• 9 months ago
Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat
JKP Connect
Jagadguruttam Sadhana Shivir and Lohri 2024
12 & 13.01.2024

The Jagadguruttam Diwas Sadhana Shivir 2024 began on the 12.01.2024 as thousands of sadhaks are here in Jagadguru Dham, Vrindavan to attend this Shivir. Daily aarti, prayer and Sankirtan takes place as everyone practices their sadhana diligently.

We also celebrated the special occasion of Lohri!

We are sharing some pictures of this special event. Do join us on 14.01.2024 for special live coverage of the 67th Jagadguruttam Diwas! Watch at www.youtube.com/JKPIndia !

More news will follow.


