Bill Gates Says AI Will Make Everyone's Lives Easier in the Future

  • 6 months ago
Bill Gates Says AI Will Make , Everyone's Lives Easier in the Future.
CNN reports that Bill Gates predicts artificial
intelligence will have a transformative impact
on the world within the next five years.
CNN reports that Bill Gates predicts artificial
intelligence will have a transformative impact
on the world within the next five years.
The emergence of AI has elicited
fear that millions of jobs around
the world could be eliminated. .
According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), nearly 40% of all jobs globally
could be impacted by AI.
In an interview with CNN, Gates pointed to
history to show how the advent of new technology
always comes with fear before opportunity. .
In an interview with CNN, Gates pointed to
history to show how the advent of new technology
always comes with fear before opportunity. .
As we had [with] agricultural productivity
in 1900, people were like ‘Hey, what are
people going to do?’ In fact, a lot of new
things, a lot of new job categories were
created and we’re way better off than
when everybody was doing farm
work. This will be like that, Bill Gates, via CNN.
Gates told CNN's Fareed Zakaria that AI will make
people's lives easier while also being integrated
into critical sectors like education and medicine.
The goal of the Gates Foundation
is to make sure that the delay
between benefitting people in
poor countries versus getting to rich
countries will make that very short, Bill Gates, via CNN.
After all, the shortages of doctors
and teachers is way more acute
in Africa then it is in the West, Bill Gates, via CNN.
However, the latest IMF report contradicts
Gates' predictions, finding that AI is likely to
deepen inequality without government intervention.
However, the latest IMF report contradicts
Gates' predictions, finding that AI is likely to
deepen inequality without government intervention.
According to 'Bloomberg's Billionaires Index,'
Gates is the fourth-richest person in the world
with an estimated worth of $140 billion. .
According to 'Bloomberg's Billionaires Index,'
Gates is the fourth-richest person in the world
with an estimated worth of $140 billion.
