Zulm - Ep 09 [CC] - 15 Jan 24 -

  • 8 months ago
00:17I had a request..
00:19Your brother is a very big lawyer..
00:23As you know..
00:25I want you to make a request to him once..
00:28To fight my brother’s case..
00:32No lawyer is taking up my brother’s case..
00:35Look Esha,
00:36I won’t be able to help you in any way..
00:38I know how brilliant you are..I appreciate it
00:41You have been an amazing student of mine.
00:43The way the media has given you and your brother the coverage..
00:47After that I feel very sad to tell you this..
00:50That you have been expelled from the university.
00:55It’s a matter of the university’s reputation..
00:57A girl who has been involved in such a big scandal..
01:00The university management has decided to rusticate you.
01:08I’ll find many other universities...
01:11But I won’t find another brother.
01:13Will I become a doctor or not..
01:17It doesn’t matter to me anymore.
01:20But I can’t lose my brother..
01:23It’s the matter of my brother’s life..Sir..
01:29Esha..I am very helpless..
01:31I can’t be of any help to you in this regard..
01:33Yes, If you need my guidance for your studies..
01:37Then I’ll be there for you.
01:38But I can’t help you in regard to your brother.
01:42Please try to understand.
01:47Sir, I understand. Thank you so much. Thank you again
01:51Okay, take care.
02:02Yeah yeah I’m fine.
02:05He wasn’t of any help..
02:07But I’ll see you at the university…Okay?
02:50Esha, I’m a human rights activist.
02:53Whatever is happening to you..
02:55I want to talk to you in regard to that.
02:58Whatever happened to me..
03:00That has been aired on every news channel.
03:03I don’t have anything further to tell.
03:06If you need any other information about me
03:10then you’ll find it on social media.
03:14I also know all this.
03:17I wanted to meet you personally.
03:21I wanted to help you..
03:26How can you help me?
03:28I want to help you in regard to your brother’s release.
03:31I wanted to meet you for this only.
03:35Sure, sure.
03:36I’ll send you the pin location.
03:38No dear, there’s no need for that.
03:41I’m coming.
03:57Does she actually want to help me?
04:06Hello beautiful!
04:08What happened?
04:09Are you going somewhere?
04:12Not just me, we're going.
04:14You are coming with me.
04:16I hope you’re not busy.
04:18Not really.
04:20Then come along
04:20Let’s go then.
04:21At least tell me …
04:23where we are going.
04:26To Esha’s house.
04:27Esha, who?
04:29The same girl on the news.
04:36Why are we going to her house?
04:39Because her brother is not getting a lawyer..
04:42And I have found a lawyer for him.
05:01Let’s go.
05:02Let’s go.
05:26This seems it.
05:30Think about it again..
05:33I thought about it.
05:35Shall we go now?
06:28Who are you people?
06:29Get out of here!
06:32Let’s get out of here!
06:50They ran away!
06:50Oh my God..
06:51Shahwaiz, you’re bleeding..
06:53We need to go to the hospital..
06:55Nothing has happened, mom..
06:55No! Look!
06:56No, please..
06:57Let’s go!
06:57Let’s go ask them first, mama..
06:58Yes, let’s go!
07:00Let’s go.
07:31I apologize..
07:33Your son got shot because of me..
07:39Just pray that the wound is not too deep.
07:43God willing.
07:45If God wants,
07:48your son will be absolutely fine….In God’s protection.
07:53Yes, doctor?
07:54There’s no need to worry..
07:56The bullet missed the arm.
08:00Thank goodness the bullet didn’t damage any vein.
08:03There are four to five stitches..
08:04We will shift the patient in the room in a while.
08:06Then you can meet the patient.
08:09Thank goodness.
08:11Thank you, doctor.
08:12Thank you so much.
08:13Excuse me..
08:15Thank God.
08:30I had sent you both ….
08:34to scare and threaten them.
08:37And instead, you two got scared and came back.
08:41Sir, we did as instructed..
08:44And they had even gotten scared..
08:47: But suddenly a man and a woman came forward and..
08:51Things got out of our control.
08:53New entry..
08:55Who was he?
08:56I don’t know..
08:57He wasn’t from the neighborhood.
08:59Maybe he had come from somewhere else.
09:04So you had gone empty handed? Didn’t you have your pistols?
09:08Why didn’t you stop him?
09:09I shot at him..
09:12But he got lucky.
09:14The bullet missed him.
09:17You had only taken one bullet?
09:19Why didn’t you shoot again?
09:21You should have shot right in his chest!
09:23Before I could fire again, he fired at us.
09:27Which is why we were bound to run away from there.
09:33Are you listening, Akram?
09:34Yes, sir.. I am listening to them.
09:43Who is he?
09:45Take out his information.
09:47I’ll find out, sir..Don’t worry…brother
09:49And you two..
09:51I was in full mood to bat today..
09:55You got saved.
09:57Don't step outside the fence.
09:59Yes, sir.
10:01There’s one more meeting left.
10:03Get going.
10:10Now your people have also started getting scared and running away.
10:15You had said
10:17that you’ll make Esha’s life a living hell..
10:19You won’t spare her..
10:21Now what happened?
10:22Except that her brother is in jail.
10:26She’s very worried..
10:29She’s yearning..
10:30To get her brother released from jail..
10:34She is stumbling from door to door..
10:37And not just this..
10:38In the middle of this..
10:39Just one call..
10:40Of mine..
10:41Just one call of mine..
10:42She was expelled from the university.
10:44You really underestimate your brother..
10:48Brother, I wanted her to beg for forgiveness from me..
10:52But nothing of that sort happened...
10:54She’s speaking against us on TV..
10:58She’s ruining our image in front of everyone..
11:01And you think we’re winning?
11:04The media has made her into a heroine..
11:05And us villains..
11:07Everyone’s sympathy is with her..
11:10And you’re still mistaken..
11:12Yes, so?
11:13The girls who become heroines on social media and news media..
11:20Another appears in 10 to 15 days..
11:23People will forget about her.
11:24That is why, don’t worry.
11:26We will win.
11:28Don’t worry.
11:30Go home
11:30and rest.
11:32I’ll be there.
11:50Seriously man..
11:51I want this boy..
12:06Thank you so much, son..
12:10You risked your life for us strangers.
12:17What are you talking about?
12:20Humanity is also a relation.
12:25Still, son..
12:26You don’t worry.
12:28I’m fine.
12:31How are you feeling now?
12:39I’m better now.
12:44I didn’t know you..
12:47But Esha told me
12:49That you are coming to help us..
12:52But trust me I hadn’t imagined that..
12:56That You …
12:58You will help us in such a situation..
13:02That we will be indebted to you.
13:06Your kindness has bought us.
13:13What are you doing?
13:15Don’t embarrass us.
13:18If you hadn’t come at that time..
13:22Then maybe we wouldn’t have been able to face anyone.
13:29Aunty, don’t worry.
13:33Everything will be fine, God willing.
13:36God willing.
13:55I want to talk to you about something.
13:58What do you want to talk about?
13:59Look, Minal..Whatever that is happening is not right.
14:02What’s not right?
14:04Esha’s your friend..
14:05What you’re doing to her is wrong!
14:09that poor thing is not even at fault.
14:12She insulted me in front of everyone!
14:16And you are saying she is innocent!
14:19Are you on our side or hers?
14:21I am not on anyone’s side.
14:22But all I know is that whatever is happening is not right.
14:28By the way,
14:29why is it bothering you so much?
14:31Look, Minal..If I stop Ajlal then he won’t listen to me..
14:35You are his sister, he loves you..He listens to everything you say..
14:40He will never ignore what you say.
14:42Please ask him to forgive Esha and end all of this.
14:46Otherwise, I am afraid that all this may lead to a new disaster.
14:51By the way, what are you afraid of?
14:54Ajlal brother is there..
14:55He is looking over this matter.
14:57My father is alive..
14:59He will handle everything.
15:01Don't teach me this lesson of cowardice.
15:03I am not teaching anyone the lesson of cowardice!
15:06But look..
15:08She is such an old friend of yours..Such a good friend of yours..
15:11You have spent such a good time with her..
15:14Please! Please!
15:15How can you do this to her?
15:17Oh, shut up!
15:19I will destroy the life of someone who will insult me!
15:23And this punishment is very small!
15:26And think before coming to me as her supporter..
15:30Otherwise, you may get punished instead of her.
15:59Please give me some water..
16:08Please give me some water..
16:23Is someone there?
16:37Please give me some water..
16:40I am very thirsty.
16:42Is someone there?
16:44Can someone hear me?
16:49Please give me some water..
18:22: We have come to take your statement.
18:25Ask me whatever you want to.
18:28First, introduce yourself.
18:32My name is Shahwaiz Ahmed.
18:34I am a lawyer by profession.
18:40What good a poet has said for a lawyer..
18:44Seeing the lawyer born,
18:46Satan said…
18:48Lo and behold.. I have become a father today.
19:00It seems..
19:01You have quite an interest in poetry.
19:05Shall we do
19:07for which you have come to do.
19:13So would you like to tell us
19:16That you…
19:19what were you doing at their house?
19:23And what happened which got you shot?
19:28Who shot you?
19:36My mother and I went to their house to meet them..
19:41When we reached there, we saw some goons were bothering them..
19:45On my intervention, they fired at me.
19:48There were goons at their house..and..
19:52You entered like a superhero and..
19:55Made the goons run away.
20:01No, Mr.
20:03I am no superhero..
20:07But as a human being..what I could….
20:10I did that ….
20:15But you still haven’t told me that you…
20:19at their house …
20:22what were you doing there?
20:25Are they your relatives?
20:29So are they your family friends?
20:35Then I am sure
20:37you must have a secret agent..
20:39Who informed you that goons have broken into their house..
20:42So you thought they are in trouble, why don’t I make an entry and become a hero.
20:51My mother and I went to their house..
20:55To talk regarding Omair’s case..
20:58What do you…
21:00What do you have to do with Omair’s case?
21:06I will fight Omair’s case now.
21:16You will fight Omair’s case now.
21:24By the way
21:26Goons broke into your house..
21:30Vandalized your house..
21:33Do you know who they were?
21:38Goons broke into our house..
21:41Vandalized our house..
21:44They scared us..
21:45And they threatened us..Saying that they….
21:49They will never let Omair get released.
22:02For now, we have taken your statement.
22:05if need be….
22:07We’ll come again
22:10Of course.
22:13And I am sure …
22:15you will find those goons.
22:42You people have done us a great favor by helping us.
22:47Don’t say that..
22:51We were coming to your house to help you.
22:54I had asked Shahwaiz to fight Omair’s case.
23:01We had no idea that you guys were in so much trouble.
23:05We were only understanding what the TV showed us.
23:11The reality is very bitter.
23:14You are actually in a lot of trouble.
23:21I realized this after meeting you guys.
23:25I don't know when our trial will end.
23:31Don’t be disheartened.
23:35No lawyer was ready to take Omair’s case.
23:41The police weren't letting us meet Omair.
23:46I don’t know what condition my son is in!
24:11Don’t worry.
24:15Shahwaiz has taken this case.
24:21God willing..
24:22You will be able to meet your son.
24:25And we will also get him released very soon.
24:28God willing.
25:07I am requesting you..
25:09You are not listening to me.
25:12Dear, I have told you clearly..
25:15I can’t take this case.
25:17If you can’t take this case
25:19but you can tell me about some other lawyer who will take this case.
25:24Dear, it is very difficult..
25:27This way Omair will never be released.
25:29Yes, maybe..
25:31Malik Ajlal doesn’t spare his enemies so easily.
25:36my advice is that you should also go back.
25:39I will not go alone.
25:41I will take Omair back with me.
25:44I have also told mama the same.
25:46Your stupid stubbornness is getting yourself into trouble.
25:52You can’t take this case..
25:53But you can help me a little..
25:56What help do you need now?
25:59Uncle, I want to meet Omair..
26:02Please arrange for me to meet Omair.
26:07Dear, I may be able to help you in this regard.
26:12Uncle, I have to meet Omair anyhow!
26:14Dear, don’t worry..
26:16I’ll try my best to make you meet him.
26:19Thank you so much, uncle!
26:20Thank you.
26:37What is happening on TV?
26:38What is happening?
26:40You guys are treating Esha like this?
26:45No, Izmir..It’s nothing like that.
26:47It’s all a lie in the media.
26:49Minal, you can’t lie any further.
26:52Everything is on TV.
26:53Everything is in front of everyone!
26:55Look, Izmir..
26:57I know nothing about this.
26:59Except that I love you very much.
27:04So you did all this to take revenge from Esha.
27:07How did Esha come in between us?
27:10leave all this..
27:12Let’s plan to meet somewhere.
27:14Minal, I am shocked to see this side of yours.
27:18Just because I rejected you, will you take revenge from Esha for it?
27:22Why do you keep saying you rejected me?
27:24And who are you to reject me?
27:27What is your worth?
27:29If that’s not the case then why have you made a joke out of her in front of the whole world?
27:34Someone who comes in the way of my happiness!
27:37Will be treated this way
27:39You are very mean…
27:41You were her friend, and you did all this to Esha.
27:44But don’t consider Esha to be all alone..
27:47I’ll be standing with her as her support.
27:49You are very concerned about her?
27:52It seems you haven’t learned any lesson from Esha..
27:56What if the same needs to be done to you too.
28:00What will you do?
28:02Do whatever you want to!
28:04If you try to cause harm to Esha, then you’ll see what I do to you!
28:10You will suffer a very bad end for that.
28:13Don’t you want to stay alive?
28:18You are gone, Izmir.
28:20You are gone.
28:30You could have offered me tea or water..Yea?
28:46Come in! Come in! I was waiting for you.
28:50Leave them! Why have you held them captive?
28:56Oh God..
28:59I assumed you would resist a little..
29:03You have already fallen at my feet.
29:05What enmity do you have with my son?
29:09Why are you asking me, elder?
29:10Ask your son!
29:12Tell your father!
29:14The purpose for which you have come here for,
29:16It will never be fulfilled.
29:17Take these employees of yours and get out of here!
29:20What do you think..
29:22What do you think?
29:25I will leave here without accomplishing my purpose?
29:29Do you think so?
29:31As if!
29:37I have no enmity with you.
29:40Then enmity started at that very moment, Izmir..
29:44When you liked Esha instead of my sister.
29:49That is my personal concern..
29:50Who I liked and whom I don’t!
29:52Oh Hello!
29:54That is not your personal concern, now it is my concern!
30:01Okay fine..
30:03You have two options..
30:05Two options..
30:09Marry my sister..
30:12You will be saved..
30:16Leave the country..
30:18I will forgive you.
30:20Otherwise, what will you do?
30:22You will beat me?
30:23Beat me!
30:24Beat me!
30:25I will not beat you..
30:27I will torture you..
30:29You will die miserably.
30:33Do you want to see?
30:36No! No! No!
30:38Leave her!
30:39Leave my daughter!
30:43Leave her please!
30:48See how the little pain of your sister made you helpless..
30:51Think about it..
30:54If something happens to you..
30:57What will happen to all of them behind you?
31:00Think about it.
31:09He will not do anything.
31:11I promise you.
31:14How do I trust you?
31:15I give you my word.
31:18He will leave the country very soon.
31:20You will not see him in your way.
31:23Uncle, what good is your word to me?
31:27Make your son say it.
31:29Then I will believe it.
31:30Say it! Why don’t you say it?
31:32You are leaving the country!
31:34Say it, son!
31:35Why don’t you say it?
31:38Sorry, sir..
31:40It is very sad..
31:41Your son is not in your control.
31:44Very sad..
31:46Now I will show you how children come into control.
31:50Go on..
31:53Leave her!
31:55Brother, save me!
31:58Brother, save me!
32:00Someone save me
32:01I will do whatever you’re saying!
32:03Leave my sister!
32:03I will do whatever you’re saying!
32:05Leave her!
32:07One minute! One minute!
32:12What are you saying?
32:13I will do whatever you’re saying..
32:15Leave my sister.
32:19Leave her.
32:43No warning after this.
32:46Only action.
32:53Let’s go.
33:22Enough, mama..
33:23It’s not nice..
33:24Have some, son..
33:30You are being called at the counter.
33:33I’ll be back.
33:34I’ll also come with you.
33:37Yes, come along.
33:38Let’s go.
33:55Call me once this drip finishes.
34:18Yes, Mr..
34:19How are you feeling now?
34:23Greetings, doctor.
34:27Yes, quite better.
34:30Did he take the medicine?
34:34Yes, he took the medicine.
34:37What all medicines did he take?
34:40First he took Nuberol Forte..
34:42He will take Caflam after two hours.
34:45Keep giving the same medicines to your husband.
34:49He was insisting on going home..
34:51We don’t usually discharge our patients so soon.
34:54But if he still wants to go home then you can take him.
34:59But you will have to take good care of him at home also.
35:01Especially his arm..
35:03Making sure that he doesn’t move much.
35:09Excuse me.
35:11Thank you.
35:17I’m sorry..
35:19It seems the doctor had some confusion..
