THE GIFTED Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In this unique and mysterious horror story, Barbara (played by Ginger Lynn Allen) possesses a strange power to control others' wills. As she grapples with her dark past, her only chance at redemption lies in a confessional encounter with a mysterious priest and his undead assembly.
Explore Barbara's tumultuous journey across five decades as she confronts the traumas that have shaped her.
Explore Barbara's tumultuous journey across five decades as she confronts the traumas that have shaped her.
Short filmTranscript
00:00 Excuse me. Hello? Father?
00:07 That's far enough, children.
00:12 I mean, are you sure we need to do this? This could all be bullshit.
00:24 We only made a few mistakes.
00:26 We have to do this. I have to do this.
00:29 We have to get clean.
00:31 How many people have you fucked over?
00:33 How many people have you killed that got stuck in your shit life?
00:38 You've been through so much, Bulma.
00:42 Now I'm here to grant you a wish.
00:44 You are going to end up dead just like everybody else in my life.
00:48 Just fucking kill me! Do it!
00:52 If you wish for my blessing,
00:57 you must confess.
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