Miss Scarlet and The Duke Season 4 Episode 1

  • 8 months ago
Miss Scarlet and The Duke Season 4 Episode 1


00:02 My name is Eliza Scarlet.
00:03 I'm a private detective.
00:04 And please, don't say you're a what.
00:07 I'm running this London office now,
00:08 and I can assure you things will pick up.
00:10 We have exactly no clients.
00:13 Desperate times call for desperate measures.
00:16 No sniffing around or digging.
00:18 Another dog, William.
00:19 What have you done?
00:21 I'm tired.
00:21 You look beautiful.
00:43 Here at National Suns, we offer the most
00:59 professional of services.
01:00 And I do not boast when I say that these past few months
01:03 under my leadership have seen even greater success.
01:06 A woman, no less, at the helm of London's most esteemed
01:09 private detective agency, Eliza Scarlet, chief investigator.
01:15 One tea and Scarlet, Mr. Godfrey.
01:18 As you can see, my success here speaks for itself.
01:23 Sorry to disturb you, Miss Scarlet,
01:25 but I need your sign off on the Whipley case investigation.
01:28 Of course.
01:30 Another successful conclusion to one of our many cases.
01:33 And if you could ensure that our address
01:35 is placed somewhere prominent in the article, Mr. Godfrey.
01:38 Yes, please.
01:39 How many times?
01:49 It's the Whitlock case or the Whitlock investigation,
01:51 not both.
01:52 I was not hired by Mr. Nash to pretend
01:53 to be a private detective.
01:54 So you said three times.
01:56 Thank you, everyone.
01:57 You know the drill by now.
01:59 Miss Scarlet, may I speak my mind?
02:01 No.
02:02 I know it's not ideal that Mr. Nash's entire staff
02:04 of men have left.
02:05 Deserted is more an appropriate term.
02:07 But whilst he's in Paris, it is my number one responsibility
02:10 to make sure his business is financially viable.
02:12 As it is mine, aren't you?
02:13 So as his accountant, I must advise you
02:15 in the strongest possible terms that this,
02:17 this financial practice is not prudent.
02:19 Thank you.
02:20 Thank you.
02:21 Thank you, Miss Scarlet.
02:22 I know what I'm doing, Clarence.
02:23 Really?
02:24 Really, because hiring actors to pretend to be detectives
02:27 tells me otherwise.
03:12 So I've done some sums.
03:16 And our financial situation is not as bad as we first thought.
03:20 It is worse.
03:21 Hence my reservations at hiring actors
03:25 who purport to be employees.
03:26 It's a waste of money.
03:27 It's not.
03:28 The Illustrated Police News will publish an article
03:31 declaring our success since Mr. Nash left me in charge.
03:34 This in turn will attract more clients.
03:35 The term more implies we already have a full roster.
03:37 But last time I checked, we have exactly no clients.
03:43 I do not wish to lay blame squarely at your door.
03:45 Good, because the fact they didn't
03:46 want a woman running their accounts
03:48 is a question of biology, not fault.
03:50 And the same goes for Mr. Nash's staff of men.
03:52 My recollection is that Mr. Nash's men
03:53 left because of the manner in which you dealt with them.
03:55 Half of them never returned after their lunch,
03:57 and the other half strolled into work when it suited.
04:00 I was trying to run a tighter ship.
04:02 Well, Mr. Nash's way was a little more respectful.
04:05 Clarence, need I remind you that he's not here anymore?
04:09 I'm running this London office now,
04:11 and I can assure you things will pick up.
04:14 You say so?
04:15 I do.
04:16 Give me the files on the local talent
04:21 from Felton Street to Bridge Lane.
04:22 Anyone handy with a knife? - Yes, sir.
04:23 You track down the dead man's relatives,
04:25 inform them of this stabbing.
04:26 Straight away, sir.
04:28 Hey, Duke.
04:29 Not now.
04:30 Sir?
04:34 Not now.
04:35 All right, let's get started.
04:44 I said quiet.
04:45 Now, I know this last month has been difficult.
04:52 Diabolical, more like.
04:54 But it has just been confirmed, as well as
04:56 the additional areas in Essex and Kent,
04:58 will now be policing further districts
04:59 in Surrey and Middlesex, too.
05:02 Bloody hell, Skipper.
05:03 We're flat out as it is.
05:05 To cope with demand, all leave will be canceled
05:08 and double shifts implemented.
05:11 I said not now.
05:12 It's urgent, sir.
05:13 What's this?
05:14 Get to it, then.
05:17 Fitzroy, Phelps.
05:22 Listen, if I want your opinion, Charlie, I will ask for it.
05:29 I'm telling you to do anything that I'm not already
05:31 doing myself.
05:32 I've been home for days.
05:33 I know, Skipper.
05:34 Sorry.
05:36 There's been a shooting in Mayfield.
05:38 Sounds like an armed robbery.
05:39 It's that place at the end of Turner Street,
05:42 Temple of Elysium.
05:44 Elysium?
05:45 Is it a theater?
05:46 No, sir.
05:51 It ain't no theater.
05:52 Hello, Hanson.
06:03 I've already given my statement to the officer
06:06 that was here earlier, as did my girls.
06:10 I really must insist that they be allowed home.
06:12 They've been working all night.
06:14 Well, that is as may be.
06:15 But I need you and them to tell me the chain of events.
06:20 So an armed gunman entered the brothel--
06:22 It's not a brothel.
06:24 It is an elite gentleman's club.
06:28 An armed gunman entered the elite gentleman's club,
06:32 robbed it, and then shot one of your punters.
06:36 A gunman came through the entrance.
06:39 He held our watchman at gunpoint
06:41 and demanded that he tie himself up.
06:44 And he went from bedroom to bedroom, robbing my clients.
06:48 My watchman managed to untie himself.
06:52 And then he went outside, calling for help.
06:55 Instead of tackling the gunman and protecting me
06:58 and my girls, which is what he's paid to do.
07:02 You'll need to come to the station
07:03 to make a statement, sir.
07:05 I need a description of the gunman.
07:07 A black scarf covering his face, shabby cloth cap and overcoat,
07:12 average height, fair hair and blue eyes.
07:17 We'll need to talk to your punters, too.
07:20 Well, they've all left.
07:21 This is a private club, detective.
07:24 Gentlemen come to the temple of Elysium
07:28 to enjoy some discreet time with one of my goddesses,
07:34 not to be part of some police investigation.
07:37 On that, were you aware that Greek goddesses
07:40 actually lived on Mount Olympus, not Elysium?
07:42 Elysium was a paradise for warriors favored by the gods.
07:45 I mean, there may have been some women there, but--
07:46 Yes, thank you for the lesson, Detective Fitzroy.
07:49 Fascinating, I'm sure.
07:52 What about the punter who was shot?
07:54 They're not punters.
07:57 They are gentlemen callers.
08:00 So this gentleman caller was sleeping
08:04 off some overindulgence, and the intruder tried to rob him,
08:09 and a fight ensued, which I assume
08:12 is why the fellow got shot.
08:16 So who tended to him?
08:19 One of my girls happened to be with the doctor.
08:21 He examined him and took him off to hospital.
08:25 What did this doctor say about his injuries?
08:27 I never asked.
08:28 Which hospital was he taken to?
08:30 I never asked.
08:31 What was the name of the man who was shot?
08:33 They never say.
08:34 Then let me guess.
08:36 You never asked.
08:38 Discretion is what this place is built on, Detective.
08:42 Gentlemen come here for good reason.
08:45 There was never a good reason to be
08:46 unfaithful to your wife, madam.
08:49 Let's talk again when you're married, son.
08:53 I'm in a vicious circle.
08:57 No clients means no money.
08:59 No money means no hiring of new staff.
09:03 I'm just hoping that when this article is published,
09:05 it will attract new business.
09:06 Ivy, are you even listening to me?
09:11 Sorry.
09:12 Just got to a really good bit in the story.
09:15 The detective has just found another dead body.
09:17 Blood everywhere.
09:19 All you ever do these days is have your nose in a book.
09:21 You're the one who told me to read novels
09:23 like a normal person instead of your father's own law books.
09:26 Yes, but not all the time.
09:27 [SIGHS]
09:31 What about some freshly baked biscuits?
09:33 Would that help?
09:36 Always.
09:39 What about Moses?
09:41 He brings in a case or two.
09:42 When's he back?
09:44 Not any time soon.
09:45 Paris seems to suit him.
09:47 Well, what about the inspector?
09:50 I can't ask him.
09:52 Why?
09:54 Things aren't quite the same since Arabella.
09:57 But I thought that ended.
09:59 Well, yes, but we haven't seen each other in a while.
10:02 Why not?
10:03 Because I've been busy.
10:04 No, you haven't.
10:07 Go and see him, Lizzie.
10:08 Ah.
10:13 Back.
10:17 The rest are for Barnabas.
10:21 Excuse me.
10:27 Jim.
10:28 Congratulations.
10:29 [CHATTER]
10:33 Here we go.
10:34 Thank you very much.
10:35 [CHATTER]
10:38 William, there you are.
10:48 I thought perhaps you'd left for the evening.
10:51 You look tired.
10:53 You look beautiful.
10:58 Oh.
11:00 Well, thank you.
11:01 So what do I owe this unexpected visit?
11:11 Well, I was just passing and thought I'd pop
11:15 in to visit my oldest friend.
11:16 Passing?
11:17 To where at this time of night?
11:19 Dinner.
11:20 With whom?
11:21 Well, you wouldn't know them.
11:22 Because they don't exist?
11:25 What's that supposed to mean?
11:26 I know you, Eliza, you neither pass nor pop.
11:28 You premeditate.
11:30 Now, I'm afraid it's not a good time.
11:32 We are experiencing an unprecedented level of cases.
11:35 I cannot go into why.
11:37 Or because of the further expansion of Scotland Yard's
11:39 jurisdiction.
11:42 That's classified information at the moment.
11:44 How do you know that?
11:46 I read it in the report that's on your desk.
11:48 Well, it seems you could do with more manpower.
11:53 I also have what to attest that I should drop by.
11:56 Since I'm now in charge at Nash & Sons,
11:58 I have a large team of men at my disposal.
12:00 Ah, there it is.
12:02 The real reason you're here.
12:04 You were the one who brought up being understaffed.
12:06 All I'm saying is--
12:07 Yes, Eliza, I know exactly what you're saying.
12:09 I always know exactly what you're saying,
12:11 even when you're not saying it.
12:13 Good night.
12:14 Thank you.
12:23 I can confirm he is the only patient
12:33 that was brought in today with a gunshot wound to the leg.
12:37 I know the gentleman's name.
12:39 He refused to share it when he was admitted.
12:42 And since then, he's been administered
12:43 laudanum for the pain.
12:45 It'll be some time before he's able to talk.
12:48 Thank you, nurse.
12:50 Matron.
12:52 Oh, straighten that cap, sister.
12:53 Yes, my dear.
12:54 And see to the patient in room five.
12:58 Reminds me of my missus.
13:01 Well, there's not much more we can do here tonight.
13:04 We'll come back in the morning when
13:06 his compass meant us to find out who he is then.
13:09 I know exactly who he is.
13:10 I've seen him at meetings with my father.
13:12 He's a government minister, Charlie.
13:17 I have all the files here, Inspector.
13:31 And once we've gone through these,
13:32 I'll take you through to the adjoining room
13:34 where there are even more cadavers for your attention.
13:36 Looking lively weeks.
13:37 Do not exaggerate when I say we are bursting at the seams.
13:42 Our coroner, Mr. Wormsley, is agitated indeed.
13:45 He is a precise man who prides himself
13:47 on his meticulous examinations.
13:50 Yet since his expansion, he has felt--
13:52 and I hope I betray no confidence here--
13:54 disgruntled, to say the least.
13:58 As will I assure Mr. Wormsley's concern, Mr. Potts.
14:01 Thank you.
14:02 Wellington.
14:05 Sir.
14:07 Commissioner Fitzroy.
14:08 May I say what a pleasure it is to have you here in person.
14:12 Leave us.
14:12 I have a delicate matter to discuss with you.
14:25 The brothel in Mayfair.
14:28 The man who was shot comes from the Home Office.
14:31 And he was not the only gentleman of influence there.
14:35 Most of the possessions that were stolen
14:37 had personal messages and family crests engraved on them.
14:41 So you can imagine it would not be ideal
14:45 if it became public knowledge where they were lost.
14:50 Yes, I can see that, sir.
14:52 Which is why we are going to make it our absolute priority
14:54 to find out who did this and to get those possessions back.
14:58 Yes.
14:59 And I want you to lead the case yourself.
15:03 So you told me to specifically oversee
15:07 all active investigations.
15:08 Oh, forget what I told you.
15:10 Many of these men have a say in my budgets.
15:12 They could make my life difficult.
15:16 So you will lead this case, and you will resolve
15:19 it with speed and discretion.
15:22 And if you do not, I will hold you directly responsible.
15:26 Is that understood, Wellington?
15:28 Yes, sir.
15:29 I won't tell you again.
15:35 I want no part in this.
15:37 Any association with that place would
15:39 be catastrophic for me.
15:41 I'm not just a government minister.
15:42 I'm a married man with children.
15:44 Yes.
15:47 Nevertheless, sir, there are some questions
15:49 that I have to ask.
15:52 So the gunman came into the bedroom,
15:54 demanded your possessions.
15:55 I need some pain relief.
15:58 And I was sent for the nurse when
15:59 you have answered my questions.
16:01 Am I under arrest?
16:03 No.
16:04 Then here is my statement.
16:05 I received this gunshot in a hunting accident.
16:09 This is what I have told my wife,
16:10 and this is what I will tell anyone who asks.
16:14 I do hope that answers any further questions, Inspector.
16:22 Excuse me.
16:29 Thank you.
16:34 Good morning, Clarence.
16:37 I have decided today is the day our fortunes change.
16:42 Do not bother, Miss Scarlet.
16:43 I've already checked, and there is no article.
16:46 Mr. Godfrey specifically said it would be in today's edition.
16:49 Well, journalists will promise the moon and stars
16:52 until a bigger and better story comes along.
16:54 If, as I had advised, you had kept our advertising
16:57 account with them, they would have prioritized us,
17:00 as they did when Mr. Nash was here.
17:02 Instead, you saw fit to cancel said account
17:05 and spend the money elsewhere, for instance, on actors.
17:08 I'm curious, Clarence.
17:17 If you're so dissatisfied with how I run things,
17:19 why do you not leave like the rest?
17:20 Because I am not a quitter, Miss Scarlet.
17:24 And I believe you could be a little more grateful for that.
17:33 I understand that a police investigation might
17:39 not be good for business.
17:40 Well, that's an understatement.
17:42 None of my clients will come within a mile
17:44 while there's a police presence, and I
17:46 can't afford to have this place shut down for much longer.
17:49 Then help me with my inquiries.
17:51 Don't you want to catch whoever did this?
17:52 Oh, he'll be caught, all right.
17:55 It's not just the great and the good that come here.
17:57 I have clients from all walks of life.
18:00 They'll catch that toerag for me, and when they do,
18:04 he'll wish he'd never been born.
18:05 I must insist that you don't take
18:06 the law into your own hands, madam.
18:08 We will find whoever did this.
18:11 I'm privy to many conversations, Inspector--
18:14 judges, politicians.
18:17 And when they've had their fill of whiskey and women,
18:20 they like a nice little chat.
18:22 And I'm a very good listener.
18:24 Word is, they're not very happy with the Great Scotland Yard.
18:29 From what I gather, it's a shambles over there.
18:33 So forgive me if I don't share your confidence.
18:40 Sir, I've gathered files on all those previous convictions
18:50 for armed robbery for the past three years,
18:52 but there's over 2,000 of them.
18:53 Better get on with it, then.
18:55 But, sir, it's just such a huge task,
18:56 and we just don't have the manpower.
18:58 Then tell your father what a mess we're in,
18:59 because he sure as hell won't listen to me.
19:01 That was-- that was uncalled for.
19:08 I apologize.
19:09 Permission to speak, sir?
19:11 Oliver, you don't have to ask permission.
19:14 It's just, you haven't been home for days.
19:16 You need to rest.
19:17 Sleep is a luxury that I don't have at the moment.
19:20 Right now, we need to find a way to go through those files
19:22 that compare them to the description of the gunman.
19:25 Well, we're going to need more men.
19:30 Liam, how nice to see you.
19:47 I received your telegram, although I
19:49 must admit I was unsure whether I'd have time to fit you in.
19:51 As you can see, things are extremely busy at present.
19:53 Sorry to disturb you, Miss Scarlet,
19:55 but I need your sign-up on the Whitlock investigation.
19:57 Shall we?
20:02 So this brothel in Mayfair?
20:10 All I can tell you is that it was an armed robbery,
20:12 where one of the punters was injured with a gunshot wound.
20:16 So I assume the fact that you're
20:17 keeping his identity confidential means
20:19 that he's a man of influence.
20:20 Eliza, please don't assume anything.
20:22 It never ends well.
20:24 Well, it's an awful lot of files
20:25 you wish my men to go through, not
20:27 to mention how vague the description of the gunman is.
20:31 Perhaps you might be willing to negotiate a higher fee?
20:35 Do you want the job or not?
20:36 Yes.
20:37 I'll take the case.
20:38 Good.
20:39 Then I'll have the files delivered this afternoon.
20:41 No sniffing around, Eliza, or digging.
20:45 I'm not a dog, William.
20:46 No, you are relentless.
20:49 Do only what I ask of you, nothing more.
20:52 My word is my bond.
20:54 If only that were true.
20:55 Yes.
20:59 I should not be doing this donkey work.
21:15 Lest we forget, Miss Scarlett, I am
21:16 a fully qualified accountant.
21:18 How could I forget, Clarence, and you remind me so often?
21:21 Just the two of us, this task will take days to complete.
21:25 You're right.
21:26 Perhaps we do need to get some help.
21:27 We do not have the money to pay for extra help.
21:32 Who said anything about paying?
21:33 I couldn't believe it when I got your note, Lizzie.
21:39 Me, help him with real investigation.
21:43 It's just like my novel, "The Detective
21:45 Asked His Uncle for Assistance."
21:47 Yes, he's an ex-fleece, ma'am, but still.
21:50 Right, this little lot is done.
21:52 I'll go and get some more.
21:53 Are we brought so low that we have to turn
21:57 to your maid for assistance?
21:59 She's more efficient than you.
22:01 For every one file you've checked, she's done five.
22:05 Mr. Nash--
22:06 I don't care what he did or didn't do.
22:08 I'm in charge now.
22:10 And if you're so enamored with Mr. Nash,
22:11 why don't you go to Paris with him?
22:13 [DOOR SLAMS]
22:14 What?
22:23 Go easy, eh?
22:25 I don't need advice on how to manage my employees.
22:27 Employee, singular.
22:29 When you were a girl--
22:34 Oh, please, God, no.
22:37 Fine.
22:38 I'll talk to him.
22:43 In my determination to keep this agency afloat,
22:59 I may come across as a little terse sometimes.
23:01 I apologize.
23:02 All I was going to say about Mr. Nash
23:09 is that he has an army of paid informants,
23:12 including girls who work at many different brothels
23:15 across London.
23:17 Where would I find information on these informants?
23:20 Why wasn't I told this was in here?
23:27 Well, Mr. Nash likes to keep the identity
23:29 of his informants confidential.
23:31 I'm the chief investigator.
23:34 You're the only investigator.
23:36 [DOOR OPENS]
23:39 Right.
23:41 Um, police informants, legal informants,
23:45 government informants.
23:48 Here we are, ladies of the night.
23:53 [LAUGHTER]
23:54 I adore Mr. Nash.
23:57 Always so good to me.
23:58 Very fair man.
24:00 Everyone loves him.
24:02 Perhaps we could talk about something
24:03 other than Mr. Nash.
24:06 So you work at the Temple of Elysium.
24:09 For my sins.
24:11 I've heard of it.
24:12 I always thought it very clever, a brothel themed
24:15 as a mythological paradise.
24:16 Well, according to the copper that came by,
24:19 women weren't even allowed in Elysium.
24:21 He's right.
24:23 It was one of the three realms of the underworld
24:25 in Greek mythology.
24:26 Tartarus, the Asphodel meadows, and then there was Elysium.
24:30 And Eden for heroes favored by the gods.
24:33 Wow.
24:34 I can tell you, darling, the men that visit me ain't no heroes.
24:38 [LAUGHTER]
24:41 So this shooting, the description of the gunman,
24:47 average height, fair hair, blue eyes, it's a little generic.
24:51 It's a pack of lies, too.
24:54 He was tall, brown hair, brown eyes.
24:58 Me and the other girls were told to lie to the coppers by her.
25:01 Her?
25:02 Madame Hera.
25:05 It's not a real name, of course.
25:06 Just like Athena, ain't mine.
25:08 Why would she tell you to lie?
25:12 Word is, she called in a favor to find the gunman herself.
25:15 You cross the madam at your own peril.
25:22 Poor old Dimitri found that out.
25:24 Dimitri?
25:25 The watchman that was on when the robbery took place.
25:28 She sacked the poor sod.
25:30 Welcome to Solomon's.
25:44 How can I help?
25:46 Is Solomon here?
25:47 I'm afraid my uncle's gone back to Jamaica to visit family.
25:50 Well, perhaps you could help me.
25:52 I'm an acquaintance of his, Miss Scarlet.
25:54 I'm looking for a man, a watchman.
25:56 He was dismissed from a brothel in Mayfair.
25:59 I need to find his address.
26:00 I wish to speak with him.
26:01 I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about.
26:04 This is a shop to buy things in, Miss Scarlet.
26:06 And speaking of which, we've just had a new delivery
26:09 this very morning.
26:11 The golden vamp butterfly from the Himalayan mountains.
26:15 Very rare.
26:16 There are no golden vamp butterflies
26:18 in the Northern Hemisphere.
26:20 Ah, my mistake.
26:21 Yeah, this is the golden vamp from Madagascar.
26:25 Nor are they completely golden, just the tips of their wings.
26:28 This is very pretty.
26:29 What if I bought one?
26:35 I'll wrap it up for you.
26:37 What if I bought two?
26:38 Then I'll wrap them both.
26:39 How about three?
26:41 A watchman, you say?
26:43 Let me get my pen.
26:48 Miss Scarlet?
26:53 Mr. Sinclair.
26:59 How are you, Miss Scarlet?
27:00 Busy.
27:01 Always such a busy, busy bee.
27:04 I suppose since you've taken over at Nash & Sons--
27:07 not that he has any sons--
27:09 time is precious.
27:12 What do you want, Mr. Sinclair?
27:14 Why, just to tell you how hurt I am.
27:17 When I learned that you'd gone to my underling, Mr. Godfrey,
27:19 instead of directly to me, the chief correspondent
27:22 of our esteemed publication, it was like a dagger to my heart.
27:26 You have a heart, Mr. Sinclair.
27:28 That is welcome news.
27:29 Basil, I said to myself, you and Miss Scarlet
27:32 are old acquaintances, are you not?
27:34 Why on earth would she do such a thing?
27:37 The last time we worked together,
27:38 you printed a pack of lies.
27:39 Does that help?
27:40 Lies, you say?
27:41 Like the ones you fed young Mr. Godfrey?
27:43 It seems that in your eagerness to lord your success,
27:51 it has led you down the slippery slope of dishonesty.
27:55 Oh, dear, dear me.
27:57 You see, I happen to know for a fact
27:59 that Mr. Nash's entire staff have deserted you,
28:02 and so too his book of clients.
28:05 And so in my capacity as chief correspondent,
28:09 I have decided that I will be the one to write the article,
28:13 and it shall be one based on the truth,
28:16 that the once most successful private investigation
28:18 agency in London is now on the verge of collapse.
28:23 And it is all thanks to the lady detective.
28:33 [WHISTLES]
28:35 Good day, Miss Scarlet.
28:40 Ride on.
28:45 [CHATTER]
28:52 Don't go.
28:55 Stop.
28:56 How do you like?
28:59 I've got an alibi, just like all the others.
29:02 So we round up some more?
29:03 Can you make us a tip?
29:04 Are you yet, Charlie?
29:07 William.
29:08 Inspector Wellington.
29:10 Inspector Wellington, Detective Phelps.
29:13 Miss Scarlet, get the wagons ready.
29:15 I'll meet you up front.
29:19 I have something I need to tell you, William.
29:22 Will you promise to remain calm?
29:24 [CHATTER]
29:26 You hired actors to pose as your staff of detectives.
29:30 I knew you'd react like this.
29:31 You fooled me into hiring you.
29:33 How would you like me to react?
29:34 At least I did the decent thing to tell you myself,
29:37 rather than you reading it in St. Clair's rag.
29:39 The decent thing was not to lie to me in the first place.
29:41 There's nothing you can say that I
29:42 haven't already said to myself.
29:43 Oh, I'm quite sure that there is.
29:47 It's all very well for you in your comfortable job.
29:49 I haven't slept for weeks worrying about mine.
29:50 By God, Eliza, there is nothing comfortable about my job.
29:53 And if you'd any shred of concern for anyone
29:55 other than yourself, then you would know this.
30:02 Good day, Miss Scarlet.
30:06 Is-- is all well?
30:08 Not remotely.
30:10 But never mind that.
30:14 You're on the Brothel robbery.
30:15 I am.
30:17 Good, because I have some information
30:19 I'd like to share with you.
30:20 So the madam lied about the description of the gunman.
30:29 Apparently so.
30:31 I've also put the feelers out to find this dismissed watchman.
30:34 Thank you.
30:34 This is most helpful.
30:36 Oliver, Inspector Wellington, how have you found him recently?
30:47 I cannot lie.
30:51 I'm concerned about him.
30:53 He hasn't been home for days.
30:54 He's putting all his attention on this robbery,
30:57 to the detriment of other cases, of which there are many.
31:01 Then let me help you.
31:04 Share your findings with me.
31:06 This is a highly confidential investigation.
31:09 I'm afraid I cannot.
31:10 However, if I were to leave the file here,
31:19 if I were to just pop out for a moment,
31:21 and if someone were to read the file without my knowledge,
31:24 well--
31:25 The man who shot.
31:34 Any identity yet?
31:35 Paid for.
32:18 [KNOCKING]
32:23 What are you doing?
32:26 Why are you not in your uniform?
32:28 I don't understand.
32:29 You are Nurse James, due to start today.
32:32 Well, this room is a disgrace.
32:34 These soiled clothes should have been disposed of yesterday.
32:38 And when you have done that, his bed needs remaking.
32:40 His temperature recorded and bandage changed.
32:42 So get these clothes down to the basement,
32:44 ready to be incinerated.
32:45 Get into your uniform and report back immediately.
32:48 Is that clear?
32:49 If you would just let me speak.
32:51 I'm not a nurse.
32:52 My name is Mrs. James.
32:53 I'm not a nurse.
32:55 My name is Eliza Scarlet.
32:56 I'm a private detective.
32:57 And please, don't say you're a what.
33:07 Come on.
33:09 Come on.
33:12 Come on.
33:13 We have a call today.
33:14 Go. Go.
33:15 Go.
33:18 Get this lot inside, Charlie.
33:19 Where are you, ugly lot?
33:21 Hurry up.
33:22 You'll fill my boot when sun does shine.
33:26 There you are, sir.
33:27 I have new information on the Elysium case.
33:30 What?
33:31 The madam of the brothel lied.
33:33 The gunman wasn't fair, blue eyes or medium height.
33:35 He was the opposite, tall, brown hair, brown eyes.
33:37 According to who?
33:39 Miss Scarlet.
33:40 She seemed quite certain of it, too.
33:43 I think I'll pay Madam Hare a little visit.
33:52 Where's Ivy?
33:53 Gone to make dinner for someone called Barnabus.
33:56 She did take a box of files with her to work through.
33:58 Oh, this came for you.
34:00 It's a court summons for rent arrears.
34:03 [SIGHS]
34:04 I really could do with some good news, Clarence.
34:07 Well, the watchman you've been looking for is in your office.
34:19 So the madam dismissed you after the robbery.
34:21 Because I ran outside for help instead of tackling the gunman.
34:30 I came here 20 years ago in search for a better life.
34:33 But as a watchman, I have spent those years getting
34:37 beaten up and shot at.
34:40 And when I was young, I did not mind.
34:41 But I'm getting old.
34:44 I have children I want to see grow up.
34:47 And because of that woman, I will not be able to put some
34:50 food on my family's table tonight.
34:51 I have no loyalty to her.
34:53 So I will tell you something.
34:57 I'm listening.
34:59 She told me to lie to the police.
35:00 When I was calling for help, I saw
35:05 no gunman leave the brothel.
35:08 But if you didn't see the gunman leave,
35:09 then how did he get away?
35:12 A back entrance?
35:14 There is no back entrance.
35:16 I was forbidden to ever go upstairs.
35:21 But I've heard there is a secret way in and out.
35:26 The building that joins the brothel
35:37 was once an exclusive gentleman's club.
35:42 It shut down years ago, but it was once frequented
35:46 by the rich and powerful, by politicians and even princes.
35:51 Legend has it that the clients would
35:58 use a connecting door into the brothel as a discreet way in.
36:04 If the door exists, I believe that's
36:07 how the gunman escaped.
36:12 Three sons of Titan, Zeus, god of the sky,
36:23 Poseidon, god of the sea, and Hades,
36:26 god of the three realms of the underworld,
36:29 Tartarus, the essence of Delmidos, and Elysium.
37:08 I've done it all.
37:33 Well, that's news to me.
37:36 What do you mean they've been returned?
37:39 Exactly that.
37:41 Everything stolen is in this box.
37:44 It was outside the entrance this morning.
37:45 I've got no idea who left it.
37:48 So I will return these to their rightful owners,
37:51 and the case is closed.
37:53 The case is closed when I say it is.
37:57 We'll be taking the contents of that box
37:58 back to Scotland Yard, where it will be logged as evidence.
38:02 As for you, you'll come with me and make a statement
38:05 explaining how you came to be in possession
38:06 of these stolen goods.
38:10 I'm quite sure, Inspector, that your superiors have instructed
38:15 you to close this case with speed and discretion.
38:22 Taking these valuables to Scotland Yard, and indeed me,
38:27 I would argue that is the very opposite of discretion.
38:34 So we are agreed.
38:36 I will return these to my clients,
38:38 and you will leave my premises and bother me no more.
38:44 So you're forgetting something, madam.
38:46 There is a man lying in hospital who
38:49 was shot on these premises.
38:51 Last I heard, the poor minister,
38:54 he was adamant that he was wounded in a hunting accident.
38:59 No more days out shooting for him,
39:03 not if his wife has anything to do with it.
39:25 (suspenseful music)
39:28 (suspenseful music)
39:31 (suspenseful music)
39:34 - I don't have the appetite nor the inclination
40:00 for another argument, Eliza.
40:02 My day has been vexing enough.
40:04 - I do not come to argue.
40:05 I come to tell you I've made a discovery
40:06 on the brothel case.
40:07 - Oh, Eliza.
40:08 - I know who the gunman is.
40:09 (suspenseful music)
40:12 There's a hidden door that leads from the bedroom
40:16 where the minister was shot
40:17 into a room of an abandoned building.
40:19 And it's there that I found a bullet.
40:21 I believe it was discharged by the gunman as he escaped.
40:24 (suspenseful music)
40:29 Trousers belonging to the minister.
40:31 They were due to be incinerated at the hospital.
40:33 - So what does this have to do with the bullet?
40:35 (suspenseful music)
40:38 - This was attached to the bullet.
40:43 I recognize the pattern on the cloth.
40:44 I knew I'd seen it before in the hospital.
40:46 (suspenseful music)
40:50 (suspenseful music)
40:53 - Why would the minister lie
41:04 and say that the gunman shot him in the bedroom?
41:07 - Because he is the gunman, William.
41:09 (suspenseful music)
41:12 - Why on earth would I want to stage a robbery?
41:17 I'm a government minister, for heaven's sake.
41:19 (scoffs)
41:20 - Well, I've done some digging on you, sir,
41:21 and it would appear that you're also
41:23 in grave financial straits.
41:26 I would say that that is motive enough.
41:28 - Being a junior minister must be a costly business
41:30 if you hope for promotion.
41:32 Dinners, theater trips,
41:35 hosting parties with the right wine.
41:37 Must be a strain on one's resources.
41:39 (scoffs)
41:44 - Anyone who tells you it's not who you know
41:46 but what you know is a liar.
41:48 (footsteps)
41:50 - I needed the money to rise up the ranks,
41:54 to impress those with the power to help me advance.
41:59 - You staged a robbery in a place
42:00 where no one would want to admit to being.
42:03 - It is the favored brothel by those at the home office.
42:07 It seemed like the perfect place to do it.
42:11 - So when everyone thought you were in bed intoxicated,
42:16 you disguised yourself as the gunman,
42:17 and when it came to robbing yourself,
42:20 you staged a fight to make it look like
42:22 there'd been a struggle.
42:23 - I planned to leave the gunman's attire
42:27 and what I'd stolen in the room next door.
42:29 I would then get back into bed as the drunk minister
42:33 and no one would be any the wiser.
42:35 But then I heard the watchman on duty
42:39 yelling for help outside and I...
42:43 Flew into a panic as I squeezed through the door
42:47 to the disused room.
42:48 I stumbled and fell and the handgun went off.
42:53 I've never used a handgun before.
42:58 Bought it from some rough type in a pub in Whitechapel.
43:03 - But you had to cover the fact that you'd been shot
43:07 so you put a bullet in the bedroom floor too.
43:13 - I told the madam everything.
43:15 I had to.
43:18 Needed her help.
43:20 She was livid I'd done such a thing in her place of business
43:25 so she instructed that I keep my mouth shut
43:27 and she would get rid of the evidence.
43:30 - Which is why she pretended to track down
43:32 the stolen possessions.
43:33 When in fact she had them all the time,
43:37 they would be returned to their owners
43:39 and the case would be closed quickly and discreetly.
43:43 - Minister Delaware will resign and go away quietly.
43:55 - And this Madam Harrah, she's up to her eyes
44:01 in all this too?
44:02 - Oh no, no, she used to be left alone
44:04 and she knows too much about too many.
44:09 - Sir, this expansion is crippling us.
44:13 We lack the manpower and the resources to cope.
44:17 My biggest fear is that I am sending my men
44:20 into situations that they are ill prepared for.
44:22 Someone is going to get hurt.
44:23 - What would you have me do?
44:25 I cannot pluck money out of thin air.
44:28 - No sir, but perhaps this case can give you
44:33 some more sway with the Home Office.
44:38 After all, it's for their sake we're staying quiet.
44:40 - You're asking me to blackmail
44:44 the government department.
44:47 - No, of course not sir, not blackmail.
44:48 More, more leverage to negotiate.
44:53 - If I had my way, I would dismiss you
45:00 with immediate effect for the mere suggestion
45:04 of such a thing.
45:05 But given the flux we are in, that would benefit no one.
45:10 - You are to keep your mouth shut about this case.
45:16 Is that clear, Wellington?
45:19 - Perfectly so.
45:34 - You're simply thinking of your men.
45:36 - These commissioners don't quite see it like that.
45:38 - Would you like me to have a word with him?
45:40 (laughs)
45:42 It's nice to see you smile.
45:44 - I haven't had much to smile about recently.
45:47 - I'm sorry I lied to you.
45:54 I did try to lead Nash's men,
45:59 but they just saw me as some bossy woman.
46:03 - You're not bossy, Eliza.
46:04 You are determined.
46:08 - Things haven't quite turned out how I'd hoped.
46:19 Sometimes I do wonder.
46:24 - If it's all worth it.
46:33 - You are good, Detective Eliza, very good.
46:36 And whatever happens from here,
46:39 you'll find a way to make it work.
46:40 You always do.
46:43 - You're just saying that so that I pay for dinner
46:47 tomorrow evening.
46:48 - I wasn't aware that we were due to dine.
46:52 - The last Wednesday of every month we dine
46:53 and that just happens to be tomorrow.
46:55 It's been a while since we enjoyed an evening out.
46:59 - It has.
47:01 (gentle music)
47:04 - Well, no more burning them in either, Earl.
47:08 You must go home tonight and rest.
47:09 I will not have you falling asleep at the table.
47:11 - I'll take back what I said.
47:12 You are bossy.
47:14 Good night, Eliza.
47:19 - Good night, William.
47:23 - Night, Inspector.
47:28 - Night, Harriet.
47:29 - I found something in these files
47:31 you asked me to look through.
47:32 - The case is closed, Ivy.
47:33 - It's not about the gunman.
47:34 It's about someone else entirely.
47:36 - Now I understand why you haven't sought
47:45 another position like the others.
47:47 Or gone to Paris with Mr. Nash.
47:49 The small issue of a criminal record
47:52 would have paid to that.
47:53 You are mentioned as an associate to not one,
47:57 but three criminal gangs as their accountant.
48:00 And not a very successful one,
48:01 given you serve time for taxation fraud.
48:03 - Mr. Nash hired me when no one else would.
48:10 And I shall be forever grateful for that.
48:14 I shall fetch my coat and hat.
48:26 - No, don't.
48:28 Neither of us is perfect, Clarence.
48:37 And if I promise to be more accommodating,
48:41 I would like you to promise to stop
48:42 comparing me to Mr. Nash.
48:53 - So, we are stuck with each other?
48:57 - It seems so.
48:59 Together, Clarence, we shall once more
49:05 make this agency successful.
49:07 And those that underestimate us
49:09 should do so at their own peril.
49:11 - Oh, on that, our informant from the brothel,
49:19 Athena, came by for her fee.
49:22 She likes to chat, that one.
49:23 She told me something that may be of interest to you.
49:28 - Mrs. Sinclair.
49:41 - Ah, Miss Scarlet.
49:43 How serendipitous.
49:45 I was intending to pay you a visit this very afternoon.
49:48 It appears you have saved me a journey.
49:51 Here is the story I have just penned
49:54 about you and your lamentable fall from grace.
49:58 Would you care to read it now?
50:00 Or perhaps you would rather wait until it's published,
50:02 which I believe it will be in tomorrow morning's edition.
50:05 - No, it will not, Mrs. Sinclair.
50:07 In fact, you will return immediately to the office
50:09 and retract the article.
50:10 - And why on earth would I do that?
50:13 - You've no doubt heard about the robbery that took place
50:16 at the Brothel in Mayfair at the Temple of Elysium.
50:18 The madam has asked her girls
50:20 to reunite their regular clients
50:22 with their stolen possessions.
50:24 And one of those girls
50:25 just happens to be an associate of mine.
50:27 Athena?
50:29 She kindly allowed me to return this to you.
50:32 Very nice.
50:38 Scription of your name.
50:40 No mention of you being chief correspondent, though.
50:42 Perhaps the next time your wife inscribes a gift,
50:45 she'll remember to include it.
50:47 Oh, and just to reassure you,
50:48 Inspector Wellington has logged it as evidence.
50:51 So should the need ever arise to prove your presence
50:54 at the Brothel, it will not be hard to do so.
50:56 Good day, Mrs. Sinclair.
51:06 Thank you.
51:15 Oh!
51:16 Miss Scarlet, if you would excuse me.
51:33 I'm taking tea with my good friend.
51:35 Stay alone!
51:36 - You wish to hire me?
51:37 - Desperate times call for desperate measures.
51:39 - I'm sure I'll be fine to visit
51:40 such a dangerous, violent criminal alone.
51:43 (dramatic music)
51:46 (dramatic music)
51:48 (dramatic music)
51:51 (dramatic music)
51:54 (dramatic music)
51:57 (dramatic music)
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52:07 (dramatic music)
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