Louis Austin Falk from Dziewieniszki - Dieveniškės - Divenishok. The Jewish Veteran דיװענישאק.

  • 9 months ago
Louis Austin Falk born Dziewieniszki - Dieveniškės - Divenishok : דיװענישאק. : דז'ייוויינישקי' , Devenishki, Девенишки, Devenishuk (Lithuania).

Jews in American wars. Book by J. George Fredman and Louis A Falk (Author). Jewish war veterans of the USA

Zionist Organization Of America.

Folk Louis Austin, US, business executive, b. Dziewieniszki - Dieveniškės, Lithuania, Nov. 7, 1895, LLB Hamilton Col od Law; Meat market chain owner, New Jersey; former president of the Union Packing Company of Jersey City; pres. synagogue; active Jewish community center.
Mr. Falk, long active in Jewish affairs, had been a vice president of the Zionist Organization of America in the 1950's and president of the New Jersey region, and founder of the American Jewish League for Israel in the 1960's. He was a founder and vice president of the Jewish Hospital and Rehabilitation Center in Jersey City.

During the 1930's, Mr. Falk, who had served in France in World War I, was active in the efforts of the Jewish War Veterans in the United States to call attention to the growth of the Nazis. He was commander of the Jewish War Veteran's New Jersey Post No. 10, a member of the national executive committee, editor-in chief of its monthly publication, The Jewish Veteran, and co‐author of the book “Jews in American Wars,” published in 1942.

His wife, the former Bessie Fineberg, died Oct. 9, 1978. He is survived by two daughters, Doris of New York City and Lucille Foster of Englewood, N.J. ; a sister, Rose Cure of Brooklyn, and two grandchildren.

By The New York Times


