Estafa de ETECSA. Denuncia ciudadana.

  • 7 months ago
Estafa de ETECSA
Enrique Walterio Álvarez, matemático retirado, denuncia irregularidades cometidas por la empresa ETECSA y CUBACEL. “Se paga desde el extranjero un servicio que no se está brindando”
00:00 Today I want to make a complaint about the things that ETEXA does,
00:07 that fall into the real trap of fraud.
00:11 ETEXA, when you receive a payment from outside or when you put it yourself here in Cuba,
00:19 gives you a deadline until the 30th to use that amount of emails, messages, internet navigation and others.
00:32 What is happening? There are no services, there is no communication, the messages do not come out.
00:41 It must be clarified that Cubacel is responsible for those communications that are not being made.
00:49 But ETEXA should demand it because it is making them fall into a trap of fraud.
00:56 And that is a fraud.
00:59 That service is paid from abroad and very expensive, which is not being provided.
01:05 And if it is provided, it is provided badly.
01:09 That is fraud.
01:11 ETEXA is the one who charges and on top of that, the legal responsibility falls.
01:19 But in reality, the one in charge of the service is Cubacel,
01:25 who does not care if there is service or not, if the communications come out well or not.
01:33 They just don't care, they don't fix anything.
01:36 Now they are saying that the plant is broken, that they are waiting to fix it.
01:39 That is being charged, it is being charged in currency and very expensive.
01:46 Here they have a message that those messages have not come out.
01:53 It's been more than 15 days since the messages came out.
01:57 Explain this to me.
01:59 Because I have a deadline until the 30th to use the money I have paid and very expensive.
02:05 And the messages don't come out.
02:08 Explain this to me.
02:10 We hope that what I have said reaches a receptive ear,
02:17 that is able to launch a plan that gives an end to this situation,
02:23 which is quite troublesome for them, not for us.
02:28 A people that according to international norms has the right to international communication,
02:34 has access to the internet, is being blocked brutally.
02:38 Internally, not externally.
02:43 The International Labour Organization (ILO) 2015
