• last year


00:00:00 (upbeat music)
00:00:02 - It was just another beautiful day
00:00:09 in our fair metropolis of Malibu.
00:00:12 The good citizens were free to live in peace.
00:00:18 Confident their children would be well taken care of at
00:00:23 SNC Babysitting.
00:00:25 Skipper, Navya and Chantal.
00:00:28 The greatest babysitting team in the world.
00:00:32 But then, weird, the Carmichael twins
00:00:35 should have been here 30 minutes ago.
00:00:37 - The McDuffie kids are late too.
00:00:39 - The super secret emergency signal.
00:00:43 - Babysitting squad, the city needs your help.
00:00:50 Someone's turning the children of Malibu into monsters.
00:00:54 - Not cool.
00:00:56 - Whatever diabolical super bad guy is behind this villainy,
00:01:00 you can count on us to save the day, Mayor Chelsea.
00:01:03 - Thank you, babysitting squad.
00:01:05 Oh, and you'll also have to do all my chores for a month.
00:01:09 - Chelsea, no ad libbing.
00:01:12 This looks like a job for
00:01:15 Skipper Super Sitter Squad.
00:01:23 - Oh, jeeves, is the babysitting mobile ready?
00:01:27 - Really?
00:01:28 You made me the butler.
00:01:29 - But you're my most faithful butler.
00:01:32 Just say your line.
00:01:34 - Oh, mighty heroes of good.
00:01:36 I regret to inform you that the babysitting mobile
00:01:38 is in the shop.
00:01:40 Plus you're 14 and can't drive anyway.
00:01:43 - Then we'll just have to fly.
00:01:45 - Sitter squad is go.
00:01:47 - The window was open.
00:01:52 Meanwhile, at the beach, an evil plot was unfolding.
00:01:56 (children laughing)
00:01:59 - Phylo, sell high.
00:02:02 - Phylo, sell high.
00:02:08 - Phylo, sell high.
00:02:13 (laughing)
00:02:19 - My most diabolical invention ever,
00:02:22 the adultifier works.
00:02:24 - Hey, why am I the bad guy in this?
00:02:27 - 'Cause you won't pick up your stinky socks
00:02:29 from our bedroom floor.
00:02:31 Come on, keep the story going.
00:02:32 - Ugh, fine.
00:02:35 - Now all those annoying kids will be forced
00:02:37 to do adult things, like save for retirement
00:02:41 and talk about the demise of DVDs.
00:02:44 (laughing)
00:02:48 - I don't think so.
00:02:49 We've come to end your fiendish plan.
00:02:52 - You'll never take me, hide.
00:02:54 - Hi-ya.
00:02:58 - Phylo.
00:03:00 - Phylo.
00:03:02 - I got you.
00:03:04 - Hi-ya.
00:03:06 - Hi-ya.
00:03:07 (laughing)
00:03:15 (dramatic music)
00:03:18 - All the way.
00:03:32 - And I was off.
00:03:33 - Ha, yeah, take that.
00:03:36 - And that's how we save the day.
00:03:38 - Skipper, the kids are asleep.
00:03:40 - Oh, yeah, right.
00:03:43 (snoring)
00:03:45 - Thanks for helping with their nap time story.
00:03:50 - It was fun.
00:03:51 I got to be mayor.
00:03:53 - And as mayor, I ordered that Stacy
00:03:55 take me to get ice cream.
00:03:57 - Hey, you're not really the mayor,
00:04:00 but I do like ice cream, so okay.
00:04:03 (laughing)
00:04:06 - You okay if I leave too?
00:04:09 - I'm a professional babysitter.
00:04:11 Besides, Navya and Chantal are due any minute.
00:04:14 Thanks for helping.
00:04:15 - Okay, good luck.
00:04:16 Bye.
00:04:19 (gasping)
00:04:24 (screaming)
00:04:28 (crying)
00:04:30 (gasping)
00:04:32 - She must not wake up the others.
00:04:36 Uh-oh.
00:04:39 - I'm hungry.
00:04:40 - I'm thirsty.
00:04:43 - I'm a fire truck.
00:04:45 (screaming)
00:04:47 - Okay, okay, so how about we be bear cubs and hibernate?
00:04:52 Huh?
00:04:54 - Let's all be fire trucks, yeah!
00:04:57 (meowing)
00:05:00 - Come on, don't jump on that.
00:05:01 Please don't jump on that.
00:05:03 Oh, wait a minute, wait, okay.
00:05:04 Um, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:05:05 Oh, don't let that.
00:05:07 Oh, okay, please, please, please, please, come back.
00:05:09 Oh, stop, stop, stop, fire truck.
00:05:10 Please stop.
00:05:11 Oh, ugh.
00:05:12 - Navya, where are you?
00:05:15 I need backup.
00:05:17 - Didn't you get the text from Chantal?
00:05:19 - Text?
00:05:19 No, why?
00:05:21 - Remember that dance we invented?
00:05:22 The dog cat?
00:05:23 (upbeat music)
00:05:27 (dog barking)
00:05:28 Do the dog cat.
00:05:29 (dog barking)
00:05:31 Do the dog cat.
00:05:32 - Meggly?
00:05:35 Deacon, put that down or.
00:05:38 - That'll happen.
00:05:39 - Apparently, the Prime Minister of East Slovakistan's
00:05:42 daughter had a cousin whose neighbor's sister
00:05:44 was at the party when we invented it.
00:05:46 And now we're invited to perform the dance
00:05:48 all across the country.
00:05:50 - The floor is lava.
00:05:52 - Come on, no cushions.
00:05:56 Well, that's great, Navya,
00:05:58 but what about our babysitting business?
00:06:00 We had plans for the whole summer.
00:06:03 - I know, Skip.
00:06:04 We hate to leave you like this.
00:06:06 You're the best babysitter ever.
00:06:09 - Whoa!
00:06:09 Okay, I gotta go.
00:06:13 Have fun on tour.
00:06:14 Oh wow, that's a lot of you.
00:06:15 Okay, uh, kids.
00:06:17 (children screaming)
00:06:20 I already made spaghetti.
00:06:21 It's on the counter.
00:06:24 (children laughing)
00:06:25 - Spaghetti fight!
00:06:26 - Not spaghetti fight, spaghetti lunch!
00:06:29 (upbeat music)
00:06:32 Oh, seriously?
00:06:36 (child laughing)
00:06:38 - Hey, parents, you're early.
00:06:46 This isn't what it looks like.
00:06:50 (child laughing)
00:06:51 But that is exactly what it looks like.
00:06:54 (child laughing)
00:06:57 (children chattering)
00:07:02 (sighs)
00:07:04 - You're giving me all the cookie dough parts?
00:07:10 - You need them more than I do.
00:07:12 What are big sisters for, right?
00:07:14 - Another cancellation?
00:07:20 No one is ever going to trust me with their kids again.
00:07:23 I might be the worst babysitter in the world.
00:07:29 - And the nominees for worst babysitter in the world are
00:07:33 Zincenzio Dracula for turning children
00:07:36 into part of his legion of the undead.
00:07:38 - Blech.
00:07:40 - Helga von Brüller for changing all her kids into toads.
00:07:44 (child laughing)
00:07:47 - Hi, mom!
00:07:48 - And Skipper Roberts for, well, she knows what she did.
00:07:53 And the winner is Skipper Roberts.
00:07:57 (children cheering)
00:08:00 - Ugh, another cancellation?
00:08:08 That's my last client.
00:08:10 With no kids to sit,
00:08:11 I should just quit my business altogether.
00:08:13 - Skipper, we Roberts don't do quit.
00:08:16 We dig deeper, fight harder, stand up for what we believe in
00:08:21 and Skipper, I believe in you.
00:08:25 - Uh, thanks.
00:08:27 I guess.
00:08:28 - Besides, there's lots of other stuff to do this summer.
00:08:33 Surf with Ken, hang with my big sister.
00:08:37 - Ooh, about that, a last minute change.
00:08:39 I'm going to be gone all summer.
00:08:40 I'm planting trees in the Amazon.
00:08:43 - Oh, okay.
00:08:45 Well, at least I can still boss around the little sisters.
00:08:49 - Oh, what is in here?
00:08:51 Chelsea, did you put your stuff in my bag?
00:08:53 - Eh, oh, okay.
00:08:56 Stacey and Chelsea are off to camp.
00:08:58 - (gasps) Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:09:00 All this time when you said camp,
00:09:02 you meant camp camp, like sleep away camp.
00:09:06 I thought you meant day camp.
00:09:08 - My not so little girls, they grow up so fast.
00:09:12 - Do you need a hug from Darby?
00:09:14 He makes me feel better when I'm sad.
00:09:16 - I can handle it, Chels.
00:09:19 Come here, Darby.
00:09:23 - So everyone's going away this summer
00:09:25 except me?
00:09:27 - Hey, we'll still be here.
00:09:29 - But you're adults, you're no fun.
00:09:31 - Who says?
00:09:32 I've got an exciting summer plan.
00:09:34 Organize the kitchen drawers,
00:09:36 weed the compost pile,
00:09:37 get the puppies defleet, and then-
00:09:39 - Uh, I think Skipper needs this more than you, Dad.
00:09:43 - Oh!
00:09:46 - This is getting a little touchy.
00:09:48 - Oh, come on.
00:09:50 You know you love it.
00:09:51 - I'll be fine, seriously.
00:09:55 - All right, troops, then it's off to camp.
00:09:57 - Yay!
00:09:58 - You can drop me at the airport.
00:10:00 Hey, you got this, Skip.
00:10:02 Don't give up.
00:10:04 You're a great babysitter.
00:10:05 - Thanks, Barbie.
00:10:07 Have a great summer.
00:10:09 - Bye!
00:10:09 - Bye, Skip!
00:10:10 - Bye, Skipper!
00:10:11 - Have a good summer!
00:10:12 - We'll miss you!
00:10:13 - See you when you get back, I guess.
00:10:16 Gross.
00:10:19 Hmm.
00:10:22 (upbeat music)
00:10:25 - Hey, Ken!
00:10:32 Wanna hit the surf?
00:10:34 Waves look pretty crunchy today.
00:10:37 - Sorry, Skip.
00:10:38 I'm on duty.
00:10:40 Aren't you supposed to be babysitting anyway?
00:10:42 - Well, I was until...
00:10:44 I don't wanna talk about it.
00:10:45 How about later?
00:10:47 - No, Ken do.
00:10:48 I'm on call 24/7.
00:10:50 - Seriously?
00:10:51 All summer?
00:10:53 - All summer.
00:10:54 You never know when a junior lifeguarding emergency
00:10:57 might strike.
00:10:58 - Help!
00:10:59 Help me!
00:11:00 (upbeat music)
00:11:02 - Whoa!
00:11:09 - My umbrella!
00:11:11 - Hey, watch out!
00:11:13 - My sand castle!
00:11:14 - Watch out!
00:11:15 Watch out for that guy!
00:11:16 - Hot sand, hot sand!
00:11:17 Oh gosh!
00:11:18 - Hey!
00:11:21 Whoa!
00:11:22 Help me!
00:11:23 The tide is coming!
00:11:24 Oh no!
00:11:26 - Not on my watch!
00:11:29 - Oh, please, please.
00:11:36 No need to thank me.
00:11:38 But the tide!
00:11:39 I still need help.
00:11:41 I can't reach my sandwich.
00:11:44 - As you can see,
00:11:45 guarding the beach is a full-time job.
00:11:47 - Ow!
00:11:50 - Okay.
00:11:50 Well, have a great summer.
00:11:54 I guess I'm gonna go feel sorry for myself
00:11:57 by eating too many smoothies and french fries.
00:12:00 - Bye!
00:12:01 (monkey screeching)
00:12:04 - One sky high, small french fry.
00:12:17 - One sky high, small french fry.
00:12:20 - Pickles and onions on the side.
00:12:22 - Pickles and onions on the side.
00:12:25 (upbeat music)
00:12:27 - How may I help you today?
00:12:31 - Do they make you sing?
00:12:33 - Yeah, but I love it.
00:12:36 It brings me joy.
00:12:37 Like my name.
00:12:39 I'm Joy.
00:12:40 - Skipper.
00:12:41 - Wanna hear our special?
00:12:42 - Sure.
00:12:43 - Cheeseburger, onion rings, soda, and a pie.
00:12:46 - All for the low price of 5.55.
00:12:49 (laughing)
00:12:51 - Just a smoothie, but you're really great.
00:12:55 You too.
00:12:56 - Thank you.
00:12:57 - Excuse me, coming through.
00:13:03 - Oh, ew.
00:13:04 - Hey.
00:13:04 - How rude.
00:13:05 - I said, excuse me.
00:13:06 Oh, ew.
00:13:07 Ew, look, it's you.
00:13:09 The younger and less impressive Barbie.
00:13:12 - Hello, Tammy.
00:13:14 I have a name.
00:13:15 It's-
00:13:16 - Of literally no interest to me, thank you.
00:13:18 Now listen carefully.
00:13:21 Make me a strawberry sunset.
00:13:24 I'm not done.
00:13:28 Hold the strawberries and peaches instead.
00:13:31 But instead use nectarines and only soft nectarines.
00:13:35 Then instead of OJ,
00:13:36 I want freshly squeezed tangerine juice.
00:13:38 No, don't use that juicer.
00:13:41 It has to be hand squeezed.
00:13:44 Isn't this a little much even for you?
00:13:48 - I'm not talking to you.
00:13:50 - You're not talking to anyone.
00:13:52 You're barking orders.
00:13:54 - Oh, OMG.
00:13:56 Okay, so yeah, that's a mandarin.
00:13:58 Duh, I said tangerine.
00:14:02 - Or tangerine.
00:14:05 - Are you done yet?
00:14:07 - Coming right up.
00:14:08 (screaming)
00:14:13 (crashing)
00:14:15 (laughing)
00:14:18 - Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry.
00:14:19 (groaning)
00:14:23 - Let me guess.
00:14:28 - You're fired.
00:14:29 - Bye bye now.
00:14:33 - Hey, are you okay?
00:14:41 - Yeah.
00:14:41 Thanks for sticking up for me back there.
00:14:43 - Tammy is literally the worst.
00:14:46 - It's fine.
00:14:47 That job was never going to get me a recording contract,
00:14:51 but I will miss singing.
00:14:52 I'm really into music.
00:14:54 - Oh, me too.
00:14:55 But I don't sing, I DJ.
00:14:57 - That would be a cool summer job.
00:15:00 - It would be if I had one.
00:15:02 I was going to babysit, but that kind of fell apart.
00:15:05 - Bummer.
00:15:06 Looks like we both missed out
00:15:08 on finding our dream summer jobs.
00:15:10 (screaming)
00:15:11 (groaning)
00:15:14 - Looking for your dream summer job?
00:15:18 Right this way.
00:15:20 If you like swimming, surfing, cotton candy,
00:15:24 half pipes, full pipes, this job has it all.
00:15:28 We are hiring.
00:15:30 Go to 1234 Watery Way for an instant interview.
00:15:34 Don't walk, run.
00:15:36 If you have a jet pack, fly.
00:15:39 - No way.
00:15:40 How lucky are we?
00:15:41 Whoa!
00:15:42 Maybe you're a little less lucky.
00:15:47 (upbeat music)
00:15:52 - OMG, I thought I recognized that address.
00:16:07 It's the water park.
00:16:09 I love this place.
00:16:11 This is going to be the best summer job ever.
00:16:15 More reels.
00:16:16 - Chomp, chomp.
00:16:22 - Hi.
00:16:23 Ah.
00:16:24 Or not.
00:16:27 Come on, where's your sense of adventure?
00:16:30 - Adventure?
00:16:32 This place reminds me of that movie
00:16:33 where a bunch of teens who work at a theme park
00:16:35 find out they're actually test subjects
00:16:37 for a mad scientist experiment.
00:16:38 - Yeah, but they end up getting super powers.
00:16:41 How awesome would that be?
00:16:43 - Uh.
00:16:44 - I hear the boss here is a real monster.
00:16:48 Set the place up like this to divide and conquer.
00:16:51 Keep us weak.
00:16:53 But I don't play that.
00:16:54 I'm Anna.
00:16:55 - Skipper, that's Joy.
00:16:57 Hi.
00:16:58 - I like your earrings.
00:16:59 - Thanks, I made them.
00:17:01 I'm not just here for a job.
00:17:02 I want to see if the park will carry my line.
00:17:05 - And I want to not cry with fear.
00:17:07 (Skipper crying)
00:17:10 - Next!
00:17:11 - Uh, seriously?
00:17:21 Fine, I'll go.
00:17:22 It's just a job interview.
00:17:24 How bad can it be?
00:17:26 (Anna screaming)
00:17:35 (Anna panting)
00:17:38 (Anna screaming)
00:17:41 - Ahem, uh, hello?
00:17:47 I'm here about the job.
00:17:50 Tammy?
00:17:54 - Minnie.
00:17:55 - Barbie.
00:17:56 It's Skipper.
00:17:58 How are you running a water park?
00:18:00 - Isn't it obvious?
00:18:02 I'm just leadership material.
00:18:05 (banging)
00:18:07 - Wait, doesn't your dad own this place?
00:18:14 - That doesn't have anything to do with it.
00:18:18 I've got loads of VIP ideas.
00:18:23 But we're not here to talk about me.
00:18:25 So, tell me, Bipper, why should I hire you?
00:18:31 - Oh, come on.
00:18:33 You're my sister's biggest rival.
00:18:36 We both know you'd never hire me.
00:18:38 - (laughs) Finally, something we can agree on.
00:18:42 - Okay, okay, fine, yeah.
00:18:45 Move it all to the new account and close the old account.
00:18:47 Hi, sweetie, how's everything?
00:18:49 I wasn't calling you, sweetie.
00:18:50 I was talking to my daughter.
00:18:51 By the way, what's taking so long with the hiring?
00:18:53 And why are so many people quitting?
00:18:54 - Well, Daddy, it's just so hard
00:18:59 to find quality employees these days.
00:19:02 What about her?
00:19:04 - Her?
00:19:05 (laughs)
00:19:06 Daddy, she's kind of blah.
00:19:08 - What's your favorite color?
00:19:11 - Blue.
00:19:12 - Favorite bird?
00:19:13 - It's weird, but turkey buzzard for some reason.
00:19:16 - And food?
00:19:17 - Yes, I like to eat.
00:19:18 - Great answers, you're hired.
00:19:20 See, now that's how you do an interview.
00:19:22 Bing, bang, boom.
00:19:23 - What?
00:19:24 Trust me on this one.
00:19:25 She is not good employee material.
00:19:29 - Nonsense, that's where being a good boss comes in.
00:19:32 They turn their employees into a finely tuned workforce.
00:19:34 Come on.
00:19:35 You're all hired, hooray.
00:19:41 This is your boss, Tammy.
00:19:42 Show up tomorrow at eight and be ready to work.
00:19:44 No, Jerry, you don't have to be here.
00:19:46 - Woohoo!
00:19:47 - All right!
00:19:48 - Nice!
00:19:49 - Woohoo!
00:19:50 (grunts)
00:19:51 - Get ready for the worst job of your life.
00:19:54 Better not be late!
00:19:55 (laughs)
00:19:58 - Great.
00:19:59 - We did it!
00:20:01 - I can't believe this, yay!
00:20:03 (laughs)
00:20:04 - And we didn't even have to do a terrifying interview.
00:20:07 - I have a good feeling about us.
00:20:10 - Yeah, I'm not sure I'm gonna show up tomorrow.
00:20:13 Wait.
00:20:14 - What?
00:20:15 Why?
00:20:16 - Tammy, as a boss.
00:20:18 That's kind of a nightmare type scenario.
00:20:20 (dramatic music)
00:20:29 (sobs)
00:20:31 - Aw, there, there, Mr. Big Evil Monster.
00:20:36 What's wrong?
00:20:37 - It's Tammy.
00:20:39 I was one second late to work and she yelled at me.
00:20:47 She's so scary.
00:20:50 (sobs)
00:20:51 - I know I just met you, but we're in this together now.
00:20:56 - Yeah.
00:20:57 - You can't get us all hired and not show up.
00:21:00 - Okay, fine, I'm in.
00:21:03 But there is no way I'm going to babysit monsters.
00:21:06 That's where I draw the line.
00:21:08 - Expert dog walker for hire.
00:21:14 - Oh, what a cutie.
00:21:19 Wait, it's not real?
00:21:22 (dog barks)
00:21:24 - Business isn't going so well and I really need a job.
00:21:28 - Oh, I know.
00:21:29 You should get one at the water park.
00:21:32 They've got a doggy daycare.
00:21:33 - Seriously?
00:21:34 I love dogs.
00:21:35 You think they'd hire me?
00:21:37 They hired everyone else.
00:21:38 Oh my goodness, this is fantastic.
00:21:41 Working at a doggy daycare is my dream job.
00:21:44 I'm Cherie, by the way.
00:21:45 Hey, cute earrings.
00:21:47 - Hey, thanks.
00:21:48 I'm Anna, Skipper and Joy.
00:21:51 (car honks)
00:21:52 Oh, that's my mom.
00:21:54 I'll see you tomorrow.
00:21:55 Like I said, I've got a good feeling about us.
00:21:58 (dog barks)
00:22:00 (upbeat music)
00:22:03 (dog barks)
00:22:08 - You're late.
00:22:13 - Uh, I'm one minute early.
00:22:16 - It doesn't count unless you're past these gates.
00:22:23 - Hey, stop that.
00:22:25 - Nope, nope, no, no, no.
00:22:28 I don't think so.
00:22:30 Too slow.
00:22:31 Nope, no.
00:22:32 (groans)
00:22:35 - Oh yeah, baby, made it.
00:22:38 (laughs)
00:22:40 Doesn't matter.
00:22:41 I don't have a place for you anyway.
00:22:44 We're all staffed up.
00:22:46 - Not later, now.
00:22:47 - That's your idea?
00:22:49 Bird leashes?
00:22:50 How's the new staff, doing great?
00:22:52 No, you're not doing great, you're fired.
00:22:53 No, you're not fired, I'm promoting you.
00:22:55 Why doesn't this girl have a uniform?
00:22:59 - All positions are filled.
00:23:01 - Nonsense, it's always good
00:23:02 to have an extra pair of hands around.
00:23:04 Look, the jewelry kiosk is short-staffed.
00:23:06 Pick up a uniform and go there today.
00:23:08 - But Daddy, you never listen.
00:23:10 You put me in charge.
00:23:12 - Great, keep it up, you're in charge.
00:23:13 No, you're not in charge, you're the pizza delivery guy.
00:23:16 How long 'til you get here?
00:23:17 I'm famished.
00:23:18 (gentle music)
00:23:20 (screaming)
00:23:24 (upbeat music)
00:23:27 - Okay, how cute are we?
00:23:40 - I know, right?
00:23:41 I wonder if we got a discount on stuff.
00:23:43 - You're not being paid to shop.
00:23:46 - Listen up.
00:23:47 Okay, I just ordered these.
00:23:48 I got 'em for an absolute steal.
00:23:51 - So we're giving them away.
00:23:58 - No, you're selling them, all of them, today.
00:24:01 And if you don't, you're fired.
00:24:04 Daddy said I need to motivate my employees,
00:24:07 so let's see how that works.
00:24:09 - Ugh, sorry for dragging you into our feud.
00:24:13 - No biggie, but that merch is gonna be tough to sell.
00:24:17 I mean, what's this even supposed to be?
00:24:19 - We can do it.
00:24:21 We just need to get creative.
00:24:24 (sighing)
00:24:29 - This is impossible.
00:24:31 They keep breaking.
00:24:32 I can't even give them away.
00:24:34 Yo, you want this?
00:24:37 (screaming)
00:24:38 - Get away, run, run.
00:24:39 I don't know what you're saying.
00:24:40 - Tammy has outdone herself this time.
00:24:43 - Oh.
00:24:43 Whoa, is this yours?
00:24:48 - Oh, it's my fashion backpack.
00:24:50 I never leave home without it.
00:24:51 - There's some cool stuff in here.
00:24:55 - I am liking that.
00:24:59 What if I just...
00:25:00 Ta-da!
00:25:06 - Oh, I like that.
00:25:08 Is it for sale?
00:25:11 - It most certainly is.
00:25:13 Step right up, people.
00:25:17 Come on, come on and get your very own
00:25:19 custom Anna originals.
00:25:21 Guaranteed to look great and not to break.
00:25:25 - Wow. - Oh, nice.
00:25:27 - Whoa, that looks so cool.
00:25:29 - Hey, okay, I'll take this one.
00:25:30 Thank you. - Thanks.
00:25:32 - I love it.
00:25:32 - Thank you.
00:25:34 - It's from my sister.
00:25:35 - Thanks.
00:25:36 - No way.
00:25:37 How are you doing this?
00:25:39 - Big crowds.
00:25:40 Now that's what I like to see.
00:25:42 What's our top seller?
00:25:43 - These earrings.
00:25:44 Anna made them.
00:25:46 - Wow. - That's so neat.
00:25:48 Yeah, out of the earrings I ordered.
00:25:51 - Well done, Tammy.
00:25:52 And you, what else do you suggest we sell here?
00:25:55 - Let's talk.
00:25:56 - Yeah, so your plan totally backfired,
00:26:02 but it turned out great for both Anna and you.
00:26:06 Just because my dad thinks I'm a business genius now
00:26:09 doesn't mean you and me are gonna have ice cream
00:26:12 and pajama parties.
00:26:14 Get ready for your next assignment.
00:26:16 - You're welcome.
00:26:18 - Wait, what assignment?
00:26:21 (Anna humming)
00:26:23 - Hey, what are you doing here?
00:26:31 I thought you were on kiosk duty.
00:26:33 - Tammy happened.
00:26:34 She transferred me here just because she can.
00:26:38 She's trying to keep me off balance or something.
00:26:40 - Oh, hi, can I help you?
00:26:43 - Mom and her big brother went on the super slider,
00:26:47 but you have to be this big to ride.
00:26:49 One, two, three.
00:26:53 - You should always put out even numbers, not odd.
00:26:57 It makes me feel better.
00:26:58 - Like this?
00:27:00 - Yay, my sister loves everything even.
00:27:03 - Two ice creams would be even.
00:27:05 So, would you each like an ice cream while you wait?
00:27:08 - Yay, ice cream.
00:27:10 - But we don't have any money.
00:27:12 - Oh no, well, then I guess it's free.
00:27:17 - Thanks.
00:27:18 - Free ice cream, free ice cream.
00:27:21 Free ice cream, free ice cream.
00:27:23 - Free ice cream.
00:27:24 - Did she say free ice cream?
00:27:25 - No way.
00:27:26 - Oh, free ice cream, awesome.
00:27:29 - Free ice cream.
00:27:30 - Hey, hey, come on, let's go get it.
00:27:32 - Free ice cream.
00:27:33 - Come on.
00:27:34 - Let's go.
00:27:34 - Free ice cream.
00:27:35 - Free ice cream.
00:27:36 - Hey, over here.
00:27:37 - Oh no.
00:27:38 - Yeah, oh no.
00:27:39 - Free ice cream.
00:27:40 - Whoa, free ice cream.
00:27:42 - Come on, free ice cream.
00:27:44 - I got the ice cream, I got the ice cream.
00:27:47 I got the ice cream.
00:27:49 - What the?
00:27:50 Huh, free ice cream?
00:27:53 Are you nuts?
00:27:54 Who's paying for this?
00:27:56 - Change my two o'clock to a three o'clock.
00:27:58 The big crowd, I love big crowds.
00:28:01 - You're not gonna like this one.
00:28:03 - They're giving away free ice cream.
00:28:06 - Could I have a drink with that?
00:28:07 - Can I buy some fries too?
00:28:09 - Whose idea was this?
00:28:10 - It was all hers.
00:28:12 - You are a genius.
00:28:16 Blur the customers in with something free,
00:28:17 then whammo blammo,
00:28:18 they end up spending a fortune on other stuff.
00:28:21 - Yes.
00:28:23 - After the crowd clears,
00:28:26 feel free to close up early and take the afternoon off.
00:28:28 A great job deserves a great reward.
00:28:31 You can learn something from these people, Jerry.
00:28:33 (chirping)
00:28:35 - What?
00:28:35 - I got the ice cream, I got the ice cream.
00:28:41 Ah, nuts.
00:28:42 - That was so fun.
00:28:50 What should we do next?
00:28:51 Let's check out the super slide.
00:28:54 Hey.
00:28:55 - Hi. - Hi.
00:29:03 - How's the doggy daycare going, Jerry?
00:29:05 - I am in heaven.
00:29:08 I actually get paid to play with dogs.
00:29:10 It's like a dream come true, but with more wet noses.
00:29:14 - My dream is to play a huge concert.
00:29:18 - What about you, Skipper?
00:29:19 - Well, it used to be running a babysitting empire
00:29:22 with my best friends,
00:29:23 but right now I settle for unlimited nachos.
00:29:26 - No, I don't wanna go to the pool.
00:29:29 You can't make me.
00:29:31 - Hey, what's going on there?
00:29:32 - That's where the small kids wait.
00:29:34 - I don't wanna.
00:29:35 - Yeah, in your face.
00:29:40 I'm tall, I'm tall.
00:29:41 Let's go, Mom, I'm finally tall.
00:29:50 Yes, come on, Mom, keep up.
00:29:53 Stupid pole.
00:29:55 - They're not tall enough for the rides,
00:29:57 so their parents leave them there
00:29:58 while they take their taller kids on big people rides.
00:30:02 (dog barking)
00:30:05 - It's just not fair.
00:30:06 The little kids have no daycare at the park.
00:30:10 - I know what will cheer you up.
00:30:11 We got a letter today from your sisters at camp.
00:30:15 - An actual letter letter?
00:30:17 Are we back in ancient times or something?
00:30:19 Dear Mom, Dad, and Skipper.
00:30:22 - Stacy and I are having so much fun at camp.
00:30:27 Darby also likes it too.
00:30:29 Who knew there'd be this many things
00:30:30 for a stuffed giraffe to do?
00:30:33 My favorite is this cool gaming bus that comes at nighttime.
00:30:36 It's full of video games.
00:30:38 It's supposed to be for the big kids,
00:30:40 but Stacy figured out the password so we could sneak inside.
00:30:43 - Amazing. - Whoa.
00:30:45 - Don't tell them that.
00:30:47 Move over, ignore that part.
00:30:50 You know what it's like, Skipper.
00:30:52 Us big kids look out for the little ones.
00:30:56 Anywho, miss ya, love, us.
00:30:59 - Isn't it sweet?
00:31:00 - Well, except the sneaking part.
00:31:03 - That's the best part.
00:31:04 - You too.
00:31:06 - And we all agree not to put chewing gum
00:31:11 in the toilets anymore.
00:31:12 - Aw, man.
00:31:14 - Okay, team, the moment you've all been waiting for.
00:31:16 The Employee of the Week is--
00:31:17 - Oh, Daddy, you shouldn't have.
00:31:20 - Skipper Roberts.
00:31:21 - Huh, what?
00:31:22 - Go, Skippers!
00:31:23 - Woo!
00:31:24 - Skippers! - Woo!
00:31:26 - Skippers! - Skippers!
00:31:28 - Skippers!
00:31:29 - This is cool.
00:31:31 I wasn't expecting this.
00:31:32 Thanks.
00:31:34 Well, now that I have your attention,
00:31:37 I have a suggestion for the park, if that's okay.
00:31:42 - I'm all ears to hear ideas from the Employee of the Week.
00:31:44 Tabby, take notes.
00:31:46 - Well, I've noticed that a lot of the kids who come here
00:31:49 are too small to go on some of the rides.
00:31:51 - Yes, let's eliminate the height restrictions.
00:31:53 Wait, that could be dangerous, but it's edgy.
00:31:56 Young people like edgy.
00:31:57 - Uh, yeah, I was thinking more,
00:32:00 what if we had a daycare for little kids?
00:32:03 So they'd have something fun to do
00:32:04 while their parents and the bigger kids went on the rides.
00:32:07 - Wait, no!
00:32:08 - Woo!
00:32:09 - No, thank you.
00:32:10 - I love that idea even more.
00:32:11 Much safer.
00:32:12 Tabby, get on her idea while I get my picture taken
00:32:15 with the Employee of the Week.
00:32:16 - Nice work, young lady.
00:32:17 You seem to be full of VIP ideas.
00:32:20 (Tabby grunting)
00:32:23 - I'm Skipper and I'm full of ideas.
00:32:26 - Nobody's that perfect.
00:32:27 There must be something mean about her I can find online.
00:32:30 Huh?
00:32:32 What's this?
00:32:34 - So little Miss Perfect isn't so perfect after all.
00:32:39 (Skipper laughing)
00:32:42 - Right this way.
00:32:44 - Where are we going?
00:32:45 - To start work on your great idea.
00:32:48 - Oh, that's the thing.
00:32:49 We don't even have to do any work.
00:32:52 My sisters told me about this video game bus we could rent.
00:32:56 It's like a rolling playground.
00:32:58 It would be great for a daycare.
00:33:01 - A gaming bus, huh?
00:33:03 Like you know what's good for kids.
00:33:05 - Huh?
00:33:06 Why would you say that?
00:33:07 - Skipper was irresponsible with my children.
00:33:11 They still have spaghetti stuck in their hair.
00:33:15 Ew.
00:33:16 And now my son thinks he's a fire truck?
00:33:19 Ooh, my babysitting reviews.
00:33:23 - Wait until I tell my dad he's taking babysitting advice
00:33:27 from Malibu's worst babysitter.
00:33:30 (Skipper screaming)
00:33:37 - Hey you, why are we here?
00:33:40 - Yeah, this was the old kiddie pool
00:33:42 before the unfortunate exploding toilet incident
00:33:45 of spring break 2013.
00:33:47 It is your job to clean it out.
00:33:50 - And if I don't?
00:33:52 - I'll tell my dad his employee of the week
00:33:55 lost her last job because it was a disaster.
00:33:59 Oh wait, I'm probably gonna tell him that anyway.
00:34:01 Clean this up or quit, whatever.
00:34:03 Now if you'll excuse me, I have a daycare to open.
00:34:06 (Skipper groaning)
00:34:12 - Cool video game.
00:34:16 - Video game?
00:34:17 - Welcome, go in, have fun.
00:34:19 Enjoy our new daycare service.
00:34:23 - Bye bye, mommy.
00:34:23 - Don't rush back.
00:34:26 - Yay!
00:34:27 - For a small extra fee,
00:34:29 you can leave the little ones here all day.
00:34:31 - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:34:35 I can't wait around all day.
00:34:36 I gotta get back to the maintenance yard for some repairs.
00:34:39 - Well, how about you put that on hold
00:34:42 while I go get the checkbook?
00:34:44 Will that work for ya?
00:34:46 If it's a big enough check, it's yours for the year.
00:34:48 (Skipper grunting)
00:34:57 (Skipper sighing)
00:35:03 - Hey, give me that back.
00:35:08 - Barbie, I need to talk.
00:35:12 Work is getting really hard and,
00:35:14 what's wrong with your voice?
00:35:16 - Hey, Skip, what's up?
00:35:19 How's the summer job going?
00:35:20 - Terrible.
00:35:22 Tammy's the boss and she's just awful.
00:35:24 She's trying to make me look bad or quit or something.
00:35:27 - Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
00:35:30 Wow, well, do you like your job?
00:35:34 - Parts of it.
00:35:35 I met some cool new friends.
00:35:37 - No.
00:35:37 - Oh, and I have this idea to open a daycare,
00:35:40 but I don't know how to get past Tammy.
00:35:42 (monkey squeaking)
00:35:43 Bad monkey, bad.
00:35:45 - Ow.
00:35:46 - Are you even listening?
00:35:48 - Sorry, Skip, it's kinda bananas out here.
00:35:51 Anyway, I know you can do this.
00:35:54 The thing about Tammy is--
00:35:56 (Tammy screaming)
00:35:57 - No, no, no, no, no.
00:35:58 - Barbie.
00:35:59 Great.
00:36:01 You know what?
00:36:02 I don't need Barbie's advice.
00:36:04 I can figure this out on my own.
00:36:06 I quit.
00:36:07 (water splashing)
00:36:10 Oh, gross.
00:36:13 - Give me some good news, Jerry.
00:36:14 (monkey squeaking)
00:36:16 - Daddy, daddy, I need the corporate checkbook.
00:36:19 - For what?
00:36:20 - It's a surprise.
00:36:22 - I don't like surprises that cost me money.
00:36:24 - It won't cost you anything in the long run.
00:36:26 It will make money if you just--
00:36:28 - Don't tell me, show me.
00:36:29 Make it fancy.
00:36:34 I wanna see a professional sales pitch
00:36:35 with visual aids, stats, perhaps a pie chart.
00:36:38 No, Jerry, you don't get pie.
00:36:40 (Jerry groaning)
00:36:44 - Come on already, where's my check?
00:36:46 (Barbara gasping)
00:36:49 - What?
00:36:50 No way.
00:36:53 Skipper!
00:36:54 What are you doing with those?
00:36:58 - We heard what Tammy's making you do.
00:37:00 - So we were coming to help.
00:37:02 - Wow, you guys are the best.
00:37:05 But look at this.
00:37:06 Tammy stole my daycare idea.
00:37:09 (upbeat music)
00:37:12 (Jerry groaning)
00:37:15 - Hey, friends.
00:37:18 (children cheering)
00:37:21 High score.
00:37:22 (children cheering)
00:37:25 - It's you, come play.
00:37:30 - That's so cool.
00:37:31 - Is there no adult in here watching you?
00:37:34 Where's Tammy?
00:37:35 - I don't know, who's Tammy?
00:37:37 Bet you can't beat my high score.
00:37:39 (upbeat music)
00:37:43 - This is the best.
00:37:44 (upbeat music)
00:37:47 - Whoa, this is awesome.
00:37:51 - Do you know there's an even amount
00:37:55 of black and red checkers?
00:37:57 And there's an even amount of red and black squares.
00:38:00 It's the best game.
00:38:02 So many even numbers.
00:38:04 - I'll play.
00:38:05 - O-M-G, they have karaoke?
00:38:11 - Cool.
00:38:12 (computer beeping)
00:38:18 - Is anyone else chilly?
00:38:21 (angelic music)
00:38:26 - Okay, daddy.
00:38:27 As you can see from this pie chart.
00:38:29 - Pie?
00:38:30 (angelic music)
00:38:33 Mm, pie.
00:38:34 - 360 degrees of profit.
00:38:40 - Nailed it.
00:38:41 - Daddy, daddy?
00:38:44 Back soon.
00:38:47 Went out for pie.
00:38:49 - The bus.
00:38:53 - No check, no games.
00:38:58 - Ribbons of Roses, a romantic rendezvous
00:39:07 by Herrera Love.
00:39:10 - Who wants karaoke?
00:39:11 (upbeat music)
00:39:14 ♪ I've been waiting for this all my life ♪
00:39:21 ♪ It's a moment ♪
00:39:23 ♪ Now's the time to shine ♪
00:39:25 ♪ And we're gonna own it ♪
00:39:28 ♪ You go girl ♪
00:39:29 ♪ Everyone's invited ♪
00:39:32 ♪ Hope you're all excited ♪
00:39:35 ♪ Let's play our favorite song ♪
00:39:36 - Wow, she's good.
00:39:39 - Right?
00:39:40 ♪ All night long ♪
00:39:42 ♪ Cup and cake, celebrate, sing it out loud ♪
00:39:45 ♪ Throw your hands in the air ♪
00:39:46 ♪ It's a party now ♪
00:39:48 ♪ Have some fun, live it up, let you know how ♪
00:39:51 ♪ Throw your hands in the air ♪
00:39:52 ♪ It's a party now ♪
00:39:53 ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
00:39:55 ♪ Get excited ♪
00:39:57 ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
00:39:58 ♪ It's a party now ♪
00:40:00 ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
00:40:01 ♪ You're invited ♪
00:40:03 ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
00:40:04 ♪ It's a party now ♪
00:40:06 ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪
00:40:09 ♪ There's nowhere I would rather be ♪
00:40:12 ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
00:40:13 ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
00:40:14 ♪ 'Cause I got all my love ♪
00:40:18 (door creaking)
00:40:19 - Oh, where is he?
00:40:20 Where is he?
00:40:20 Where is he?
00:40:22 - Could this really be the end?
00:40:25 - Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.
00:40:28 It's true love.
00:40:29 (cheering)
00:40:31 ♪ It's a party now ♪
00:40:32 ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
00:40:34 ♪ You're invited ♪
00:40:35 ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
00:40:36 ♪ It's a party now ♪
00:40:38 (cheering)
00:40:40 - So good.
00:40:43 - Wow, Joy.
00:40:44 - You are amazing.
00:40:46 - Thanks.
00:40:47 (door creaking)
00:40:48 - Did you feel that?
00:40:49 Either Troy's music is really magical.
00:40:52 - Or this bus is moving.
00:40:54 - It's official.
00:40:56 We're moving.
00:40:57 - Okay, keep calm.
00:41:00 We don't wanna freak out the kids.
00:41:02 - Freak out the kids?
00:41:04 (door creaking)
00:41:05 - Oh, yeah.
00:41:06 - Awesome.
00:41:07 - What about us?
00:41:08 - Where are we going?
00:41:10 - I don't know, but I'm sure we'll stop eventually
00:41:14 and then we'll just tell the driver to take us back home.
00:41:17 Until then, we gotta keep the kids busy, okay?
00:41:21 Skipper Super Sitter Squad is go.
00:41:23 - All right.
00:41:25 - Listen up.
00:41:26 It's pretty much been established
00:41:27 that I'm the best at this game.
00:41:29 - Uh-uh.
00:41:30 - You wish.
00:41:31 - No way.
00:41:33 - Okay.
00:41:34 - Then bring it.
00:41:35 (cheering)
00:41:37 - She really knows how to handle kids.
00:41:43 - Yeah.
00:41:44 I wish she was my babysitter.
00:41:46 - Their eyes met.
00:41:49 His dark and brooding.
00:41:51 Hers pools of starlight ignited with anticipation.
00:41:56 Finally, she would learn the arts of diving.
00:42:02 (squeaking)
00:42:04 (upbeat music)
00:42:07 - Oh, yes.
00:42:10 - Not bad, but not good enough to beat the champ.
00:42:14 Still undefeated.
00:42:15 Who's next?
00:42:16 - I think we stopped.
00:42:19 - We sure aren't in Malibu anymore.
00:42:26 - That must be the bus driver.
00:42:29 - Passion is forever.
00:42:32 (shouting)
00:42:34 - Now what?
00:42:40 - Where did he go?
00:42:46 - What?
00:42:50 - Are you missing a bus and perhaps some kids?
00:42:54 - What?
00:42:55 - This can't be happening.
00:42:56 Their parents could be back to pick them up
00:42:59 literally any minute.
00:43:00 - All right.
00:43:01 Well, you need to tell them their kids are okay
00:43:04 and we're on our way.
00:43:05 - Yeah, right.
00:43:06 Sure.
00:43:07 Whatever.
00:43:08 Drop me a pin with your location.
00:43:09 I'll send my limo.
00:43:10 You need to get back here pronto
00:43:11 or I will be completely humiliated.
00:43:15 - I don't think we can wait here.
00:43:18 It's too hot and there's no shade or water.
00:43:21 - Erica.
00:43:22 Erica.
00:43:23 - Have you seen my sister?
00:43:25 I can't find her.
00:43:26 - Don't worry, Derek.
00:43:31 I bet Erica is playing hide and seek.
00:43:35 So you know what we're gonna do?
00:43:37 We're all gonna go look for her
00:43:39 and the first one to find her wins.
00:43:43 Everyone, let's play find Erica.
00:43:45 - Yes.
00:43:46 - Okay, Erica.
00:43:48 Ready or not.
00:43:50 - Here we come.
00:43:51 - One, two, three, four.
00:43:56 - Eat it.
00:44:00 - Yay.
00:44:02 One cutie patootie.
00:44:03 Two cutie patooties.
00:44:06 Yay.
00:44:07 Even patooties.
00:44:09 Oh, another one.
00:44:11 Three.
00:44:12 Where is four?
00:44:14 Need an even number.
00:44:16 - I see her.
00:44:17 Erica, what are you doing out here?
00:44:21 - I'm looking for four.
00:44:24 Yes, I found four.
00:44:26 So can we go back now?
00:44:30 - Sandstorm.
00:44:31 - Oh no.
00:44:34 - All right, everyone hold hands.
00:44:38 Let's go find an adult and ask for help.
00:44:42 I won't let anything happen to you.
00:44:44 - Okay, Skipper.
00:44:47 We trust you.
00:44:48 - What is taking so long?
00:44:52 - All right, Tammy.
00:44:54 Let's go down to the lot to check out this bus of yours.
00:44:56 - The bus.
00:44:57 But I'm not finished with my presentation, Daddy.
00:45:01 You see, Daddy, it all began 14 billion years ago
00:45:07 when the earth was but an infant planet
00:45:10 and a young girl's dreams had yet to be dreamed.
00:45:15 - It's over.
00:45:24 - We made it.
00:45:26 - Are we all here?
00:45:27 - Yes.
00:45:30 - But where is here?
00:45:32 - Hey, look, an airplane.
00:45:35 - Wow, look at the plane.
00:45:38 - I wanna ride in the airplane.
00:45:40 - Kids, kids, come back.
00:45:42 - Go.
00:45:47 - Yay.
00:45:48 - Everyone, eyes up here.
00:45:55 The boss is in the house.
00:45:56 For too long, the entrepreneurial skills
00:46:01 of professional clowns have been greatly underappreciated.
00:46:06 That is why I have developed the first unmanned,
00:46:10 autopiloted, happy birthday party plane.
00:46:13 Now anyone who wants to have their birthday party
00:46:17 on a plane can.
00:46:19 You can applaud now.
00:46:22 (cheering)
00:46:24 - You must be the testers for our very first flight.
00:46:33 Come in, we have everything you could want inside.
00:46:37 - Can I have some milk?
00:46:38 - Except that, I'll be right back.
00:46:41 You kids can't just run off like that.
00:46:50 (cheering)
00:46:52 - We're sorry.
00:46:54 - This place is so cool.
00:46:56 Can we stay for the party?
00:46:58 - First, I need to be sure Tammy
00:47:00 told your parents where we are.
00:47:02 - No bars.
00:47:04 - One shouldn't be down.
00:47:08 - That's not even.
00:47:09 - We've been given the signal.
00:47:14 - Ooh, ooh, I wanna say it.
00:47:16 Flight attendant.
00:47:18 - Nothing.
00:47:18 - Prepare for takeoff.
00:47:20 - Why did that happen?
00:47:23 - It won't open.
00:47:26 - Yay, we get to fly in a plane.
00:47:36 (cheering)
00:47:39 - Everyone, buckle up.
00:47:41 - Thank you.
00:47:48 (boing)
00:47:50 - Welcome test subjects, I mean volunteers.
00:47:56 Thank you for flying Birthday Party Air.
00:47:59 For the best birthday ever, dare to fly Party Air.
00:48:03 We go there.
00:48:05 (laughing)
00:48:07 (cheering)
00:48:11 - I gotta use the bathroom.
00:48:17 - It's so beautiful.
00:48:19 - Okay everyone, you can unbuckle your seat belts
00:48:25 because it's party time.
00:48:28 - This is like the best party ever.
00:48:35 - Wow, we're up really high now.
00:48:38 - Higher, higher, higher.
00:48:40 - I think I'm gonna be air sick.
00:48:43 - Higher, higher, higher.
00:48:47 (horn honking)
00:48:50 - Um sir, we're about out of fuel.
00:48:55 - I know, it's really expensive.
00:48:58 Please return your seats to the full upright
00:49:04 and locked position.
00:49:05 Buckle your seat belts and prepare for landing.
00:49:10 (groaning)
00:49:13 - Why are we going down?
00:49:15 (dramatic music)
00:49:18 - Faster, faster, faster.
00:49:22 (cheering)
00:49:24 - This is fun.
00:49:32 - We did it, we did it.
00:49:43 - No one will ever laugh at clowns again.
00:49:46 (screaming)
00:49:48 Who left the banana peel on the floor?
00:49:51 (cheering)
00:49:56 - I want an airplane.
00:49:59 - I wanna be a pilot now.
00:50:00 - I wanna do that everyday.
00:50:02 (horn honking)
00:50:05 - Tammy sent me.
00:50:07 Are you Bipper?
00:50:09 - Close enough.
00:50:10 Okay everybody, let's go.
00:50:12 Come on, in, in, in.
00:50:13 - Here's your milk.
00:50:16 - Thank you.
00:50:16 - Yeah, we get to test out the new birthday plane.
00:50:24 - And as you can see, profits will increase.
00:50:32 So the more money we'll make.
00:50:38 - You had me at profits will increase.
00:50:40 Now let's go see that daycare slash gaming bus.
00:50:42 - Wait, daddy, we're not done.
00:50:46 That was just part one.
00:50:47 - Are we there yet?
00:50:54 - Not yet.
00:50:54 - Are we there yet?
00:50:57 - Not yet.
00:50:58 - Are we there yet?
00:51:00 - Not yet.
00:51:01 - Are we there yet?
00:51:02 - No, maybe.
00:51:03 - Okay.
00:51:05 - I think I'm gonna be limo sick.
00:51:06 - Are you okay, Joy?
00:51:09 - Whoa, wait, why are we stopped?
00:51:11 And with the right investment,
00:51:22 gaming daycare centers could become a thing.
00:51:26 - Where are you?
00:51:34 Their parents will be back any second
00:51:36 and I can only stall my dad so much longer.
00:51:38 - It's LA, we hit traffic, but we are by the beach.
00:51:43 So we'll just swim back.
00:51:45 - Not funny.
00:51:46 - Wait, the beach?
00:51:48 Get to up here and I'll send a boat.
00:51:50 - Seriously?
00:51:51 - Please.
00:51:52 - Well, okay, but only because I've never heard
00:51:55 you say please before.
00:51:57 - Wee!
00:52:00 - Oh, I think I'm gonna be seasick.
00:52:04 - You know, if we showed up late,
00:52:08 you could really get back at Timmy.
00:52:10 - That wouldn't be right.
00:52:12 What's important is to get these kids
00:52:15 to their parents safely.
00:52:17 It's the babysitter's code.
00:52:19 - This is spooky.
00:52:25 - What's going on?
00:52:27 - What happened?
00:52:28 - I can't see.
00:52:29 - Captain, what's wrong?
00:52:34 - Shiver me timbers.
00:52:36 - I be not expecting fog today.
00:52:38 Yarr!
00:52:39 Best to wait till it clears so we don't get lost at sea.
00:52:43 - We don't have time.
00:52:45 - Look, dolphins!
00:52:48 (dolphin squeaking)
00:52:52 - She speaks dolphin.
00:52:53 - She is a really good babysitter.
00:52:56 (dolphin squeaking)
00:52:59 - Follow them!
00:53:05 They'll take us to the water park.
00:53:07 - Aye, aye!
00:53:08 - Woo hoo!
00:53:08 - Water park!
00:53:09 - The sea dolphins to the water park!
00:53:12 - Yeah!
00:53:13 - Woo hoo!
00:53:13 - Try and grow up again.
00:53:15 - And in time, when the little kids grow up,
00:53:19 and they have their own kids,
00:53:21 they'll come back to the water park again,
00:53:25 and again, and again, and again.
00:53:28 - Can we just see this game bus thing already?
00:53:34 - Oh no!
00:53:34 Free cookie?
00:53:37 - Sure, who says no to a free cookie?
00:53:39 Quick snack, then we go.
00:53:42 - Where are you?
00:53:46 Nine, one, one.
00:53:48 - Thank you!
00:53:55 (dolphin squeaking)
00:53:59 (dolphin squeaking)
00:54:02 - Leave me alone!
00:54:11 - Good cookie.
00:54:16 - Hurry, almost there.
00:54:17 - Oh, look, look, what's that?
00:54:25 Does that seagull have a sandwich?
00:54:27 - What, sandwich?
00:54:28 Where?
00:54:29 - Oh, come on, Erica, you can count later.
00:54:32 - Oh no, your mom.
00:54:34 - Skipper, over here.
00:54:40 - Come on, Daddy, let's go see the new daycare already.
00:54:45 (panting)
00:54:48 (whistling)
00:54:51 - So, where's the bus?
00:54:54 - You just missed it.
00:54:57 - I told you the presentation was too long.
00:54:59 - But look at all the satisfied daycare customers.
00:55:03 - Mommy!
00:55:03 - Did you guys have fun?
00:55:06 - So much, we rode in a plane.
00:55:08 - And a limo.
00:55:10 - And then we went on a boat.
00:55:12 - Oh, kids and their imagination.
00:55:14 - It was the best day ever, ever.
00:55:21 Bye, Skipper.
00:55:25 - You've made an excellent point, Tammy.
00:55:27 The water park could use an area
00:55:29 for the little kids to hang out.
00:55:31 But I don't like the game bus idea, too much overhead.
00:55:34 I think I'll stick with my pole.
00:55:36 - You're making a huge mistake.
00:55:41 I ran the numbers, the daycare idea will work.
00:55:45 - Tammy, you've never spoken to me like this before.
00:55:50 - You've never listened to me before.
00:55:52 You told me to step up.
00:55:54 - Well, Daddy, this is me stepping up.
00:55:57 The kids need this.
00:55:59 I am going to open a daycare center, bus or no bus.
00:56:04 - Taking initiative, I like it.
00:56:08 Okay, you can open a daycare center.
00:56:11 (kids cheering)
00:56:12 But you still can't have the bus.
00:56:13 (kids sighing)
00:56:16 - Good thing we have something even better than a game bus.
00:56:21 - We do.
00:56:22 - Of course, and it's your idea.
00:56:25 - Is it?
00:56:26 - This place?
00:56:32 But it's a swamp.
00:56:34 - You gotta look past that and see the potential.
00:56:37 - Yeah, if we all work together,
00:56:40 we can clean it up in no time.
00:56:42 It's free, Daddy.
00:56:43 - All right then, you've got your daycare center.
00:56:50 (kids cheering)
00:56:51 - Daddy!
00:56:52 - Boundaries, boundaries.
00:56:56 - I'm proud of you, Tammy.
00:56:59 Oh, a hug.
00:57:03 This isn't very business-like.
00:57:05 - It's not always about business, Daddy.
00:57:08 We're family.
00:57:09 - Not a chance.
00:57:13 What is it this time, Jerry?
00:57:15 - Here you go.
00:57:17 (dramatic music)
00:57:20 - Oh, this is so amazing!
00:57:30 (kids cheering)
00:57:33 This is fun!
00:57:34 - You got me good!
00:57:36 - You must be this short or shorter to play.
00:57:39 - Woohoo, in your face!
00:57:41 - Stupid pole, being tall is the worst.
00:57:45 - Tell me about it.
00:57:47 - Being short is the best!
00:57:49 - Hard to believe summer's almost over.
00:57:51 - You're coming back next year, right?
00:57:53 I mean, I could totally run this place by myself,
00:57:56 but you're the one who's great with kids,
00:57:58 and well, it was a lot more interesting having you around.
00:58:02 - Once you calmed down, the job turned out all right.
00:58:07 And look what we did.
00:58:09 It's pretty cool.
00:58:10 - Yeah, it is.
00:58:14 - Nice work, sis.
00:58:16 - Thanks.
00:58:18 - Hey, what were you gonna tell me
00:58:20 that one time about Tammy?
00:58:22 - Oh, I was gonna say, the thing about Tammy is,
00:58:25 deep, deep down, she is a good person.
00:58:29 She just needs a little help remembering that sometimes.
00:58:32 - Okay, who's ready to party?
00:58:36 (kids cheering)
00:58:38 You ready, Joy?
00:58:41 I've been ready all summer.
00:58:44 (upbeat music)
00:58:47 ♪ We all have our stories ♪
00:58:55 ♪ We all have our dreams ♪
00:58:59 ♪ Just 'cause they can't see 'em ♪
00:59:03 ♪ Doesn't mean anything ♪
00:59:07 ♪ Life is right there in front of us ♪
00:59:11 ♪ Come on and take the lead ♪
00:59:14 ♪ Together we're unstoppable ♪
00:59:18 ♪ We'll make the whole world see ♪
00:59:22 ♪ 'Cause when it's me and my friends ♪
00:59:26 ♪ I know that I can depend on them ♪
00:59:31 ♪ Life is why it should be ♪
00:59:33 ♪ When you're right here with me ♪
00:59:35 ♪ We can do anything ♪
00:59:37 ♪ 'Cause when it's me and my friends ♪
00:59:41 ♪ I know that I can depend on them ♪
00:59:46 ♪ Life is why it should be ♪
00:59:48 ♪ When you're right here with me ♪
00:59:50 ♪ We can do anything ♪
00:59:52 ♪ As long as I'm with my friends ♪
00:59:55 ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
01:00:00 ♪ Don't let them judge us ♪
01:00:05 ♪ There's no looking back ♪
01:00:09 ♪ 'Cause I believe in who we are ♪
01:00:13 (screaming)
01:00:16 - Revenge will be mine, babysitting squad!
01:00:23 - Stacey, the movie is over.
01:00:26 - Fine.
01:00:27 - Guess I'll just have to star in my own movie.
01:00:33 ♪ 'Cause when it's me and my friends ♪
01:00:37 ♪ I know that I can depend on them ♪
01:00:42 ♪ Life is why it should be ♪
01:00:44 ♪ When you're right here with me ♪
01:00:46 ♪ We can do anything ♪
01:00:48 ♪ 'Cause when it's me and my friends ♪
01:00:52 ♪ I know that I can depend on them ♪
01:00:57 ♪ Life is why it should be ♪
01:00:59 ♪ When you're right here with me ♪
01:01:01 ♪ We can do anything ♪
01:01:03 ♪ 'Cause when it's me and my friends ♪
01:01:07 ♪ I know that I can depend on them ♪
01:01:12 ♪ Life is why it should be ♪
01:01:14 ♪ When you're right here with me ♪
01:01:16 ♪ We can do anything ♪
01:01:18 ♪ 'Cause when it's me and my friends ♪
01:01:22 ♪ I know that I can depend ♪
01:01:26 ♪ As long as I'm with my friends ♪
01:01:30 (logo whooshing)
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01:02:53 [BLANK_AUDIO]
