Top 10 Best Moments In Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part One

  • 9 months ago
This animated superhero flick is stacked with epic moments - these are the best! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 best scenes from Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One.
00:00 "I question the wisdom of immediately revealing your identity to someone you just met."
00:04 "We're not even from the same Earth."
00:07 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 best scenes from Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 1.
00:16 Beware of infinite spoilers ahead.
00:18 "The Justice League. After all, I already bought the building."
00:26 #10. Barry and Amazo save people in Flash Time.
00:30 "There's a shard of wood headed for the Green Arrow's head."
00:34 "On it!"
00:35 "Wait, who's talking to me?"
00:38 A heroic press conference came to a screeching halt after the android Amazo suddenly attacked.
00:43 When the AI's actions begin to endanger civilians, Barry Allen starts moving so fast to save people that everyone appeared to be standing still.
00:51 During his epic rescue, Amazo tapped into its super speed powers to give Barry pointers on how to keep all the superheroes alive and well.
00:59 "A projectile endangers Batman. Please clarify your inquiry."
01:04 "Why do you show concern for our safety while you're in the middle of an attack on us?"
01:08 "Faulty interpretation. Attack is contrary to primary function."
01:12 The android's surprising willingness to save lives made it clear that he wasn't the one-track robot we're used to seeing in other adaptations.
01:19 We'll also never get tired of seeing Barry save people with super speed.
01:23 Thanks to great animation and Amazo's unexpected motivations, this heroic sequence became one of the movie's most memorable action scenes.
01:31 "You're endangering all of these lives. You didn't do that last time. You were careful. What happened? What is Ivo telling you now?"
01:39 #9. Batman exposes Green Arrow.
01:42 "So, you're the Batman."
01:45 "Is it THE Batman or just Batman?"
01:47 After Superman was drained of his strength, he asked to be brought to Bruce Wayne.
01:52 Initially, Flash and Green Arrow are confused as to why the Kryptonian wanted to see the billionaire.
01:57 They were caught off guard again when Wayne casually revealed he knew their secret identities.
02:02 "Bruce Wayne? I thought this address was familiar, but...
02:07 Hello, Ollie. And you're Barry Allen, a forensic scientist from Central City."
02:13 When Green Arrow asks how this was possible, Batman shows off an embarrassing video of the Archer.
02:19 This hilarious joke wasn't the only time Oliver got burned during this crossover film.
02:24 While Green Arrow was fighting Lex Luthor, the evil genius delivered a savage and funny insult about the Archer's choice of weapon.
02:31 "Intelligence is my superpower.
02:39 Which is still another power. Go with the arrows."
02:45 #8. Flash runs into the Crime Syndicate.
02:48 "Crime Syndicate? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's just for old times' sake.
02:51 What we really are is the Worldwide Absolute Government. Sounds pretty cool, eh?
02:57 Whoop, that'll be them now. They tend to notice when I'm late with the money."
03:00 When the Scarlet Speedster arrived on Earth-3,
03:02 he was surprised to see that the normally pristine Central City was completely wrecked.
03:07 Flash tried to do his part to help by stopping a speedster who's robbing a bank.
03:12 Unfortunately for Barry, this fast villain was part of a group of super-beings known as the Crime Syndicate.
03:18 And the organization happened to hate heroic people like Flash.
03:22 "I'm Johnny Quick, by the way. I'd introduce you, but you'll be too busy being dead."
03:27 Since the Crime Syndicate had twisted takes on Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Batman,
03:32 the speedster couldn't win the day.
03:34 While the fight between Barry and the villains is quick,
03:37 it efficiently established that the Crime Syndicate was not to be messed with.
03:42 "How would you like to die, speedster?"
03:45 "All the age?"
03:47 Number 7. Amazo saves the day.
03:51 "Your actions shortened Professor Ivo's life. That is counter to our primary function."
03:56 Over the course of a few years, Lex Luthor manipulated Professor Ivo into creating an android.
04:02 Although the super genius said that Amazo's purpose was to extend life,
04:06 the villain planned to use the AI's powers to end several superheroes.
04:10 "Prioritize integration of Superman's energy."
04:14 "Sensors indicate Superman's vital signs are precarious. This is inconsistent with my programming."
04:20 The android finally stopped hurting the good guys after his creator died.
04:25 Upon realizing that Lex was largely responsible for Professor Ivo's death,
04:29 Amazo immediately takes the super genius down.
04:32 It was immensely satisfying to see the android get some well-deserved revenge.
04:36 But what really elevated the scene was the bittersweet and emotional ending
04:40 where Amazo regretted that it never got to live up to its true purpose.
04:44 "I was unable to carry out my primary function."
04:48 "You prolonged our lives. You saved us."
04:55 "I only saved you from me."
04:59 Number 6. Barry saves Iris.
05:02 "I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you."
05:04 "You were."
05:07 Although the first part of this crossover film featured a lot of characters,
05:12 it never lost sight of the relationship between the speedster and his greatest love.
05:16 Thanks to time travel shenanigans, we got to see their first date,
05:20 wedding, and how they would look if they grew old together.
05:23 But the moment that truly stole our hearts occurred in the midst of a huge crisis.
05:28 When Flash's Earth was being destroyed by an antimatter wave,
05:31 he raced to get to his soulmate's side.
05:33 Without a second thought, Barry risked everything to save Iris from annihilation.
05:38 "No, I won't let you go."
05:41 The Flash's actions did come at a heavy cost.
05:45 However, Barry's sacrifice allowed the couple to spend
05:48 just a little more time together before the end of everything.
05:52 "Besides, we've had the whole world all to ourselves all these years."
05:56 "We can't be greedy."
06:00 "Iris."
06:02 Number 5. The Justice League begins.
06:07 Neither Batman nor Green Arrow was enthusiastic about forming a team of superheroes.
06:11 "It is a terrible idea. I'm a loner."
06:13 "It is a terrible idea. Nevertheless, it's exactly what we're going to do."
06:19 Both men seemingly changed their minds when it became clear that Amazo was still a major threat.
06:24 During an entertaining montage,
06:26 we got to see the heroes go on a recruitment tour that was mostly successful.
06:30 "You're kidding, right? I'm already on a team. It's called the Green Lantern Corps. I'll pass."
06:36 But it turned out that we didn't have the whole picture.
06:40 After the Amazo battle ended, it's revealed that the Justice League formation was an act.
06:45 The heroes only assembled to bait the android into attacking them.
06:49 This brilliant fake-out came full circle in the fantastic moment
06:52 when Batman pushed to make the Justice League into a real organization.
06:56 "I'm kind of sorry this whole Justice League thing was just a ruse."
06:59 "It doesn't have to be. I tried to anticipate every possible outcome.
07:04 How does that make me any different than Luthor?"
07:07 Number 4. A stranger stops the crime syndicate.
07:11 Throughout the film, a mystery man that sounded suspiciously like John Constantine
07:15 kept showing up at pivotal points in Barry Allen's life.
07:19 "The worlds are ending."
07:21 "Really? Which ones?"
07:24 "All of them."
07:27 The stranger's best appearance came at one of the Flash's lowest points.
07:31 While Barry was still on Earth-3,
07:33 Superwoman attempted to end his life in front of the rest of the crime syndicate.
07:37 Suddenly, the mystery man intervened and stopped the public execution.
07:41 "No."
07:44 "Ugh!"
07:44 "He lives."
07:50 The stranger easily brought the supervillains to a standstill with his magical abilities.
07:55 Although the mystery man wasn't exactly happy to be there,
07:58 his impressive actions ensured that the Flash would live to run another day.
08:02 "What am I doing? I gotta get out there and help."
08:05 "This world... already dead."
08:08 "You're a regular Sadie Sunbeam, aren't you?"
08:11 Number 3. Heroes from Infinite Earths Team Up
08:14 "Cal, this is Clark Kent from Earth-1. You have a lot in common."
08:21 The Monitor decided the best way to stop the crisis that threatened the multiverse
08:26 was to bring the top heroes from a variety of worlds together.
08:29 His bold decision led to a sequence full to the brim with surprising meetings
08:33 and plenty of inside jokes.
08:35 "On my Earth, you took me in after my parents' murder.
08:39 Trained me. I became your partner."
08:41 "I... that seems terribly irresponsible."
08:46 Outside of the great dialogue between characters,
08:49 there are tons of small but brilliant cameos you'll want to pause to see for yourself.
08:54 There are hilarious nods to C-tier characters like Uncle Sam,
08:58 the Creeper, and a John Cena-esque Peacemaker.
09:01 Underrated heroes like The Question and Dr. Light also got time to shine.
09:06 By incorporating those characters and so many more,
09:09 what could have been an ordinary exposition scene
09:11 was elevated into a tribute to decades of DC history.
09:15 "I think that's the Phantom Stranger. Few people ever see him."
09:18 "No, he's from my world. They call him The Question."
09:22 "Because he never shuts up."
09:24 Number 2. The Crime Syndicate's Final Stand
09:27 Shortly after the antimatter wave started annihilating Earth-3,
09:31 the wicked Ultraman came up with a unique plan on how to stop the destructive event.
09:36 "My plan is I'm gonna punch that antimatter wall so hard,
09:40 it's gonna shatter into a million pieces."
09:43 To our surprise, his allies decided to go along with his reckless idea to try to overpower the wave.
09:49 But the members of the Crime Syndicate soon learned that they were vastly outmatched.
09:53 "Oh, damn it! Come on, we can make it. Make the jump with me."
09:58 "No, no, no, speed force. And I'm in no shape."
10:02 During a harrowing sequence, every one of the super beings was consumed by the wave.
10:07 Owlman's nuclear arsenal couldn't even slow the event down.
10:10 Although we weren't exactly fans of the Crime Syndicate, their deaths still hit hard.
10:15 The brilliantly written and animated scene actually got us to respect the
10:19 corrupt group for fighting to save their world to the bitter end.
10:22 "Well, that crap you said about your world, was it true?"
10:25 "What? What? Yeah."
10:27 "Hah, lucky you."
10:31 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about
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10:50 Number 1. Barry and Amazo Save the Day
10:56 "Do you have enough power to light him up?"
10:58 "Almost. After all these years, almost enough."
11:02 We were pleasantly surprised to see that Amazo got a second chance to help people by working
11:06 with Flash to save all worlds. This great turn got even better in the movie's climactic finish.
11:12 Right before Amazo and Barry prepared to turn on a device that could save lives,
11:16 the android thanked the speedster for the opportunity.
11:19 "Before we go, Barry."
11:21 "Yes, Amazo."
11:23 "Thank you for helping me achieve my primary function."
11:28 We're then left on the edge of our seats as the duo race to get the tower working in time.
11:33 The two came through for everyone before the wave could claim lives across the remaining earths.
11:39 Sadly, Amazo's body doesn't survive in the end.
11:42 But this fantastic full circle ending ensured that the android died as a hero
11:46 beside his dear friend Barry.
11:49 "He knew. In Amazo's last moment of existence, he knew he had helped save humanity."
11:56 Which hero or villain do you want to see in part two? Let us know in the comments.
12:00 "You bear some responsibility for all that has happened here."
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