En 1943, le colonel Saïto dirige un camp de prisonniers dans la jungle birmane. Il reçoit l'ordre de construire un pont sur la rivière Kwaï et d'y faire travailler les détenus, y compris les officiers, au mépris des conventions internationales. Le colonel anglais Nicholson, capturé à Singapour avec ses troupes, refuse énergiquement de participer au chantier. Saïto pense pouvoir le faire plier en le soumettant à toutes sortes de vexations et de sévices, mais Nicholson tient bon. Son geôlier finit par céder. Nicholson accepte alors, de son plein gré, de prendre la tête des opérations pour montrer aux Japonais de quoi sont capables les soldats de Sa Majesté...
Court métrageTranscription
00:00 "La Marseillaise"
00:02 "La Marseillaise"
00:04 "La Marseillaise"
00:06 "La Marseillaise"
00:08 "La Marseillaise"
00:10 "La Marseillaise"
00:12 "La Marseillaise"
00:40 "I am the commanding officer of this camp."
00:43 "You British prisoners have been chosen to build a bridge across the River Kwai."
00:51 "If you work hard, you will be treated well."
00:56 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
01:02 "I am the commanding officer of this camp."
01:06 "I am the commanding officer of this camp."
01:09 "If you work hard, you will be treated well."
01:13 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
01:17 "I am the commanding officer of this camp."
01:21 "If you work hard, you will be treated well."
01:25 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
01:29 "I am the commanding officer of this camp."
01:34 "If you work hard, you will be treated well."
01:37 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
01:41 "I am the commanding officer of this camp."
01:45 "If you work hard, you will be treated well."
01:49 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
01:53 "I am the commanding officer of this camp."
01:57 "If you work hard, you will be treated well."
02:03 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
02:06 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
02:10 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
02:14 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
02:18 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
02:22 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
02:26 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
02:31 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
02:34 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
02:38 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
02:42 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
02:46 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
02:50 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
02:54 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
02:59 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
03:02 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
03:05 "But if you do not work hard, you will be punished."
03:08 [SILENCE]