Alvin Chong Artis Malaysia Pertama Buat Video Muzik Di…… | GMW Specials

  • 9 months ago
Gempak Most Wanted
️ Setiap Isnin hingga Jumaat
⏰ 11 malam
Astro Ria dan Astro GO
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00:00 [Music]
00:07 GMW special, today we have Alvin Chang in the house!
00:11 Hi, happy new year!
00:13 Happy new year!
00:14 Okay, talking about new year,
00:16 how did you spend the last day of 2023?
00:19 I just slept at home.
00:21 You didn't celebrate?
00:22 I celebrated in my heart.
00:24 So while you were sleeping, you were like, "Happy New Year!"
00:27 Happy New Year, this is going to be a better year.
00:30 You were sleeping?
00:31 Usually people go out with friends, go out to eat.
00:34 First of all, I don't like places with bad traffic.
00:38 And second thing, it's going to be chaotic.
00:41 Because it's hard to go home, jammed.
00:44 And then friends can meet at other times.
00:46 Because we don't work like office hours, right?
00:48 So it's easy to meet.
00:50 So don't wait for a specific time.
00:52 When you want to book a dinner place, it's expensive.
00:56 China is a bit stingy.
00:58 I didn't say that.
01:01 I just said it. Not all Chinese are like that.
01:03 It's me.
01:04 Okay, 2024, a new year's resolution.
01:07 This year is the same as last year.
01:09 I want to do things that make me happy.
01:12 And I want to be healthier.
01:15 In terms of taking care of my diet.
01:17 And then there's time to relax.
01:20 So I also want to travel more.
01:23 Wow, talking about travel.
01:25 Congratulations on your new song.
01:27 I watched the music video over and over again.
01:30 Because I'm so amazed with the whole concept of the music video.
01:33 And of course, it's in you.
01:35 Maybe Alvin can tell us a bit about this song.
01:37 This song is an English song.
01:41 And the third song is English Alvin.
01:45 And it's about a song that you fall in love with someone.
01:49 But at that time, you're not ready yet.
01:51 To have a commitment with that person.
01:54 But you can't control it.
01:57 Because you already have feelings.
01:59 And then it's going over and over again.
02:01 In your heart and in your mind.
02:05 Do you want to know?
02:07 That's why it's over again.
02:09 I think many people can relate to this song.
02:11 #Me
02:12 Okay, no, wrong.
02:13 Is there a story?
02:14 You're the one who interviewed me.
02:16 Okay, let's go back.
02:17 Okay, actually for the song 'Over Again'.
02:30 Of course, when Alvin heard the demo for the first time.
02:33 What made Alvin feel okay?
02:35 I want to sing this song.
02:36 Okay, the first time Alvin got this demo.
02:39 The key is four keys higher.
02:41 So it's very high.
02:43 And I can't sing that high.
02:46 And then we lower down the keys.
02:48 I also fell in love with the lyrics.
02:50 Because the lyrics are very relatable.
02:53 With you?
02:57 Yes.
02:58 With your life?
02:59 Of course, we're always like.
03:00 Be a father or get married.
03:03 We always feel like we're not ready.
03:05 We don't know if we're ready or not.
03:06 But we do it anyway.
03:09 So in the relationship, it's the same.
03:10 Sometimes we don't know if the person is suitable or not.
03:12 But we have feelings.
03:14 But there are a lot of reflexes.
03:15 We are confused.
03:17 That's why it's relatable.
03:19 That's why you want to sing this song.
03:21 'Over Again'.
03:22 Okay, aside from the four keys.
03:24 What other challenges did you have to sing 'Over Again' for Alvin?
03:29 He has a lot of lyrics.
03:32 And the melody is fast.
03:34 And it's actually a slow rock song that I've never heard of.
03:37 A genre that I've never heard of.
03:39 And the verses are very low.
03:42 And then it gradually goes up.
03:44 The chorus is high.
03:47 And then it's like...
03:48 That's it.
03:50 Okay, we want to talk about the music video.
03:54 Because it's like a drama.
03:56 It's like a commercial.
03:58 It's like all in one.
04:00 It's so beautiful.
04:02 You shoot in Switzerland.
04:04 Wow, guys.
04:05 It's an international shoot in Switzerland.
04:07 But there's no heroine.
04:08 There's no heroine.
04:09 Maybe in 2024, you can find another heroine.
04:12 We'll see how much it costs.
04:14 Okay.
04:15 So, how was it?
04:16 You know, your music video for 'Over Again'.
04:19 You went to Switzerland to shoot the whole thing.
04:23 Initially, when Alvin recorded this song.
04:26 So, the label asked Alvin.
04:27 So, what concept do you want for this song?
04:31 And then, suddenly the invitation to Switzerland came.
04:35 So, I told the label, okay.
04:37 Let's propose to the brand.
04:39 While I'm there, we'll extend two more days.
04:42 Just to shoot some footages for the music video.
04:45 We didn't have any expectations.
04:47 How we're going to shoot.
04:49 Because we didn't have a recce.
04:50 We didn't know the weather.
04:51 We've never been to Switzerland.
04:53 So, we went there.
04:54 We just went there.
04:55 Seriously?
04:56 Because it looks like proper planning.
04:58 Proper planning?
04:59 Yeah, it looks like...
05:01 I know I'm going to shoot here.
05:04 I don't know why.
05:05 Power editing.
05:07 Only the editor knows.
05:08 When we're editing.
05:10 How to do it?
05:11 It's hard to say.
05:12 How to do it?
05:13 It's not pretty.
05:14 Okay.
05:15 So, in the music video, we've seen you shoot in a museum.
05:19 And I know it's not easy to shoot in a museum.
05:22 So, Alvin, can you tell us a bit about your experience to shoot inside?
05:26 So, Alvin is one of the first people to shoot in the museum.
05:29 And there are a lot of protocols.
05:32 So, he's like, how to hold it.
05:34 You have to ask for permission.
05:35 If you want to shoot in this corner, if you want to turn on the lighting.
05:38 What to adjust.
05:39 You have to ask for permission.
05:41 So, it took a long time to shoot in that place.
05:45 Because you need permission from the person.
05:48 Then, the person will approve it.
05:50 Then, you have to ask for the protocol.
05:52 If there's anything broken, who will replace it?
05:57 It's the museum, guys.
05:58 But Alvin is the first person.
06:00 Is this one comment on YouTube?
06:03 He said, it's like an OSTK drama.
06:06 And there's a bit of a BTS style.
06:09 Maybe because of the hair.
06:11 Okay, so Alvin has been in the industry for quite a long time.
06:14 What year did you start in the industry?
06:17 In 2015.
06:19 Now?
06:20 In 2015?
06:22 Since 2009.
06:23 Wow.
06:24 So, that's a long time.
06:25 I started in China.
06:27 Actually, I started with singing.
06:29 Chinese song.
06:31 Chinese song.
06:32 And then, I started acting.
06:34 And then, I joined a Malay drama.
06:36 So, I'm back to singing.
06:39 What's the hardest question to answer?
06:42 I know.
06:43 I can guess.
06:44 What do you want to ask?
06:45 Do you prefer singing or acting?
06:47 Alvin can read people's minds in 2024.
06:50 You guys, be careful.
06:51 Okay, so which one?
06:53 He saw that the project is interesting.
06:56 And the production is really good.
06:58 The script is really good.
06:59 I prefer acting.
07:01 And then, if you ask me in general,
07:05 singing is still my passion.
07:07 Because, if I write a song, it's about my own story.
07:11 If I act, it's a character.
07:15 And then, it has to depend on many people.
07:18 If there's no cameraman, director, or co-actor,
07:21 it's hard to make it.
07:23 There's no offer.
07:24 It's hard to make it.
07:25 But if I sing, it's just a few people.
07:27 And the label can help me with it.
07:29 So, it's easier to manage.
07:54 But, when you first started in the industry,
07:57 do you still remember what you said to yourself?
08:00 Like, can I make it?
08:02 Can I do it?
08:03 Or should I just do it?
08:04 Even back in 2009?
08:05 Yes.
08:06 To be honest, I never thought of becoming a public figure.
08:10 Whether I become a singer or an actor,
08:12 I never crossed my mind.
08:14 But at that time,
08:15 because I joined a singing competition,
08:18 my motive at that time was just to accompany my friend
08:21 to join the competition.
08:23 But in the end, I was the only one who made it to the finals.
08:25 And he didn't.
08:26 You accompanied him?
08:27 I just accompanied him.
08:28 And then, you joined the competition?
08:29 I was the only one who made it.
08:30 That's right.
08:31 It's a blessing.
08:32 We always say it's a blessing.
08:33 So, "Over Again" has been released.
08:44 Will there be more songs after this?
08:46 There are three more songs.
08:48 But they're all in English.
08:49 And then, after the EP or the album is released,
08:53 we'll plan to have a tour in Malaysia.
08:56 Wow, guys.
08:57 A new song will be released in 2024.
08:59 The album is ready to tour.
09:00 Congratulations, Elvin.
09:03 Alright, guys.
09:04 That's your plan for 2024.
09:07 Is there anything else you want to tell your fans?
09:12 Many people have asked me why I haven't been on TV for a long time.
09:15 I don't want to act anymore.
09:16 So, I want to answer that question.
09:18 I don't have an offer.
09:20 Sometimes, I'm stuck with my job.
09:23 And also, we've discussed with a few productions...
09:27 ...that will shoot one or two projects this year.
09:31 So, I hope you'll support us.
09:34 Is there any time when you're upset?
09:36 Upset?
09:37 Do you get upset with anything?
09:39 Like, suddenly, you're like...
09:41 No, I'm not upset.
09:43 Okay, guys.
09:44 There will be many things in 2024.
09:46 You've shared your album and EP.
09:48 I think I'll wait for your album in Billboard New York, Elvin.
09:51 Amen.
09:52 Amen.
09:53 Yes.
09:54 Alright.
09:55 Thank you so much, Elvin.
09:56 You'll sing for your fans in Astro Gempak, right?
09:59 Yes, the song 'Over Again'.
10:00 Yes, 'Over Again'.
10:01 If you want to watch the full version...
10:04 ...don't forget to watch GMW Special on Astro Gempak.
10:08 Bye.
10:09 Bye.
10:10 [Music]
