12 Phrases No Golfer Wants To Hear

  • 9 months ago
It's still you! I wasn't watching! I can only see one ball on the green! These are just some of the phrases no golfer wants to hear whilst playing and in this video we are going to look at 12 of the most common phrases no one wants to hear. We have all said them or been on the receiving end at some point in our golfing lives - how many do you recognise!
00:00 - It's actually, it's still you.
00:02 - Ah, right now, Tappers,
00:04 that is what I would call a classic nitby.
00:07 So, you say over that left-hand bunker?
00:10 - Yeah.
00:11 (upbeat music)
00:13 - 14 points today, really pleased with that.
00:22 It's tricky out here as well.
00:24 - Ted's already in with 43.
00:25 - Ted.
00:29 Always Ted.
00:31 Always Ted.
00:33 - That's way too hard, isn't it?
00:44 I just can't get the pace at all today.
00:46 - Actually, it's still you, Jez.
00:49 - Great, thanks.
00:58 - Ah, right now, Tappers,
00:59 that is what I would call a classic nitby.
01:03 - What's a nitby?
01:04 - Nitby? - Yeah.
01:05 - Not in the bunker yet.
01:07 (upbeat music)
01:12 (upbeat music)
01:15 - One.
01:30 - Very funny.
01:40 - Oh, I can only see one up on the green.
01:43 - Really?
01:44 - Yeah, I think I was a bit further left than you.
01:46 - I thought mine was good.
01:49 I've only got my putter.
01:51 - There.
01:52 Bunker, I'm afraid.
01:53 It looks like it might be plugged as well.
01:55 - Really?
01:56 Oh.
01:59 - You might want to get your wedge.
02:00 - So, you say over that left-hand bunker?
02:09 - Yeah, you want to hug the left side
02:11 as much as you can on this hole.
02:12 - Right.
02:13 What about there, then?
02:20 - I think that might be a little bit too far left.
02:26 - Really?
02:27 - Yeah, you might want to play another one.
02:28 - Right, okay.
02:39 Come on.
02:40 Wasn't that bad?
02:43 - Oh, here it is.
02:44 Tight as four.
02:45 - Yeah.
02:46 - Yeah, you're not going to like it, but it's there.
02:49 It's there.
02:51 - Great.
02:58 - Came out cleanly.
03:06 (upbeat music)
03:09 - Okay, that's me three up, I think, Jez.
03:14 - Really?
03:15 - I'm not getting shot here.
03:16 - No.
03:18 Right.
03:18 Yeah, good shot.
03:35 - I can't believe we're not going to find this.
03:36 There's no rough here.
03:38 - No, we should be able to find this one, shouldn't we?
03:41 Oh, here we are.
03:42 What are you playing?
03:43 - Tight as two.
03:44 - Yellow?
03:46 - No.
03:47 - Ah, sorry.
03:49 This one's not yours, then.
03:50 - I've been playing a white ball all day.
03:52 - Sorry.
03:53 Oh, great strike.
04:04 I think it's gone about 40 yards right, though, Jez.
04:07 - Ah, okay.
04:10 My hole, then.
04:21 - Oh, directly into the sun.
04:32 - Mm.
04:33 Mm.
04:34 - Oh, I didn't see it at all.
04:46 Did you see where it went, Jez?
04:48 - Sorry, I wasn't watching.
04:49 - Are you joking?
04:52 - Oh, no, I was marking my ball.
04:53 Sorry.
04:55 (upbeat music)
04:58 (upbeat music)
05:00 (upbeat music)
05:03 (upbeat music)
05:06 (upbeat music)
05:08 (upbeat music)
