David Cameron refuses to say how much he was paid by Greensill Capital

  • 8 months ago
David Cameron refuses to say how much he was paid by Greensill Capital. Source: Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg, BBC
00:00 But you have never before said how much money you were paid.
00:04 Documents seen by the BBC say that you received about £10 million, is that true?
00:08 No, that isn't true.
00:10 How much did you receive?
00:11 The first thing is, when I was out of office, the most important thing I did was to help
00:15 Alzheimer's Research UK raise millions of pounds for people battling with dementia.
00:20 That was the number one thing that I did.
00:22 I've had to stop that, now I'm coming back into government and I have just that one job.
00:26 This issue on Greensill has been examined, as you say, by all these committees,
00:29 by all these inquiries.
00:30 But you've never answered how much money you were paid.
00:32 And now you're back in government, that comes with scrutiny,
00:35 that I'm sure you understand as someone who's been in front-line politics for a long time.
00:39 How much money were you paid by Greensill Capital?
00:42 What I've done since coming back into office is obviously resign every other job I have.
00:46 I've given all the information to the person responsible for registering a minister's interest.
