemen.
01:20:04 I hope we don't have to meet like this again.
01:20:06 It's been a great risk.
01:20:08 [wind]
01:20:15 [door creaks]
01:20:16 [wind]
01:20:26 [wind]
01:20:36 [engine starts]
01:20:37 [engine revs]
01:20:42 [tires screech]
01:20:43 [engine revs]
01:20:46 [engine revs]
01:20:52 [engine revs]
01:21:00 Oh, I looked at it, and he said, "That's all I got!"
01:21:04 [laughs]
01:21:09 Those boys should have been back by now.
01:21:11 I wonder if something might have gone wrong.
01:21:15 I think I hear him coming now.
01:21:18 Sounds like he's really moving.
01:21:22 [wind]
01:21:40 [screams]
01:21:41 [crash]
01:21:45 [crash]
01:21:55 [crash]
01:22:02 [splash]
01:22:11 Shit! Come on, now!
01:22:16 Look, I ain't gonna shoot you.
01:22:18 Please, don't shoot! Don't shoot!
01:22:21 I'll pay you anything. A million dollars.
01:22:24 Whatever you want.
01:22:25 Okay, a million dollars. You got a deal.
01:22:27 I won't kill you.
01:22:28 It's your friend Brunswick I want anyway.
01:22:30 Where is he?
01:22:31 He left.
01:22:32 He went to his house at the beach.
01:22:34 Yeah, I know the place.
01:22:37 Thanks.
01:22:39 [crash]
01:22:43 That's a present for my little sister.
01:22:45 And a nice cop named Carter.
01:22:56 [tires screech]
01:23:09 [wind]
01:23:33 [footsteps]
01:23:50 Hello, Howard.
01:23:52 Come on and sit down and talk to me.
01:23:54 I'm not mad at you.
01:23:56 Coffee, baby.
01:23:58 I'm glad to see you.
01:24:01 I knew they weren't really gonna do it.
01:24:03 Oh, I ain't here because they didn't try, lover.
01:24:08 Well, they would have done it anyway.
01:24:11 No matter what I said, you know that.
01:24:13 Yeah, I know.
01:24:14 I told you I ain't mad at you.
01:24:17 Why don't you just let me have the thing?
01:24:19 No!
01:24:21 And before you try to take it, I think you better know that all your friends are dead.
01:24:25 Vitrone, Ramos, McHenry, and some others, too.
01:24:28 I killed them all.
01:24:30 I don't know how I did it.
01:24:33 It seems like I'm in a dream.
01:24:36 And I'm still in this dream, Howard.
01:24:39 And it wouldn't take much for me to kill you now.
01:24:42 Well, I can see how you might feel that way, but you don't understand all the facts.
01:24:48 Now, I did what I did for my people, for our brothers and sisters.
01:24:51 You shouldn't talk to me about sisters, Howard!
01:24:54 I've got a sister!
01:24:57 Look, why don't you just relax, and let me pour you a drink.
01:25:02 You're upset. I mean, you can see that, can't you?
01:25:04 I can see plenty.
01:25:06 I can see how each time a kid rips off a car or appliance store or somebody's house to get money for a fix, you get your cut.
01:25:12 Now, don't be naive, baby.
01:25:15 You think if I weren't mixed up with the rackets, there wouldn't be any rackets?
01:25:18 Wherever there's a need, somebody comes along to fill it.
01:25:21 Black people want dope, and brown people want dope.
01:25:25 And as long as people are deprived of a decent life, they're going to want something to just plain feel good with.
01:25:31 And nothing's going to change that, except money and power.
01:25:36 And that's what I'm after, baby.
01:25:38 Power to change things for our people.
01:25:41 I want to get all that money back into the hands of black people like you and me.
01:25:45 Yes, like you too, Coffee.
01:25:47 And you can help me, baby, to make a better life for our people.
01:25:50 Bullshit!
01:25:52 You're just selling out to the white gangsters and businessmen.
01:25:55 You're worse than they are.
01:25:57 And I loved you.
01:25:59 I loved you so much.
01:26:03 You still do, baby.
01:26:06 You know it.
01:26:08 And I love you.
01:26:11 And we're going to do big things together, baby.
01:26:14 Because you're my woman, Coffee.
01:26:18 Now, maybe I have done a few bad things, but that's the way the world is today.
01:26:23 Sometimes we have to do a few little wrong things in order to do one big right thing.
01:26:28 And that's what I'm trying to do for you and for our people, that one big right thing.
01:26:33 You always were a good talker, Howard.
01:26:37 You could talk me into almost anything.
01:26:42 But I don't know.
01:26:45 I just don't know anymore.
01:26:48 All you have to know, baby, is that I'm your man.
01:26:51 And I'm going to take care of you, and I'm going to steer you straight.
01:26:56 I've been missing you these past few days, Coffee.
01:26:59 And I've been wanting you real bad.
01:27:03 Now, why don't you just put that thing down and come and fold yourself up in my arms.
01:27:09 And I'll make all this crap go away like it's never been.
01:27:14 Now, come on.
01:27:15 Howie, what are you doing?
01:27:17 Come back, you bet.
01:27:19 Coffee, baby, you've got to understand, I thought you were dead.
01:27:26 [Gunshot]
01:27:27 [Screaming]
01:27:29 [Crying]
01:27:32 [Screaming]
01:27:35 [Crying]
01:27:38 [Crying]
01:27:41 [Crying]
01:27:44 [Crying]
01:27:47 [Crying]
01:27:50 [Crying]
01:27:53 [Crying]
01:27:56 [Music]
01:27:59 It's not the end.
01:28:02 It's the beginning.
01:28:05 [Music]
01:28:14 The law surrounds you.
01:28:18 The court tries you.
01:28:22 The jail engulfs you.
01:28:25 But it's not the end.
01:28:31 It's the beginning.
01:28:36 Darkness conceals your single soul.
01:28:44 [Music]
01:28:56 Revenge is a virtue.
01:28:59 You stood up like you should.
01:29:02 Standing up strong like we all wish we could.
01:29:08 You're a shining symbol.
01:29:11 A shining symbol.
01:29:14 A shining symbol of black pride.
01:29:20 You're a new breed.
01:29:23 A future seed.
01:29:26 A new breed.
01:29:29 A future seed.
01:29:32 Of black pride, yeah.
01:29:38 You're a shining symbol.
01:29:41 A shining symbol.
01:29:44 (gasps)
