Dennis Allen Post-Game Press Conference - Week 18

  • 9 months ago
Dennis Allen addresses what happened on the field with Arthur Smith and more following the Saints big win over the Falcons.
00:00 I'm gonna start off by apologizing to Arthur Smith and the Falcons.
00:05 That was not a play that we intended to run down there to finish out that game.
00:08 That's not who we are, that's not how we operate.
00:11 We should have taken a knee, so I'm gonna apologize to them.
00:14 Cuz look, we're all, we got a good rivalry, and it's a heated rivalry.
00:23 But there's a way we go about doing our business, and
00:26 I wasn't happy about that.
00:27 So other than that, okay, I was happy about a lot of things that happened
00:31 in the game.
00:32 I didn't like the way the game started.
00:33 We busted a couple of coverages,
00:34 gave up a couple of explosive plays, which can't happen.
00:37 And we made some adjustments, and then we played better from there on out.
00:43 I thought our offense was awesome.
00:44 I think they did a great job moving the ball down the field.
00:49 We were able to capitalize a lot in the red zone.
00:52 We were able to create some explosive plays.
00:56 I thought Kendri Miller played well.
00:58 I thought the receivers played well, AT Perry.
01:01 I thought did some good things in the game.
01:03 I thought Derek played well.
01:05 So there's a lot of good things that happened in the game.
01:07 And I was proud of the way that our guys came out and
01:11 responded, really in a must win situation.
01:14 >> How were conversations with- >> Can you clarify, what happened?
01:17 >> We should have taken a knee right there.
01:19 They asked me about getting Jamal a touchdown at the end.
01:23 I said I wanted to take a knee.
01:24 We put victory out there, and the guys kinda wanted to get him a touchdown.
01:28 They did that on their own.
01:30 That's unacceptable.
01:31 >> So Arthur seemed pretty upset after the game.
01:34 >> He should be. >> Is that what he was-
01:36 >> He should be.
01:36 >> Simply referencing?
01:37 >> He should be.
01:38 >> And that's what the on field exchange- >> That's what it was.
01:40 >> Is that the quarterback's responsibility there, Bill?
01:45 >> Look, I think there was a lot of guys that wanted to get Jamal his touchdown.
01:49 And honestly, I'm not sure exactly what was going on behind that.
01:54 But other than they wanted him to score a touchdown, so let's move on.
01:59 Let's go to something else.
02:01 >> How do you handle the next few hours now watching the rest of the games?
02:06 >> Yeah, so Chicago, Green Bay, and Seattle, Arizona, those are going on.
02:12 So take a look at them, see how it goes.
02:16 I'll be rooting for Chicago and Arizona.
02:21 >> Do you think your team has earned a right to give the playoffs the way
02:24 you're planning?
02:25 >> Our team, our record is what our record is, and
02:28 we've earned whatever comes our way.
02:30 So if the breaks go our way and we make it in, we've earned it.
02:34 If they don't, we earn that too.
02:35 So we'll watch these games and see what happens.
02:39 >> Yeah, I noticed earlier, but
02:40 how do you sort of just assess the season in its totality?
02:44 >> Yeah, you're right, it's too early to assess the season in its totality.
02:50 I think we'll soak this one in a little bit, and
02:52 then we'll have time to kind of reflect and see what we thought.
02:57 >> Could you talk about the things that Derrick did well today?
03:00 >> Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of them.
03:03 I mean, I think he operated the offense.
03:07 I think we had good tempo in and out.
03:11 I think he got us into the right checks.
03:14 I think he threw the ball accurately,
03:20 particularly some of these deep throws.
03:21 Yeah, I mean, I think he operated the Saints offense like we expect him to operate.
03:30 >> Picked up a few yards on the QB draw too.
03:32 Where did that sort of fit into the game plan?
03:35 Is this what y'all have been saving throughout the year, or is this just-
03:37 >> Well, look, I mean,
03:39 it's something that you have in there.
03:41 Obviously, nobody's expecting to see that with him.
03:43 And based on some of the looks that we had seen,
03:47 we thought we could make a play on it.
03:50 And actually made a play on us in practice the other day with the same play, and
03:54 we weren't expecting that either.
03:56 So yeah, I mean, it's just part of the game plan.
04:01 Look, I think Pete and those guys did a really good job today putting together
04:04 a game plan, and I thought our guys went out and executed it.
04:06 >> I know you have a lot of decisions to make about the future of this offense and
04:10 the direction it's going.
04:11 It won't be made right now, but how much can this week,
04:15 last week, help influence CFC and how the offense played their best football?
04:19 >> Yeah, look, I think the offense really started to come around towards
04:24 the latter part of the season.
04:26 I think our quarterback being healthy was a big part of that.
04:30 I think he played much better in the latter part of the season.
04:34 So yeah, look, as we do with everything,
04:38 we're not gonna make any snap judgments to anything.
04:41 We're gonna take a minute to reflect on everything from the season.
04:46 And then we'll make whatever decisions we feel like, and
04:51 I feel like are best for our team and our organization.
04:54 >> Dennis, the Tampa game wasn't shown at all, the score.
04:57 Did you have anything to do with that, or did you ask the score not to be shown?
05:01 >> I didn't really pay much attention to it.
05:02 >> And then did you find out during the game at all that Tampa won?
05:05 >> No.
05:05 >> Did you just find out just now?
05:08 >> I just found out, yeah, in the locker room.
05:10 I didn't care.
05:12 I didn't have any control over it.
05:13 >> And so you were talking about those two busts early, but
05:16 after that, maybe the defense got a few three and outs.
05:18 How the Falcons are sending eight yards rushing.
05:19 What did this defense do right this time around?
05:22 >> Well, look, I mean, with the exception of the first couple of drives
05:30 with a couple of mistakes, I thought we did a pretty good job up front,
05:36 controlling the line of scrimmage, and I thought,
05:41 we made it difficult for them to throw the football.
05:45 And so I just think our guys kind of settled in after those first
05:49 couple explosive plays and played much better.
05:52 >> How did the conversations go with Alante, and
05:55 how do you feel he responded going back out on the outside?
05:56 >> Look, I think he responded well.
05:58 I mean, it's never easy.
05:59 That's hard to deal with.
06:04 But it was a decision that I felt like was best for
06:06 our football team to give ourselves the best chance to win in this game.
06:09 And so we made the move, and then, look, he came back in and responded.
06:16 Made a big play in the game.
06:17 And so I think in the heat of the moment, he wasn't happy about it.
06:22 And then after having a little bit of time to let the game play out,
06:27 he understood where we were coming from.
06:30 >> Dennis, how important or gratifying was it for
06:32 you to do this last five game stretch?
06:34 I know other people assess your performance, but four and
06:37 one over the last five, your first win record,
06:39 did you kind of get the results that hadn't been coming at first?
06:42 >> Yeah, look, I'm pleased with the way that we finished the season.
06:45 I'm not pleased with the way the record played out overall
06:50 over a 17 game season.
06:52 That's not what we aspire to be.
06:56 But I was proud of the way that our guys continued to respond and
07:02 continue to fight back.
07:04 And I'm proud of the way they finished the season.
07:06 >> What did you make of A.T. Perry, just those two touchdowns?
07:10 >> Yeah, it was good to see.
07:13 He's a good young player.
07:14 He's made some plays.
07:15 I thought our receivers made some contested catches today.
07:18 Which, I mean, that's a big part of this league and playing in this league.
07:25 You're not always gonna be wide open.
07:29 And so being able to make some plays in a contested environment,
07:32 I thought was big.
07:34 I think it was A.T. that got the pass interference call in the end zone too.
07:40 So there's a lot of big plays that he made.
07:41 >> Now I imagine it's important for
07:43 a young player to show something like that too.
07:45 How does that kind of factor into- >> Yeah, look, yeah.
07:47 I mean, part of the process is getting young players,
07:52 drafting young players, developing young players.
