#OutlookMagazine | Nyay Anyay, Janine (Right or Wrong, Who Cares-)

  • 7 months ago
00:00 I am Pragya and I bring to you excerpts from the ear-opener issue of Outlook titled Poetry as Evidence.
00:07 Poetry must be brought before general public. Poetry offers that scope that we get affected and we feel.
00:14 Poetry expands the scope of storytelling. It is evidence of others' lives, of our times.
00:21 We remain grateful to Amar Kanwar who worked with us and edited this issue,
00:25 and to everyone who gave us their poems and images, to the reporters who gathered the poems,
00:31 to the designers and researchers who made it all possible.
00:35 "Nai Aney Jani Ne" - Right or Wrong, Who Cares?
00:40 by Shonkha Ghosh from West Bengal, translated from Bengali by Srimanti Sengupta.
00:46 Three rounds of firing and 23 dead. People are such scoundrels.
00:52 The schoolboys who perished at the threshold were anti-socials, of course.
00:58 Look there, they are pretending to be epitomes of innocence.
01:02 As if they have no idea about the simplest things. Sheesh!
01:06 Bullets know nothing but self-defense. Yet, the eyes often stare at the stars in the sky philosophically.
01:15 The police can do no wrong as long as they belong to me.
01:19 For this and more, read the year opener issue of Outlook.
