• last year
Oliver undergoes a life-changing experience after receiving an unprecedented miracle drug. The story unfolds with wealth, questionable agreements, and a blending of past and present, shaping an enthralling narrative called 'Altered Reality' that explores themes of redemption and choices. Castemembers Tobin Bell, Edward Asner, Lance Henriksen, Kayla Adams, and more will star in the upcoming movie “Altered Reality” directed by Don E. FauntLeRoy. Check it out.
00:00 Why didn't you tell me my daughter was murdered?
00:03 She wasn't supposed to die.
00:05 I'm Dr. Stevens, and this is Spencer Ross from HL Pharmaceuticals.
00:14 The compound you discovered, it's nothing short of a miracle cure, Mr. Cook.
00:19 The FDA wants to move on this.
00:21 You gave me those pills.
00:25 I wanted to give you everything you wanted. You wanted a ban on fortune.
00:30 So listen, everyone, I want to propose a toast.
00:34 I know the perfect place to celebrate.
00:36 But I'm thinking that it's time for you to have a little fun.
00:41 Hey, you guys are coming.
00:43 Spending your money on some rare art, or some vintage wines, a new Ferrari, or maybe a little on the side.
00:54 I'm a married man.
00:55 Don't stop the Europeans.
00:57 She had a picture of Oliver the Stripper.
01:00 He's missing Oliver!
01:04 She's missing.
01:06 Some people think of time in a straight line.
01:11 They're born, they live, they die.
01:13 Some of us can travel back and forth.
01:19 I want my baby girls like you.
01:24 I want my baby girls like back.
01:27 back.
01:29 (dramatic music)