• last year
Five Minute Burpee Burner | Men’s Health Muscle


00:00 Four, let's go.
00:01 Three, two, one.
00:05 There it is.
00:05 - Hey y'all, Brett Williams here
00:08 for another installment of Five Minutes of Hell.
00:10 Today I'm joined by Kurt Ellis,
00:12 a coach in New York City.
00:14 Kurt, what do you have for me today?
00:17 - Got some fun lined up for you today, Brett.
00:19 So we have burpees and beasts.
00:22 Dueling ladders.
00:23 Starts off a little spicy,
00:26 gets a little bit more tamed towards the end.
00:29 Should be a lot of fun though.
00:30 - Okay, I think I will be the judge of how fun it is.
00:33 - We'll see.
00:34 - Let's get into it right now.
00:35 Let's go. - Let's work.
00:36 (upbeat music)
00:39 - All right, Brett, for today's workout
00:44 we have our loaded beast pushup to a burpee.
00:48 How we're gonna do this, EMOM style.
00:50 So every minute on the minute, right?
00:52 We're going one to five with our ascending ladder
00:54 with the pushup to the loaded beast.
00:57 Descending ladder, 10 to five with your burpees.
01:01 - Okay. - How do you feel about that?
01:03 - Up and down, up and down with the pushup,
01:06 up and down with the burpees, up and down with the reps.
01:08 Let's just do it.
01:09 Let's go. - Let's get to work.
01:11 All right, Brett, let's work, baby.
01:13 One pushup, 10 burpees.
01:16 Let's work.
01:17 Got 10 burpees here, let's go.
01:20 One.
01:21 Two.
01:26 Three, let's go.
01:27 Great pace here, Brett, come on.
01:30 Two great movements, they complement each other very well.
01:36 I feel like you're getting your heart rate up,
01:37 you're being deliberate, developing the chest,
01:39 you get a burn in there, a little bit of everything.
01:42 Last one.
01:44 Come on, Brett, let's go, baby.
01:46 Good work, 30 seconds, chill.
01:49 Phenomenal pace on that one, by the way.
01:51 - I feel like it's gonna get harder, though.
01:52 - It gets a little spicy, man, come on.
01:54 - He doesn't even know that was loaded beef.
01:57 - So here you got-- - I'm still more concerned.
01:58 - You got two loaded beefs to pushups.
02:01 Nine burpees.
02:02 Got about 10 seconds.
02:04 Got a little chance here to catch your breath, right?
02:06 Like I mentioned, starts off spicy.
02:09 I don't know if it's gonna get a lot spicy at the end,
02:11 we'll see.
02:12 In three, two, come on, baby, let's work.
02:15 Two of these.
02:16 Nine.
02:21 There it is.
02:23 One.
02:24 Two.
02:26 Three.
02:30 Let's go, Brett.
02:31 Four.
02:32 Get those hands overhead.
02:34 Chest to the floor.
02:35 Explode out of that bottom position.
02:38 Six.
02:38 Two more, come on, Brett, stay strong, baby, come on.
02:44 Last one.
02:45 Look at this pace, ladies and gentlemen.
02:49 About 30 seconds left, good job.
02:51 How you feel?
02:52 - As long as I'm getting enough air.
02:53 (laughing)
02:55 - Good work, brother, come on.
02:57 Got about 15 seconds left here, all right?
02:59 Suck in some wind.
03:02 Nice exhale, you got three loaded beefs to your pushups.
03:07 Eight burpees.
03:08 Let's crush it, you got five seconds.
03:11 Let's get back to it in three, two, one, let's work.
03:15 Let's go, push, push, push, push.
03:20 Come on, Brett, let's go.
03:22 Three, let's go, eight.
03:24 Let's go, Brett, one.
03:26 Two.
03:30 All the way down.
03:31 Come on, all the way up.
03:33 Let's go, four.
03:36 Love these, chest making contact to the ground.
03:40 Here we go.
03:41 Two more.
03:43 Sir, last one, finish strong here.
03:47 Let's go, Brett.
03:49 Let's go, brother.
03:51 - I'm feeling it.
03:52 - Two more rounds, come on now.
03:54 You're right there.
03:55 - That release, it makes it,
03:59 it's good because I'm not tempted
04:03 to toss myself down too hard,
04:05 but I'm really thinking about it every time.
04:08 (laughing)
04:09 - Let's go, brother, you got five seconds.
04:12 Let's go, three, two, let's go, four, seven, work.
04:17 So as we sit back into that loaded beast position,
04:20 we're getting ourselves into that extended position
04:23 while we get a chance to even work some hip mobility as well
04:26 by sitting into sort of like a horizontal squat position.
04:29 Two.
04:35 Three.
04:39 Come on, Brett.
04:40 Four.
04:42 Five.
04:45 Six.
04:49 Last one.
04:50 Yes, sir.
04:52 Take a second.
04:52 Catch your breath.
04:55 - Try six. - Last one coming up.
04:56 Come on now, this is where the pump comes in,
04:58 ladies and gentlemen, right?
05:00 Think you're getting a little bit of a break
05:01 going into that burpee?
05:02 Ooh, going from that loaded beast position
05:04 right into that burpee.
05:06 Oh, you get a pump from that. - Try six.
05:07 - Oh yeah.
05:08 Come on, you're almost there, five seconds.
05:10 Last round coming up.
05:13 Three, two, let's go, five, six.
05:18 (upbeat music)
05:20 Two.
05:23 Three.
05:26 Now this becomes the most challenging part of this
05:28 towards the end, right?
05:30 It's a pushup, you're getting some upper back extension.
05:33 Good, go right into it now, come on.
05:35 Six, finish strong.
05:36 Boom, one.
05:37 Two.
05:41 Great thing about this, you still get to be explosive,
05:46 you still get to be dynamic with the burpee, all right?
05:50 Last two, Brett, come on, baby.
05:52 Last one.
05:54 And that's how you work.
05:58 - My triceps, you know, even though pushup is chest,
06:05 burpee, you're not necessarily thinking about,
06:07 you know, those being, you know, the assisters.
06:09 - Yeah.
06:10 - They burned out quick. - Yeah.
06:12 - But the one thing that I really thought about
06:14 that I appreciated was the hand release in the burpee.
06:19 A lot of coaches will just have you hit the deck,
06:22 hit the deck, hit the deck.
06:24 Why did you change that?
06:27 - A lot of coaches will say,
06:27 "Listen, just fly through it, get it done."
06:30 For me, I like to be a little bit more deliberate
06:31 with things, right?
06:32 So that hand release just forces us to,
06:35 one, slow the movement down a little bit
06:37 so you're not racing through it, flopping on the floor.
06:40 You're being a little bit more deliberate, right?
06:42 Also, a little hidden part of this is
06:44 there's a little bit of upper back mobility
06:46 attached to it as well, right?
06:48 Going from that loaded beast position,
06:49 you're getting some upper back extension
06:51 with just sitting back in that loaded beast position.
06:54 Of course, with the hand release, same thing.
06:56 You're getting the hands up off the floor.
06:57 You're getting the mid-back activated
06:59 and the upper back activated.
07:01 So, you know, we get a couple of things
07:03 accomplished with that.
07:04 - Gosh, and it's more complete,
07:06 complements the pushups in the front of that dual ladder.
07:10 And I mean, if anybody doesn't think
07:12 that those burpees are as hard as other ones,
07:14 I can tell you my heart is still racing.
07:15 So if you really want to get things going,
07:18 give this one a try.
07:19 (upbeat music)
07:22 (upbeat music)
