Double delight as Academy 360 celebrates two prestigious national awards

  • 9 months ago
Staff and students at Academy 360 describe their delight after the school received both the Parental Partnership award and History Quality Mark.
00:00 Okay then Jake, so what are some of the ways that parents get involved at the school then?
00:05 Some of the ways that parents get involved is they can come on trips, they can come to parents evenings, they can come to the...
00:18 Some of the shows you mentioned earlier?
00:20 Bistroff.
00:22 Okay.
00:23 And just way too many to name.
00:26 And why do you think it's important that parents get involved in school life?
00:29 Because if parents get involved in the school they know what's happening, it gives them a better understanding of what goes on in school.
00:38 Okay. And Ruby, you also got an award for history as well, so what's the best thing about learning about history at this school?
00:45 The best thing about learning history is about when you get to go on trips and see new things.
00:51 What about you, Ryo?
00:52 Probably the same as Ruby, the experience that it used to be like back then.
00:58 And what's one of the trips you've been on?
01:00 The Roman Roans I think it was.
01:03 Okay. So you've got these two awards at the school, how does that make you feel Jake?
01:07 Superb.
01:08 Proud.
01:09 Excited.
01:11 Okay and Mrs West, I want to just ask first what the parental award is all about and why the award was given to the school?
01:17 We always have strong community links and parental links in school and we felt as a staff body it would be lovely to be recognised for all of the additional work
01:26 that parents support us with within our school and our curriculum and recognise the hard work of the staff.
01:33 The award recognises a strong curriculum and the involvement of parents, it recognises our strong links of communication
01:41 and through social media we use, our information sheets and workshops and obviously all of the enrichment events that they're allowed to
01:49 and encouraged to visit with their children.
01:53 The history quality mark, what does that entail and again what stood out for the assessors as to why the school got the award?
01:58 The history quality mark recognises the history provision within our school and the quality of it.
02:04 Outstanding for our award was our enrichment that we provide for history, all the trips and visits that we have in each year group
02:15 and every half term is a big strength of our school to provide our children with the opportunities to experience first hand.
02:23 And how does it feel to get both these awards?
02:26 We're absolutely thrilled to have both of the awards, it again just reinforces the dedication and support of the whole community and the staff
02:36 and importantly for the children the quality of curriculum provided at Academy 360.
