Why West Ham’s Mohammed Kudus Could Be The Signing Of The Season

  • 9 months ago
They might be out of the Carabao Cup, but West Ham's Premier League and Europa League seasons are starting to look quietly exciting. There's a number of reasons for that, but chief amongst them is Mohammed Kudus, who's making a claim to not only be the signing of the season, but West Ham's most perfect one in years.


00:00 *Intro*
00:03 Hello there everybody, Adam Cleary from 442 here for you
00:06 and Mohammed Kudos, or Mohammed Kudos, as I like to call him,
00:11 'cause he's, 'cause he's doing well.
00:13 Shut up.
00:14 Anyway, thanks to him and his brilliance, West Ham are very quietly starting to have quite a good season.
00:20 Ooh, look how high they are in at the Premier League table,
00:23 and all the plaudits are falling at this man's feet.
00:26 Now, obviously that's because he's a really, really good footballer, which we're going to look at,
00:30 but more importantly, in terms of how West Ham are setting themselves up and how they want to play this season,
00:35 they could not have gone out and bought a more perfect player if they tried.
00:41 Which I presume they did.
00:42 *Ding*
00:44 Alright, so, first things first, is this how West Ham play?
00:48 I kind of think it's how West Ham play.
00:50 Sometimes it's a 4-2-3-1, and sometimes it's kind of just more like a 4-3-3,
00:55 and sometimes Lucas Paquette is here, but mostly he's over there,
00:59 and sometimes Sochek's there, but sometimes he's here,
01:02 and sometimes Ward-Prouse is there.
01:04 It's kind of really messy how they're setting up this season.
01:06 It's very inconsistent, but the one thing that is consistent is this man, Kudas.
01:11 He doesn't just play on the right in sort of a wide sense,
01:14 he pretty much plays the entire right-hand side of the pitch,
01:17 drifting inside to get involved when needed, tracking back to do his defensive duties,
01:21 and then just being the focal point of most of their attacks.
01:24 He's also not afraid to just go and swap with whoever's on the left-hand side,
01:27 because he is left-footed, and also whisper this one,
01:30 but he quite likes just setting himself up in the middle, because there was some talk,
01:34 he would ultimately be a false nine.
01:36 Now, he hasn't been for West Ham much yet, but that could happen.
01:40 Like, this is his total heat map in the Premier League this season,
01:43 and you can see, yes, predominantly on the right, but also can just go anywhere.
01:48 Now, West Ham this season are primarily looking to do one of two things in attack,
01:52 and one is working quite well, and the other is not.
01:55 What isn't working as well as it could be is this--
01:58 - Right, okay, sorry, I've got to stop this, because you've noticed it.
02:02 Of course you've noticed it. There's a big stain on my sleeve here.
02:06 It's the last filming day before Christmas.
02:09 We decide to order KFC as a nice treat. I don't know if that's gravy,
02:13 I don't know if that's beans, could be zinger sauce, could be anything.
02:16 Not sure, but someone has slopped it on the table, not me,
02:18 and then I've got to put my arm in it, and I didn't notice until I sat down to edit the thing.
02:24 By which point, too late, isn't it? It's just there.
02:26 So it is there, and it is there for the entire video, and I just wanted to come on
02:31 and apologize for being such a scruff, but it is what it is.
02:35 I'm afraid we'll just try and not look at it, okay?
02:39 Just try and ignore it. The rest of the video is really good,
02:42 so just focus on that, okay?
02:45 Thanks. Bye.
02:48 What isn't working as well as it could be is their set pieces.
02:51 They got James Ward-Prouse in the summer, wherever he is on this,
02:54 so they inherited this wonderful array of set piece options.
02:57 Corners, free kicks, the lot, they are targeting those.
03:00 And as a result, out of all the chances they've created this season,
03:03 they have the second highest percentage of those being set pieces.
03:07 Only Everton, Deich's Everton, have a higher percentage of set piece chances,
03:12 but they're not really converting them as well as they should be.
03:15 If you care about xG, then their xG from set pieces is like 8,
03:19 but they've only scored 5 goals, so they are underperforming.
03:23 Just by measure of comparison, Arsenal's set piece xG is like 6,
03:27 and they've scored 10, so bad, bad, bad, bad.
03:31 Now West Ham will be hoping that improves as the season goes on,
03:34 because clearly Ward-Prouse and everybody else, they are creating good chances
03:37 from set pieces, they're just not converting them yet.
03:39 But what is currently working for them though, is their other main approach,
03:42 which is to sit really deep like this and be compact and hard to break down,
03:46 be very moist, and then go direct and quick into the space that leaves.
03:51 And we can see this in the numbers this season, because West Ham have some of
03:54 the lowest possession in the Premier League this season.
03:57 Like it's only really the teams that are struggling, and Everton,
04:00 Deich's Everton, who do it on purpose, who see the ball as little as they do.
04:04 But then when we look at the number of long balls attempted,
04:07 then whoosh, would you look at that, they jump right back to the top of the league.
04:11 Now if that makes it sound like I'm describing them as some kind of boring,
04:14 negative, like, route one side, then not, because it's not Mikhail Antonio
04:18 this season that's been excelling in this role, it's Jared Bowen,
04:21 who I think I'm right in saying is 3 foot 2.
04:24 So the idea isn't to be really negative and then just lump it up to a big man
04:28 who will put his foot on it and bring everyone else into play,
04:31 it is genuinely to create loads of space in behind, hit that,
04:34 and allow your Bowens and your Kudases to run through and score.
04:38 And you can tell it's that and not the other thing because West Ham also
04:41 lead the league by miles for the number of switches of play.
04:45 And what that tells you is they're still trying to create these pockets of space
04:49 in behind the defence, even when they've got possession and they are pushed up the pitch.
04:53 Just to show you what I mean, if you imagine this is West Ham and they've got
04:56 the other team penned in, Bowen's not going to run in behind now,
04:59 but he can certainly do a lot of movement that will give the defenders
05:02 a bit of space to run into the goal.
05:04 So what they do is they take the ball out to the side,
05:07 they move the ball out to that side, the full-back joins in to provide the width.
05:10 You've got, let's say it's Paqueta, he kind of floats inside,
05:13 there's a lot going on over here and they move the defence,
05:16 hopefully this works, over and across to sort of congest this area.
05:21 And by doing that, you can see that if this is Kudas,
05:23 he hasn't now got a lot of space to run into,
05:25 it's not like 30 yards in a straight line to the goal,
05:28 but they have manufactured him more space than he would otherwise have.
05:31 If you've seen it, the ball would then go slowly back across
05:34 as they probe and try to find an option.
05:36 But the reason West Ham ranks so high for completed switches of play
05:40 is because this space here is what they're trying to create
05:43 specifically so they can go long into it.
05:46 And the goal they scored against Arsenal was just a brilliant example of this
05:49 because just look at the situation here, they've not made loads of room,
05:52 they've not created loads of space, but they have pulled Arsenal over to this side.
05:56 There's not what you would call a chance on here,
05:58 but if they can hit a really long, perfectly accurate pass into this position,
06:02 Kudas can get into it.
06:04 And he does, he controls the ball brilliantly,
06:06 comes inside his defender, that sounds really weird,
06:09 and then he finishes.
06:11 Football's really dirty, isn't it?
06:14 So that's what West Ham are currently trying to do,
06:16 and obviously for Kudas in particular, he's getting loads of goals,
06:19 it's working really well for him.
06:21 But why?
06:22 Well, to be the perfect player in this system, what do you need?
06:25 You need blistering pace, which obviously he's got,
06:27 you don't need me to show you that.
06:28 You've got to be a great finisher as well.
06:30 He's good with his left foot, he's good with his right foot,
06:32 he's deadly in front of the goal, from range, from close,
06:34 like the guy is genuinely lethal.
06:37 But also, you're going to be doing a lot of running with the ball.
06:40 Like West Ham might be sitting deep, they're going to go straight into you
06:43 once they turn that ball over.
06:44 You might be receiving it in this part of the pitch here
06:47 and have to know exactly how you're going to get it from there
06:50 to a goal-scoring chance.
06:52 And maybe there's only one defender in your way,
06:54 but maybe there's three or four.
06:56 You need to be as comfortable taking one man on
06:59 as you are dribbling between a bunch of them.
07:01 He's absolutely out of this world, this kid.
07:04 Like this is just this season in the Premier League as well,
07:06 so there's no stat padding from six months in the Eredivisie.
07:10 This is how he has adapted to the "hardest league to play in on the planet".
07:14 There is only really Jeremy Doku, who is even attempting to go past him
07:18 more times in a game.
07:19 And in terms of how successful he is as a percentage,
07:22 Kudas is fractionally better.
07:24 When on the one hand you look at those numbers,
07:26 and on the other hand you look at these,
07:28 that red one is bad.
07:29 He's not getting very many shots away per game
07:31 because West Ham aren't creating that many chances.
07:34 And yet he scores really high for actual goals,
07:37 which means if that number is low and that number is high,
07:40 he is f***ing lethal.
07:42 So when West Ham are able to create these pockets of space
07:44 and they get Kudas into them,
07:46 that is just like nightmare fuel for defenders.
07:50 Statistically, he's going to go past you.
07:52 And if he does, he's probably going to score.
07:54 But that is not what we're here to praise him for today.
07:58 You did not click on this video just needing me to tell you
08:00 that Kudas is good in front of goal and can run past players.
08:03 That is not the thing I think is most interesting.
08:06 Because we're here to talk about why he's perfect for this particular system,
08:10 not why he's just like broadly amazing.
08:13 If you are going to sit deep and invite pressure on
08:15 to create the kind of space you need for these opportunities,
08:18 then you need to be really good and really disciplined defensively.
08:22 And that's why this West Ham system works quite well,
08:25 because Alvarez and Socek, very, very different players,
08:28 but both dogged and determined.
08:30 They don't give the ball up.
08:31 James Ward-Prouse and Lucas Paquette are like primarily creators.
08:35 You think of them for what they can do with the ball at their feet,
08:37 but they're also great in a tackle and they're great at covering space.
08:41 And Bowen as well, now that he's moved into the centre of the pitch,
08:43 has become this amazing pressing forward.
08:46 The defenders don't get a minute's peace,
08:48 but none of them are carrying Kudas.
08:51 You would forgive West Ham for being set up in this way,
08:53 of having all this sort of discipline and just sort of like
08:56 steely mind David Moyes-ness,
08:58 and then you just throw some spectacular young lad out on the wing
09:02 and just hope he can do something with it.
09:03 But no, he is as much a part of this system as the rest of them.
09:07 If I ever show you any stats that are likely to surprise you,
09:10 it should be these.
09:12 Comparative to all the other attacking midfielders
09:14 and wingers in the Premier League,
09:16 Kudas might genuinely be the best one defensively.
09:20 Like he's legitimately top number one.
09:22 Nobody else is doing more in the Premier League
09:24 for the number of tackles and for the number of tackles won.
09:27 And unlike a lot of other players who are just winning the ball back loads
09:30 because they're part of a high pressing team,
09:31 he's doing it all over the pitch.
09:33 Like when West Ham press high, he's good at winning the ball back.
09:36 When they're defending deep, he's good at winning the ball back.
09:38 When it's just loose in the middle, he can win the ball back.
09:41 But this is the best one though, he's top for ball recoveries.
09:43 And if you're not entirely sure what that means,
09:45 it's just if the ball is ever loose, if someone loses control of it,
09:48 if it's just sort of there to be got,
09:50 nobody is getting it more than he is.
09:53 And that's really important because it means you just switched on all the time.
09:57 It means you react faster than other people.
09:59 It means you read the game really well.
10:01 It displays a really high level of on-field intelligence.
10:04 And this will really please West Ham fans.
10:06 If you just purely look at the combined number of tackles and interceptions,
10:09 basically how many times you go and take the ball off the opposition,
10:12 he scores really, really highly.
10:15 But you want to know who is at the very top of that particular stat,
10:18 who he's trailing behind?
10:20 Lucas Paqueta.
10:22 It's a system that this whole West Ham team have bought into,
10:25 and it's one that as the season goes on,
10:27 could potentially mean they have a really, really good campaign.
10:30 And do you know what? Actually, since he's just come up,
10:32 Paqueta, Paquetar, I can never decide which one it is.
10:35 He is as important to this West Ham team as anybody else.
10:39 He is so good on the ball. He sets the tempo.
10:42 He's dogging in the tackle, and he creates so many of these chances for Kudus.
10:47 In fact, it's part of the reason he's found himself out on the left this season,
10:50 to just relieve him of some of the congestion of the centre of the pitch,
10:53 relieve him of some of that responsibility.
10:55 So if he does get on the ball, his first thought can be,
10:57 "Can I get that lad in?"
10:59 And as we've seen in this video, he does, frequently.
11:01 So, yeah, too long, didn't read.
11:03 Mohamed Kudus is fantastic.
11:05 And if you were one of the sporting directors at one of the "big clubs",
11:08 you should sack yourself right now for having missed him.
11:11 38 million. 38 million.
11:14 He could legitimately go for, like, treble that at the end of this season, if he wants to.
11:18 Anyway, it's practically Christmas now, isn't it?
11:20 And I've got a dog to pet, so West Ham fans and everybody else,
11:23 please do let us know what you make of Kudus in the comments below.
11:26 We do dearly love to hear from you.
11:28 And if you enjoyed this video, hey, why wouldn't you?
11:30 Why not subscribe to us here at 442 on YouTube?
11:32 You can make that my Christmas present, if you really want to.
11:35 Get me on Twitter, socials, I forget which ones I'm on, @adamcleary,
11:38 C-L-E-R-Y, 442 socials, corner of the video.
11:40 The brand new magazine,
11:42 which is appearing in my hand right now,
11:44 because I forgot to bring a copy downstairs, is on sale.
11:46 Ooh, Mary Earp's, didn't we time that one well?
11:49 That's it, yeah.
11:50 This is the last video you'll watch this Christmas.
11:52 Have a nice time, and I'll see you soon.
11:55 That's kind of an outro, isn't it?
