Shepparton still under flood threat

  • 8 months ago
Many Victorian towns are beginning to clean up after floodwaters swept through. But rivers are yet to peak in some areas, with Shepparton still under threat.


00:00 Sheperton is the sort of focus of attention at the moment. You can see the
00:05 Goulburn River behind me. It is very swollen. The waters are moving downstream.
00:10 We expect that they'll peak here in Sheperton likely maybe midnight tonight
00:14 or early into tomorrow morning. Initially we were expecting a peak of around 10.7
00:19 but the latest figures I've seen have that down slightly to perhaps a peak of
00:24 10.4. It's still a lot of water but it is lower than what we saw back in 2022
00:30 when this area was last hit by bad flooding. So good news that it is going
00:34 to be below that level. At the moment they're thinking that properties that
00:39 are likely to be affected it's more that they will be isolated or cut off as
00:43 opposed to anyone being inundated here. So you know the focus is on sort of some
00:49 some roads and bridges that cross the river that that will be cut off. Here's a
00:53 little of what the SES has had to say this morning. We've door knocked 300
00:58 properties where we're going to see water potentially in their streets and
01:02 also cutting off a number of access roads in that area. So again our key
01:06 message do not attempt to drive through floodwaters. It could very well be the
01:10 last decision you make. But also that people may see water come on to their
01:15 properties but we're not expecting any inundations above floor with this
01:18 flooding around Sheperton and Maroopna this time around. Obviously there's
01:22 quite a emotional response from people. There's a lot of anxiety because it has
01:26 only been 15 months since those terrible floods of 2022. So these communities, many
01:31 of them are still recovering. There's people still trying to rebuild from
01:34 those floods. So to have more water coming through has obviously been very
01:38 traumatic for a lot of people. As we've just heard fortunately here in Sheperton
01:43 they're not expecting houses to be affected by this flooding. We have seen
01:46 some downstream, upstream rather in Murchison. There were a couple of
01:53 houses there that were flooded yesterday. I spoke to one resident who thought he'd
01:58 be out of his house for at least a week. The bottom level had been flooded. He was
02:02 grateful that at least his second story hadn't been flooded which is what he
02:05 experienced in 2022. So while it hasn't been as bad as that flood 15 months ago
02:11 there are still people that are needing to do cleanup and there's also been
02:15 impact as well on on farmers. This is a fruit bowl area already because of the
02:21 wild weather we've seen in the lead-up to this flooding. It's thought that
02:25 growers have already lost around 10 million dollars from all of the rain and
02:30 hail that we've seen. This is our wettest January in Victoria in
02:36 a century. So there is an economic cost to all of this but good news that
02:40 at least here in Shepparton they're not expecting houses to be inundated.
