Empower Your Career, Control Your Emotions || Acharya Prashant

  • 9 months ago
Full Video: Empower Your Career, Control Your Emotions || Acharya Prashant
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imUVCtwSRww&t=0s

Video Information: NIT-Silchar, 22.02.2022, Rishikesh, India

~ What work to choose in life?
~ Should one seek social validation while choosing work?
~ How important is money while choosing work?
~ Why do we often underestimate the circumstances?

Music Credits: Milind Date
00:00 Hello Acharya ji, my name is Kali. I am doing M.Tech from an IT center. So my question from
00:10 you is how can I keep my career ahead of my emotions? Like I am a very emotional person,
00:17 I get disturbed with little things. Means whenever I am having argument with my loved
00:23 ones, I just get disturbed and I kept on thinking about those things only and I can't study.
00:29 And it hampers my study a lot. So how can I keep my career ahead of my all these feelings?
00:47 It's not that we have loved ones. We love to be disturbed. Would our loved ones mean
00:59 anything to us if they don't disturb us and we don't disturb them? Think of this, if our
01:08 loved ones stop disturbing us, probably the relationship would disappear. Is the relationship
01:20 itself not founded on the premise of giving each other the right to invade the personal
01:31 space of the other? If you want for example, the other's time and the other is saying,
01:44 you know right now I am occupied with something important. Maybe you will exempt him or her
01:51 a couple of times, but after that you will enjoy disturbing. Otherwise you will feel
01:59 you mean nothing to that person. Similarly the other person wants to have the right to
02:09 freely move about and litter in your inner space. That is what you call as disturbance.
02:25 Emotions we are born with and especially being a woman in the biological scheme of things.
02:38 Emotions are powerful. The thing is what do these emotions want to do to you? Where are
02:57 these emotions coming from? This same body that is the source of all emotions, what does
03:09 it really want? Is your nose really very interested in having a career? The emotion is coming
03:23 from the nose. The emotion is coming from the eyes, the ears, the skin, all parts of
03:39 the body and I am not even naming the brain right now. The entire body gives rise to emotions.
03:52 What does the body want? You have a woman's body. What does it want? And we share our
04:01 bodies with animals. What do bodies want? Do the bodies want the woman to have a career?
04:11 Do the bodies want the woman to have knowledge and wisdom? Is your nose annoyed? If you do
04:21 not study, do your eyebrows feel offended if you do not clear an exam? Nothing happens.
04:36 The skin continues to glow even if you are an extremely ignorant person. In fact, it
04:44 has been seen that the skin of ignorant persons glows much more brightly than those who are
04:56 a little less ignorant. Does the skin care for knowledge, career, consciousness? No.
05:12 Now the relationships, are the relationships coming from wisdom and consciousness or are
05:18 the relationships themselves coming from the body? Don't be in a hurry to answer. I just
05:27 want you to consider it. So, the body manifests itself in the relationships. How do we choose
05:44 friends? We choose the kind of friends that support our mental patterns. We choose friends
05:55 whose company allows a rush of dopamine to the brain. So, you are not choosing friends.
06:04 It is the body, the brain that is choosing friends. How do we choose partners? We choose
06:14 partners based on their intellectual depth and spiritual wisdom. We may claim so, it
06:20 sounds honorable. But the fact is that the body has its own ways. And the first proof
06:32 is that a woman likes to choose a man and a man likes to choose a woman. If we were
06:40 looking only for intellect and depth, why would gender be a concern? But the gender
06:49 is the first thing. So, the relationship itself is founded on the body. Now see where we are
06:56 coming. The relationship is the body. And what you want is wisdom and consciousness.
07:14 Now why will these two go together? Why will your relationships be conducive to your career
07:21 or to your real growth? You have an exam tomorrow. You know that you have an exam tomorrow. Does
07:35 the body still not want to fall asleep? Have you not experienced this? That even if you
07:45 know that something very important is to be done, yet the body starts acting lazy and
07:50 sleepy. Have you not experienced this? Yeah, I have experienced this. So, the body has
07:57 no respect for the real things in life. The body has respect only for its biological construction.
08:06 And the body is biologically constructed just to have fun of all kinds in life. Eat, sleep,
08:13 be merry, repeat. You could say, food, sex, sleep, repeat. That's all that is there to
08:26 this body. And if our relationships are coming from the body, then know very well that your
08:39 relationships will not be aligned with your intellectual pursuits, including your career
08:48 choices. Do you feel I am beating around the bush? Probably I am. Or am I coming to a point?
09:01 No, you are coming to a point. All right. All this disturbance that you experience,
09:15 heavy emotionality, quick to cry, these things happen. And they happen a little more with
09:25 women. They are just the conspiracies of this body against your real purpose in life. So,
09:39 be very very watchful. You are not born just to be a servant to your body. And emotions
09:53 are just bodily. Do not give too much respect to your emotions. Wisdom and discretion is
10:03 one thing and emotionality is a totally different thing. Getting it? If you start living your
10:14 life founded on emotions, you won't go very far. You would go only in the direction of
10:23 your bodily constitution. That's where your biological life wants to take you. And the
10:31 places where your biological life intends to take you are not very glorious or dignified
10:37 places. Do not let those things happen to you. Emotions will continue because your body
10:47 will continue. So, what can you do? Do not patronize your emotions. Do not energize your
10:56 emotions. When emotions rise, do not say these are my emotions. Say these are the body's
11:05 emotions. Fight against these emotions. Whenever these emotional disturbances arise, do not
11:18 say, "Oh, what can I do? This has happened, that had happened. Now I am feeling disturbed.
11:24 Somebody has come and disturbed me." Say, "I know where the disturbance is coming from
11:29 and I do not want to side with it. Let the disturbance be there. I will still continue
11:35 to do what is right." Are you getting it? All your life…
11:43 Ignoring our emotions, it's a very difficult thing.
11:51 Yes, it is difficult, but it's worth it. Because if you do not ignore them, they will
11:57 be all over you. And always remember, the emotions are not yours. The emotions belong
12:06 to the body. And the body is not a very glorious thing. You are a conscious human being. Your
12:19 purpose in life is to gain heights of consciousness, of wisdom, of freedom. And the body wants
12:29 no wisdom, no freedom. And I am saying, especially in the case of the woman, the body can militate
12:40 very strongly against the purposes of the consciousness. So you have to be even more
12:47 alert. And if you can be alert, the results are worth it.
12:55 So, this happens with women only? No, no, it happens with everybody. It happens
13:04 with everybody. But the thing is that you look at our societal structure, you look at
13:11 the way everything is designed to affect a girl child in a way that makes her more body-centric.
13:22 And you look at how Prakriti, physical nature, has chosen the woman as her preferred equipment
13:32 for her continuation. When you look at the reproductive cycle, it affects the woman far
13:40 more deeply and for a much longer duration than it affects the man. So, in that sense,
13:51 the woman has to be more cautious. Both the man and the woman are offsprings of Prakriti.
14:02 Therefore, they both are vulnerable to the chains of Prakriti. But woman has some additional
14:18 forces acting against her. And therefore, she has to be extra cautious. But that also
14:27 means that her victory tastes sweeter. That also means that when she succeeds, the success
14:41 means even more. And it is not much important to ask who is at a greater risk. The more
14:56 relevant question to ask is, would you be alright if you do not achieve your real nature?
15:08 Maybe the odds are a little more against you. But the inner urge to be liberated is the
15:19 same in all human beings, irrespective of their gender. So, will you be at peace if
15:28 you remain a hostage to your body? Tell me. So, that is the question to ask. Do not ask
15:40 how easy or difficult is it for me compared to a man. Because the thing is not relative.
15:49 The thing is not comparative. Maybe it's a bit more difficult for a woman. So, what?
15:57 It's worth it. If it's worth it, then we will fight it out. Right? We will fight it
16:06 out. See, you are thirsty, the other one too is thirsty. Would you look at the other's
16:15 thirst and say, well, you know, he's more thirsty than me. So, I feel satisfied. Will
16:25 that help you? No. You have to quench your own thirst. You have to fight your own battles.
16:33 And the battles deserve to be fought and are possible to be won. That's what matters.
16:40 Right?
16:45 [Music]
