The Petersfield branch of the Royal British Legion held a surprise ceremony for departing chairman Clive Lewis at their January meeting in the town hall. Mr Lewis, who transformed the branch's fortunes during his 16-year tenure, leaves a legacy that will never die according to the group's appreciative president.
00:00 It's a bit mind-blowing actually. We've got two new pictures to the wall.
00:04 [Laughter]
00:06 Very grateful for that.
00:08 David mentioned my Royal Navy career.
00:11 Sadly I left the Royal Navy and I haven't had a drop to drink since I left the Navy.
00:22 I've been TT'd so I'm going to put some very nice grapefruit juice in here and treasure the glass.
00:30 I could fill it.
00:32 Oh sorry, of course my anchorage will fill it up with, what is it, Drambuie or something.
00:38 Anything.