Gabriel Attal becomes France's youngest PM as Macron seeks reset

  • 7 months ago

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00:00 To lead a never so fractured parliamentary party,
00:03 the president needs Gabrielle Attal to be a unifying figure.
00:06 Alongside the president, I will have one objective,
00:11 to keep control of our destiny and to unleash France's potential.
00:14 It now falls to France's youngest ever prime minister to form a government
00:19 which can remobilise the governing minority after 17 MPs abstained
00:24 and one minister resigned over the recent immigration bill,
00:27 seeing it as a populist right turn.
00:29 But with the threat from the far right ever present,
00:32 the new government aims to compete with the national rally
00:35 by keeping its own hardliners at the heart of government.
00:38 As such, Interior Minister Darmanin appears safe in the reshuffle
00:42 while others lobby for their place.
00:44 This as Macron's renaissance party lags eight points behind the national rally,
00:48 only five months before European parliamentary elections.
00:52 Leading the charge for the national rally will be their own boy wonder,
00:55 Jordan Bardella, a 27-year-old rising star.
00:58 Attal won't be a candidate in June,
01:00 but used his inaugural speech to remind voters that renaissance too
01:04 can talk the talk on security and immigration.
01:07 Keeping control of our destiny means fighting to control our social model.
01:12 It means making authority and respect for others a top political value
01:16 and strengthening our national and European sovereignty
01:19 by better controlling our immigration.
01:23 Meanwhile in government, he has several major projects to push through.
01:27 A promise to enshrine abortion rights in the constitution,
01:30 one the opposition-controlled Senate may wish to frustrate,
01:33 and a law on euthanasia, long promised and never yet delivered.
01:37 All this as France prepares to host the Olympics in the summer.
