• last year
Cats, scientifically known as Felis catus, are carnivorous mammals with over 100 recognized breeds resulting from thousands of years of domestication. They typically live 12-15 years, exhibit meticulous grooming habits, and have retractable claws for hunting and climbing. Solitary hunters, cats can sleep up to 16 hours a day, and a group of them is called a "clowder." Cats lack taste receptors for sweetness, possess excellent night vision, and use their sensitive whiskers for spatial judgment. They make over 100 sounds, with meowing primarily used for communication with humans. Some cats exhibit polydactyly, having six toes on their front paws. The oldest recorded cat lived to 38 years, and cats can run up to 30 mph for short distances. Their tongues, covered in papillae, aid in grooming and scraping meat off bones. In ancient Egypt, cats were revered as sacred animals. Domesticated for over 10,000 years, cats remain one of the most popular pets, displaying crepuscular activity peaks at dawn and dusk.


