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Season 1 | show | 2024| S1 | Official Trailer | dHNzXzkyY0NzWXFZVWRV


00:00 I'm Jane.
00:03 I'm John.
00:06 Banking card and marriage registration.
00:12 You're married?
00:15 Yeah, I guess so.
00:17 They didn't bring up that we'd be paired until the last interview.
00:25 It's an old KGB tactic. They draw less attention as a couple.
00:30 [Gunshots]
00:32 Very romantic.
00:35 What is it that you two do?
00:39 We're sophomore engineers.
00:43 Administer single dose, no casualties.
00:46 [Screams]
00:47 What?
00:48 You think if the company hadn't matched you, you'd be compatible?
00:51 You act like a baby!
00:53 You're sitting underneath a shelter I made. I made this fire. I got you this fish.
00:57 I made this fish.
00:59 No.
01:00 Maybe.
01:01 Work, life, romance. They're all part of the same project.
01:08 You said you loved me.
01:10 Yeah, you did too.
01:15 We're about to die.
01:18 So you didn't mean it?
01:23 No, I do.
01:25 That's cool.
01:27 [Laughs]
01:30 Ow!
01:31 [Screams]
01:33 [Groans]
01:36 [Groans]
01:37 Don't do that!
01:39 Sorry.
01:41 It's just a job. It is not life and death.
01:50 See?
01:52 [Laughs]
01:53 [Clicks tongue]
01:55 You feel better?
01:56 [music playing]