Utena Hiiragi is a normal, introverted girl with a great admiration for magical girls, especially the beautiful trio who protect her city, Tres Magia. One day, a mascot named Venalita approaches Utena and gives her magical powers, but instead of becoming the magical girl of justice she always wanted to be, she becomes an evil general of the Enormita organization. Despite the misfortune of being forced to fight the magical girls she admires, Utena soon discovers that she has a hidden sadistic side and enjoys torturing her former idols with her new obsession.
Category - BDSM , Ecchi , Mahou Shoujo (Magical Girls)
Animation Studio - ASAHI Production
Author - Akihiro Ononaka (serialized "Storia Dash" published by Takeshobo)
Direction - Ootsuki Atsushi, Suzuki Masato
Series Composition - Kimura Noboru
Music Production - LANTIS
Music - Johannes Nilsson, Suzuki Akinari, Takanashi Yasuharu
Planning - Kikuchi Tsuyoshi, Kudou Daijou
Production - 魔法少女にあこがれて製作委員会 , KADOKAWA
Category - BDSM , Ecchi , Mahou Shoujo (Magical Girls)
Animation Studio - ASAHI Production
Author - Akihiro Ononaka (serialized "Storia Dash" published by Takeshobo)
Direction - Ootsuki Atsushi, Suzuki Masato
Series Composition - Kimura Noboru
Music Production - LANTIS
Music - Johannes Nilsson, Suzuki Akinari, Takanashi Yasuharu
Planning - Kikuchi Tsuyoshi, Kudou Daijou
Production - 魔法少女にあこがれて製作委員会 , KADOKAWA