The Legend (Hua Jianghu: Tiangang) Full Movie English Subtitles

  • 6 months ago
Painting Jianghu: The Legend of Tiangang, Painting Rivers and Lakes: The Legend of Gangster,画江湖之天罡
During the anniversary period, the situation was turbulent, and treacherous ministers were in power. The bad guys, a secret assassination organization directly under the emperor, suddenly became leaderless overnight. The bad guy Yuan Tiangang left a letter and resigned. Yuan Tiangang, who had lost his direction in life, came to Anle Pavilion in Chang’an under the guidance of the tips bag left by his friend Li Chunfeng, but he never thought that this place would be the place of romance. And everything that happened next, as those seeking freedom, those seeking immortality, and those seeking power appeared one by one, opened a new prelude to Yuan Tiangang’s journey
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