• 8 months ago
00:01:39 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:12:48 a triangular-shaped silver object.
00:12:51 This time, it accompanied its military transport plane
00:12:55 for a few kilometers flying very close,
00:12:57 and then, without making any noise,
00:12:59 it flew at high speed, disappearing among the clouds.
00:13:04 As we can see,
00:13:10 unlike what's happened in the United States,
00:13:13 most UFOs in the United Kingdom
00:13:16 were spotted by members of the Air Force.
00:13:19 But not all of these phenomena are visible to the human eye.
00:13:24 Some also appear on air tracking radars,
00:13:28 like the famous Lakenheath-Bentwaters incident.
00:13:32 At 9 p.m. on August 13, 1956,
00:13:37 the Air Force base in Bentwaters, Suffolk,
00:13:41 detected a signal that seemed to be a plane
00:13:43 approaching the base from the sea.
00:13:46 The speed of this signal was estimated
00:13:48 at several hundred kilometers per hour,
00:13:51 but in addition to this,
00:13:53 there were other smaller and slower signals
00:13:55 coming from the northeast.
00:13:58 Under the confused gaze of the radar operators,
00:14:02 they merged into a larger signal
00:14:04 before disappearing quickly to the north.
00:14:08 Shortly after, another signal appeared
00:14:11 that moved quickly from east to west.
00:14:14 To investigate the incident,
00:14:16 an instructor bomber,
00:14:18 T-33 of the 512th Interceptor House Squadron, took off,
00:14:24 taking aboard lieutenants Charles Metz and Andrew Rowe.
00:14:29 They were tasked with investigating the radar contacts,
00:14:32 but after several reconnaissance flights,
00:14:35 they could not see anything in the area
00:14:36 and were subsequently called to the base.
00:14:39 [music]
00:14:43 Approximately an hour later,
00:14:45 more precisely at 2255,
00:14:48 a new signal was detected approaching from the east.
00:14:52 Incredibly, it seemed to reach a speed
00:14:55 of between 3,000 and 6,000 kilometers per hour,
00:14:59 and in a few seconds it would have passed over the base
00:15:01 before disappearing to reappear to the west.
00:15:06 Meanwhile, the ground observers
00:15:08 in the control tower saw a white light
00:15:11 flying along the base.
00:15:13 In addition, the pilot of a C-47 military transport aircraft,
00:15:18 which flew at 1,200 meters above the base,
00:15:21 reported seeing a similar light pass under his plane.
00:15:26 All these events occurred very close to each other.
00:15:30 After receiving a notification,
00:15:32 the Lakenhiet base,
00:15:34 located approximately 60 kilometers
00:15:36 northwest of Bentwaters,
00:15:38 was put on maximum alert.
00:15:40 Ground personnel reported seeing several bright objects,
00:15:44 one of which made a sudden change in direction,
00:15:48 while the other two seemed to merge before separating,
00:15:52 but this time the radars did not record any of these anomalies,
00:15:55 at least until midnight.
00:15:57 A crucial moment in the incident,
00:16:00 documented in the report by Sergeant Forrest Perkins,
00:16:03 who worked as a radar supervisor
00:16:05 at the Lakenhiet Air Traffic Control Center.
00:16:08 In Perkins' report,
00:16:10 the base captured a signal southwest
00:16:13 shortly after midnight.
00:16:15 This signal then continued northwestwards
00:16:18 before abruptly ending.
00:16:21 Two VH-112 Venom bombers were sent
00:16:25 from the nearby Water Beach base
00:16:28 to intercept the unidentified flying objects.
00:16:31 The main pilot, guided by the ground radar,
00:16:34 contacted the ship's radar
00:16:36 and saw a bright light in front of him
00:16:38 before losing connection.
00:16:40 Then the ground radar alerted the pilot
00:16:43 that the signal had moved behind his plane.
00:16:46 Despite the pilot's evasive maneuvers,
00:16:49 the plane was chased by the mysterious signal
00:16:51 for 10 minutes.
00:16:53 The pilot reported that there was no visual contact
00:16:56 and also reported that the signal was captured
00:16:58 by the aircraft's radar
00:17:00 for a short period
00:17:02 before heading north and disappearing completely.
00:17:07 At 1 a.m.,
00:17:09 Lakenhiet radars
00:17:11 captured another signal about 40 kilometers
00:17:13 southwest of Bentwaters,
00:17:15 which moved northwest and then stopped.
00:17:19 The signal was the only one detected
00:17:21 by the radars on both bases.
00:17:25 Other aircraft were requested to intervene,
00:17:28 but this signal disappeared too quickly,
00:17:31 and from that moment on, there was no more.
00:17:37 From the 1950s,
00:17:38 which was a very difficult time for British citizens,
00:17:42 trapped by the pain of a huge post-war economic crisis,
00:17:46 we move to the 1960s,
00:17:48 a period of changes and more that would lead
00:17:51 to the new genesis of a new nation
00:17:53 capable of exporting its arts and culture,
00:17:56 from music to cinema,
00:17:58 all over the world.
00:18:00 But in this climate of renewal in the cities,
00:18:03 the countryside remained anchored
00:18:04 to those traditional rights and values.
00:18:07 And it is right here, in the small villages,
00:18:10 where stories came to light
00:18:12 that still fascinate lovers of mysteries.
00:18:18 The Warminster thing.
00:18:20 One of the best-known sightings of the 1960s
00:18:24 took place in Warminster, Wiltshire,
00:18:27 where several people claimed to have seen objects
00:18:30 and heard noises coming from the sky.
00:18:34 This phenomenon, known as the Warminster thing,
00:18:38 attracted a lot of media attention
00:18:39 and prompted the arrival of numerous ufologists to the area.
00:18:43 The sightings of unidentified flying objects in Warminster
00:18:47 began in December 1964,
00:18:51 when two police officers claimed to have seen
00:18:53 a huge ball of light in the night sky.
00:18:57 From that moment on,
00:18:58 a series of similar sightings occurred,
00:19:01 with reports describing flying objects
00:19:03 of different shapes and sizes.
00:19:06 What made the Warminster phenomenon
00:19:08 particularly intriguing
00:19:10 were the strange sounds
00:19:12 that often accompanied the sightings.
00:19:15 Residents said there were explosions,
00:19:19 blows, buzzes and rumbles coming from the sky.
00:19:23 These mysterious noises
00:19:25 were sometimes associated with UFO sightings.
00:19:29 It was a cold December night
00:19:31 when two police officers
00:19:34 were driving on a dirt road a few miles from the town.
00:19:38 Suddenly, they were irradiated by a light
00:19:42 coming from three different balloons
00:19:44 suspended about 10 meters from the ground.
00:19:47 They abruptly stopped the car,
00:19:49 and from inside,
00:19:50 they silently observed that peculiar phenomenon,
00:19:54 until, regardless of what might have happened,
00:19:58 they turned the key to start the engine,
00:20:00 and slowly began to approach those three lights.
00:20:06 However, as sensitive entities,
00:20:09 they began to move away from the car.
00:20:12 This led to a very brief chase,
00:20:15 which ended, as we have seen many times,
00:20:18 with the three unidentified objects
00:20:20 making a quick ascent into the sky,
00:20:23 until they disappeared into the night.
00:20:27 During the following weeks,
00:20:29 the story of this alleged close encounter
00:20:31 spread like wildfire throughout the county.
00:20:34 And as usually happens in these cases,
00:20:37 many people approached,
00:20:38 declaring they had seen UFOs,
00:20:41 or even had encounters with beings from other worlds.
00:20:45 However, in the great number of stories,
00:20:48 often born from the minds of those
00:20:50 who are willing to do anything to get publicity,
00:20:53 some quite interesting ones stood out,
00:20:56 as they had nothing to do with the vision
00:20:58 of a particular object,
00:21:00 but with the perception of a continuous and annoying sound
00:21:04 capable of getting into the head of its victims,
00:21:06 causing them severe headaches.
00:21:10 It all began on Christmas Eve 1964.
00:21:14 Mrs. Mildred Head was in her bed
00:21:17 when the 1-25-AM was awakened by strange sounds.
00:21:21 They began as soft as branches being dragged by the ceiling,
00:21:25 and then changed to a noise she described as "snow".
00:21:29 Mildred got out of bed to look out the window,
00:21:33 and discovered the sky was clear.
00:21:35 Meanwhile, the noise had become a sharp whistle
00:21:39 that resounded in her head for a few long moments,
00:21:42 and then disappeared.
00:21:44 A few hours later that Christmas morning,
00:21:47 more than 30 soldiers in the camp of the Nukes
00:21:50 4 miles from Warminster
00:21:52 were suddenly awakened by a noise.
00:21:55 [Noise]
00:21:58 Everyone thought the noise came from a plane
00:22:01 trying to fly over the base,
00:22:03 but there was no trace of it on the radar.
00:22:05 After a few minutes, as happened before,
00:22:08 the sound simply disappeared.
00:22:11 Meanwhile, at 6 AM,
00:22:13 two other Warminster citizens were victims of this phenomenon.
00:22:17 The first was Mrs. Byer,
00:22:19 who, going to Mass, was attacked by the noise,
00:22:22 which inexplicably prevented her from moving.
00:22:26 While a few moments later,
00:22:27 it was the turn of the village postman,
00:22:30 who heard loud metallic noises on the roof of his house,
00:22:33 which disappeared in the air after a few seconds.
00:22:38 These four individual events were the spark,
00:22:41 or if we wish, the genesis of a media case
00:22:45 that overwhelmed this small community
00:22:47 in southern England for more than two decades.
00:22:52 Dozens, if not hundreds of people
00:22:55 reported being awakened at midnight
00:22:58 by loud and creepy explosions,
00:23:01 often followed by vibrations or shakes.
00:23:05 The noises were sometimes so intense
00:23:07 that they broke the glass
00:23:09 or shook the buildings' structures.
00:23:15 Reports on the Warminster noises were varied and generalized.
00:23:21 Some reported hearing them as a single explosive noise,
00:23:25 while others described them as a series of explosions
00:23:28 or noises similar to detonations.
00:23:32 Some residents reported hearing a reverberation
00:23:36 or echo after the noises,
00:23:38 while others reported hearing a noise
00:23:41 similar to a powerful shock wave.
00:23:44 These noises could occur at any time of day,
00:23:47 but were especially frequent at night.
00:23:53 Despite the attention and research efforts,
00:23:56 the exact origin of the Warminster noises
00:23:59 has never been fully explained or understood.
00:24:03 Theories have been proposed to explain the phenomenon,
00:24:06 including underground explosions,
00:24:08 secret military tests,
00:24:10 unusual atmospheric phenomena,
00:24:13 and, obviously,
00:24:14 paranormal or extraterrestrial interference.
00:24:18 Sceptics suggest that the noises
00:24:20 may have been the result of mass jokes
00:24:23 or collective suggestion.
00:24:26 Others speculate that the noise
00:24:28 may have been caused by a type of natural phenomenon,
00:24:31 such as the sound refraction
00:24:33 or the propagation of seismic waves.
00:24:36 However,
00:24:37 none of these explanations
00:24:38 could give a definitive answer to the phenomenon.
00:24:42 Towards the end of the 1970s,
00:24:45 the Warminster noises gradually decreased,
00:24:48 and today the phenomenon is less frequent than in the past.
00:24:53 But the memory of these mysterious noises
00:24:56 continues to fascinate enthusiasts of the paranormal
00:24:59 and inexplicable events,
00:25:01 and that is why Warminster
00:25:03 is still a place of interest for UFO history
00:25:06 in the United Kingdom.
00:25:08 In the heart of the majestic mountains of Berwyn,
00:25:14 back in 1974,
00:25:16 an event took place that still fascinates
00:25:19 UFO enthusiasts
00:25:20 and paranormal researchers today,
00:25:23 the Berwyn Mountain UFO incident.
00:25:27 It was a cold and dark night on January 23,
00:25:31 when a series of incomprehensible events
00:25:33 shook the tranquility of the mountains.
00:25:36 In that remote region of Wales,
00:25:39 a wave of UFO sightings spread among the local population,
00:25:42 generating fear and astonishment.
00:25:46 The key testimony of that night
00:25:48 came from a woman named Pat Evans.
00:25:51 After hearing a loud bang,
00:25:53 Pat noticed a blinding light through the window of her house.
00:25:57 Surprised, she looked towards the mountains
00:25:59 and witnessed an intense light explosion,
00:26:02 followed by an unreal silence.
00:26:05 The news spread like wildfire,
00:26:08 and it was soon discovered that a considerable number
00:26:10 of local residents had witnessed a similar phenomenon.
00:26:15 They described unidentified flying objects
00:26:18 floating over the peaks of the mountains,
00:26:20 and her testimony fed the mystery
00:26:22 of the Berwyn Mountain incident.
00:26:27 But what could have caused such sightings?
00:26:31 Conspiracy theorists and UFO enthusiasts
00:26:35 speculated on several explanations.
00:26:38 Some suggested it was a secret air accident
00:26:41 or a military test,
00:26:44 while others went further,
00:26:46 stating that it was an encounter with an alien ship.
00:26:50 However, official investigations
00:26:53 gave a different explanation.
00:26:55 Authorities said the event was probably related
00:26:59 to a magnitude 3.5 earthquake
00:27:02 that occurred in the region that night.
00:27:05 It was assumed that the bright light and the noise
00:27:12 could be explained by a seismic phenomenon,
00:27:15 like a kind of seismic flash.
00:27:19 But this official explanation
00:27:21 did not appease public interest.
00:27:24 The mystery of the Berwyn Mountain
00:27:26 persists to this day,
00:27:28 with some ufologists convinced
00:27:30 that the evidence had been concealed
00:27:32 or held back by the British government.
00:27:36 Conspiracy theories suggest
00:27:37 that the incident was a cover-up
00:27:39 to hide the truth about the extraterrestrial encounters.
00:27:44 This incident has been called the "British Roswell,"
00:27:47 to the point that the newspaper "The Sun"
00:27:50 refers to it as the Roswell Incident.
00:27:54 This funny nickname derives above all
00:27:57 from a particular conspiracy theory
00:27:59 related to the UFO accident
00:28:01 and later to the transport of the ship
00:28:04 inside a secret military base called
00:28:06 Rutlow, Maynard, or Area 51, Britain.
00:28:11 In the heart of the picturesque Wiltshire, England,
00:28:17 is the Rutlow, Maynard military base,
00:28:20 a site that has been the subject of speculation
00:28:23 about UFOs and conspiracy theories.
00:28:26 According to the most passionate ufologists,
00:28:28 the base would have played a crucial role
00:28:31 in the mystery of the sightings
00:28:33 of unidentified flying objects.
00:28:36 Through the enveloping fog
00:28:38 and the centenary trees of the English countryside,
00:28:41 Rutlow, Maynard rises as an imposing fortress.
00:28:45 They are centenary stone walls
00:28:48 that hide deep secrets
00:28:50 that only a few dare to reveal.
00:28:53 It is here where the darkness of the universe
00:28:55 is found with the secret hidden by the government.
00:28:59 For ufologists, at least until the year 2000,
00:29:02 year of its closure,
00:29:03 Rutlow, Maynard would have been the neuralgic center
00:29:07 of an international conspiracy
00:29:09 to hide the truth about UFOs and aliens.
00:29:14 Conspiracy theorists suggest
00:29:16 that the military base
00:29:17 housed secret laboratories
00:29:19 where extraterrestrial technologies
00:29:21 were studied and reproduced.
00:29:24 According to some witnesses,
00:29:26 Rutlow, Maynard's files
00:29:28 are full of classified documents,
00:29:30 videos and photographs of UFO sightings
00:29:33 capable of revealing shocking details
00:29:35 about the secrets of the cosmos.
00:29:38 The base, according to the theory,
00:29:40 also had a secret laboratory
00:29:42 and connections with other military bases
00:29:45 around the world,
00:29:47 creating a secret network of UFO knowledge
00:29:50 and close encounters.
00:29:52 This supposed consortium of powers,
00:29:55 whose roots date back to events
00:29:57 of historical importance,
00:29:59 would have taken over the fate of man,
00:30:02 hiding the truth about the existence
00:30:04 of other forms of life in the cosmos.
00:30:08 However, it is important to point out
00:30:11 that these claims have not found
00:30:13 strong evidence support.
00:30:15 Many skeptics argue that the reports
00:30:17 related to this base
00:30:19 are only fictitious stories,
00:30:23 contaminated by sensationalist press
00:30:26 that often impregnates UFO stories.
00:30:29 Despite this, the aura of mystery
00:30:31 surrounding Rutlow Maynard
00:30:33 remains unchanged even today.
00:30:40 Also known as the "Broadhaven Scarab Incident",
00:30:44 this is a sighting of unidentified flying objects
00:30:47 in 1977,
00:30:49 in the town of Broadhaven,
00:30:51 in Pembrokeshire, Wales,
00:30:53 in the United Kingdom.
00:30:55 In 1977,
00:30:57 several people in this Welsh town
00:30:59 reported about luminous flying objects
00:31:01 floating in the sky,
00:31:03 a being wearing a metallic space suit,
00:31:06 and even several ghostly figures
00:31:08 that appear among the trees.
00:31:10 Among the witnesses were 14 children
00:31:15 from the Broadhaven Primary School,
00:31:18 who claimed that an alien
00:31:20 had landed in their playground.
00:31:23 The children described the object as metal
00:31:25 and with a dome with a window.
00:31:28 The teachers did not believe
00:31:29 the strange story of the children,
00:31:31 so the principal separated them
00:31:33 and asked them to draw what they had seen.
00:31:36 There were slight variations
00:31:38 in the drawings of the children,
00:31:40 but what was drawn
00:31:42 looked practically the same.
00:31:44 Two months later,
00:31:46 Rosa Granville,
00:31:47 who ran the Haven Fort Hotel
00:31:49 near Little Haven,
00:31:51 reported having seen an object
00:31:53 that looked like a plate upside down,
00:31:55 and two humanoid beings
00:31:57 with pointed heads.
00:31:59 Rosa said that the object emitted
00:32:03 such intense heat that her face burned.
00:32:06 The woman said,
00:32:08 "Lights and flames of all colors
00:32:10 came out of the object.
00:32:12 After those flames,
00:32:13 creatures that I had never seen before
00:32:15 emerged."
00:32:17 During the events,
00:32:21 several theories were proposed
00:32:23 to explain the strange sightings
00:32:25 and apparently minor.
00:32:27 Nicholas Edwards,
00:32:28 then a member of the Pembroke Council,
00:32:30 contacted the Ministry of Defense
00:32:32 after being flooded
00:32:33 with UFO reports.
00:32:35 Lieutenant Cohen,
00:32:37 a RAF officer from Browdy,
00:32:39 inspected the place,
00:32:40 but found no evidence
00:32:41 of a landing.
00:32:43 No traces were found on the ground.
00:32:46 In his report,
00:32:47 Cohen mentioned the possibility
00:32:49 that a local joker
00:32:50 had planned everything.
00:32:52 Cohen also mentioned
00:32:54 the possibility
00:32:55 that the description
00:32:56 of the aliens
00:32:57 coincided exactly
00:32:59 with the type of protective suit
00:33:01 that would have been used
00:33:02 in case of fire
00:33:03 in one of the local oil refineries.
00:33:06 He added,
00:33:07 "If a UFO arrives
00:33:09 at the RAF in Browdy,
00:33:10 we will charge it
00:33:11 the normal landing fees."
00:33:13 Later sightings occurred
00:33:15 in the area
00:33:16 with reports of adults and children
00:33:18 reporting having seen
00:33:19 unidentified flying objects
00:33:21 in the sky over Broadheaven.
00:33:24 Several witnesses also appeared
00:33:26 who claimed to have seen
00:33:27 extraterrestrial creatures
00:33:29 near the objects.
00:33:31 The Broadheaven incident
00:33:33 attracted the attention
00:33:34 of national and international media,
00:33:36 generating interest and debate
00:33:38 about the possibility
00:33:39 of a close encounter
00:33:40 with aliens.
00:33:42 However,
00:33:46 despite the testimonies
00:33:47 and the interest raised,
00:33:48 no concrete evidence
00:33:49 has been provided
00:33:50 to confirm
00:33:51 the presence of objects
00:33:52 or extraterrestrial creatures
00:33:54 in the area.
00:33:57 Some skeptics have suggested
00:33:59 that sightings
00:34:00 may have been misunderstood
00:34:02 or have rational explanations,
00:34:04 such as the lights of airplanes
00:34:06 or atmospheric phenomena.
00:34:08 Others have speculated
00:34:11 that the children
00:34:12 invented their story
00:34:13 or were influenced
00:34:14 by events or science fiction movies.
00:34:17 Despite all,
00:34:19 the Broadheaven incident
00:34:21 remains one of the most
00:34:22 well-known cases
00:34:23 in the world.
00:34:25 It is also one of the most
00:34:26 well-known cases
00:34:27 of UFO sightings
00:34:28 in the United Kingdom,
00:34:29 and continues to arouse
00:34:30 interest and debate
00:34:31 among ufologists
00:34:32 and UFO enthusiasts.
00:34:35 The story left its mark
00:34:37 on popular culture,
00:34:39 turning Broadheaven
00:34:40 into a popular destination
00:34:41 for UFO enthusiasts
00:34:43 and curious tourists.
00:34:45 The Robert Taylor incident,
00:34:50 also known as
00:34:51 the Dechmont Woods incident,
00:34:53 occurred in Scotland
00:34:55 in 1979.
00:34:57 Robert Taylor,
00:34:59 a forestry worker
00:35:00 from Livingston,
00:35:01 West Lothian,
00:35:02 said he had an encounter
00:35:04 with an unidentified
00:35:05 flying object.
00:35:07 On November 9, 1979,
00:35:10 Taylor was working
00:35:12 alone in Dechmont Woods.
00:35:14 As usual,
00:35:16 he parked his truck
00:35:17 next to a road
00:35:18 near the M8 highway
00:35:20 and walked
00:35:21 along a forest trail
00:35:23 with his dog.
00:35:24 According to his testimony,
00:35:26 he noticed an unidentified
00:35:27 metallic object
00:35:28 above him.
00:35:30 He described it
00:35:31 as a flying dome,
00:35:33 or a large circular sphere
00:35:35 about 20 feet in diameter,
00:35:37 suspended on the forest floor
00:35:39 clearly about 400 meters
00:35:41 from his truck.
00:35:43 The object was dark in color
00:35:45 and seemed to be covered
00:35:46 with some kind of
00:35:47 metallic material
00:35:48 of a rough texture,
00:35:49 like sandpaper,
00:35:51 characterized by
00:35:52 an exterior edge
00:35:53 with small propellers.
00:35:55 Taylor finally claimed
00:35:57 he had perceived
00:35:58 the smell of burnt brakes
00:36:00 and that when he approached
00:36:01 the object,
00:36:02 two smaller spheres
00:36:03 with pipes
00:36:05 spread out from
00:36:06 the large sphere
00:36:07 and grabbed it.
00:36:09 Taylor lost consciousness
00:36:13 and when he recovered,
00:36:14 he was on the floor
00:36:15 with his clothes
00:36:16 torn and dirty.
00:36:18 He did not remember
00:36:19 what happened
00:36:20 after the attack.
00:36:22 After the incident,
00:36:24 Taylor went to
00:36:25 the nearby police station
00:36:27 in Livingston
00:36:28 to report what happened.
00:36:30 The police were surprised
00:36:32 by Taylor's shock
00:36:33 and his visible injuries.
00:36:35 They also carried out
00:36:36 an investigation
00:36:37 about the incident,
00:36:38 but they did not find
00:36:39 evidence of the flying object
00:36:41 or aggression
00:36:42 that Taylor had alleged.
00:36:47 Taylor underwent
00:36:48 several medical exams
00:36:50 and found out
00:36:51 he had eye and leg injuries.
00:36:54 His story attracted
00:36:55 the attention of the media
00:36:56 and the incident
00:36:57 became an object
00:36:58 of interest for ufologists
00:37:00 and enthusiasts
00:37:01 of the paranormal.
00:37:02 Despite the speculations
00:37:04 about the nature
00:37:05 of the incident,
00:37:06 there has not been
00:37:08 any convincing explanation
00:37:09 for the Robert Taylor incident.
00:37:12 Some skeptics
00:37:13 have speculated
00:37:14 that he could have been
00:37:15 the victim of a hallucination
00:37:16 or an epileptic attack.
00:37:18 However,
00:37:19 Taylor has always claimed
00:37:20 that the encounter
00:37:21 was real
00:37:22 and that he was involved
00:37:23 in an inexplicable event.
00:37:25 On June 6, 1980,
00:37:33 the miner
00:37:34 Sigmund Adamski,
00:37:35 56 years old,
00:37:37 left his house
00:37:38 in Tingley, West Yorkshire
00:37:40 to do his shopping.
00:37:42 The man
00:37:44 never returned home.
00:37:46 On June 9,
00:37:49 his body was found
00:37:50 on top of a 10-foot
00:37:51 coal pile
00:37:53 in the city of Todmorden,
00:37:54 20 miles from his house.
00:37:56 Sent to investigate,
00:37:58 the local police officer,
00:37:59 Alan Godfrey,
00:38:00 examined the body.
00:38:02 His face was frozen
00:38:04 in an expression
00:38:05 of pure terror.
00:38:06 Adamski was wearing a suit,
00:38:08 but his shirt,
00:38:09 wallet and watch were missing.
00:38:11 Adamski's hair,
00:38:13 had been cut
00:38:14 in a way
00:38:15 that Godfrey described
00:38:16 as a "cough cut".
00:38:18 The young police officer
00:38:20 also reported that Adamski
00:38:21 had mysterious burns
00:38:23 on his neck,
00:38:24 head and shoulders,
00:38:26 which is the most disturbing
00:38:27 feature of this mysterious case.
00:38:30 Forensic scientist,
00:38:32 James Turnbull,
00:38:33 confirmed that some
00:38:34 of the burns
00:38:35 had been treated
00:38:36 with a strange ointment
00:38:37 that forensic scientists
00:38:38 could not identify.
00:38:40 Speaking to the journalists,
00:38:42 Godfrey said
00:38:43 that there was a possibility
00:38:44 that Adamski
00:38:45 had been abducted
00:38:46 by aliens.
00:38:48 "I have an open mind,
00:38:50 I can not rule it out,"
00:38:51 were his words.
00:38:53 The true cause
00:38:55 of the death
00:38:56 of this poor miner
00:38:57 remains a mystery
00:38:58 to this day.
00:39:00 This new story
00:39:02 was given the most
00:39:03 absurd and unlikely theories.
00:39:05 Some claimed that Adamski
00:39:07 had been murdered
00:39:08 by aliens,
00:39:09 while others claimed
00:39:10 that he had been
00:39:11 killed by KGB agents,
00:39:13 others that he had been
00:39:15 caught by a lightning bolt,
00:39:16 and others that he had
00:39:18 a debt with someone
00:39:19 that he had to avoid.
00:39:21 For most of the lovers
00:39:27 of the mystery,
00:39:28 however,
00:39:29 there was only one explanation.
00:39:31 Adamski had met
00:39:33 with aliens
00:39:34 and that had cost him his life.
00:39:36 Five months after
00:39:38 the terrible discovery
00:39:39 of Adamski's body,
00:39:40 the small city of Todmorden
00:39:42 was once again
00:39:43 in the center
00:39:44 of the attention
00:39:45 of the media.
00:39:46 In the center of events,
00:39:48 we find again
00:39:49 Officer Godfrey,
00:39:50 who apparently,
00:39:51 after the Adamski case,
00:39:53 generated a particular interest
00:39:55 for extraterrestrial entities.
00:39:57 Sent at 5 in the morning
00:39:59 to take care of a cattle
00:40:00 that escaped,
00:40:01 Godfrey,
00:40:03 according to his own story,
00:40:04 was in his car
00:40:05 and was crossing
00:40:06 a rural road.
00:40:07 When the car stopped
00:40:09 suddenly,
00:40:10 a very powerful
00:40:11 light ray
00:40:12 appeared before him.
00:40:13 Godfrey described it
00:40:18 as a bright light
00:40:19 in the sky,
00:40:20 a rotating container
00:40:22 in the shape of a diamond,
00:40:23 5 meters high
00:40:25 and 15 meters wide.
00:40:26 Godfrey made a quick sketch
00:40:28 of the object in his notebook,
00:40:30 and then took his police radio
00:40:31 to report the incident,
00:40:33 but the line was dead.
00:40:35 Finally,
00:40:37 without making a noise,
00:40:38 the object disappeared
00:40:39 in a bright flash,
00:40:40 and Godfrey was found
00:40:42 sitting in his car,
00:40:43 30 meters ahead
00:40:45 of the road.
00:40:46 Looking at his watch,
00:40:48 the police officer was surprised,
00:40:49 because although the close encounter
00:40:52 did not last more than 60 seconds,
00:40:53 25 minutes had passed.
00:40:56 Then he noticed
00:40:58 an even more relevant detail,
00:40:59 a strange burn mark
00:41:01 that had appeared
00:41:02 on his left leg.
00:41:03 Godfrey was surprised
00:41:05 and when he returned
00:41:06 to the place where he had seen the light,
00:41:07 he discovered that the road
00:41:08 through which the car was going
00:41:09 was completely dry,
00:41:11 even though it had rained.
00:41:13 After telling the experience,
00:41:16 Godfrey was received
00:41:18 with skepticism
00:41:19 and even ridiculed
00:41:21 in his own community,
00:41:22 and so, following the advice
00:41:24 of his lawyer,
00:41:25 he decided to consult
00:41:27 a hypnotist
00:41:28 to discover the truth
00:41:29 about what he had seen.
00:41:30 Through hypnosis,
00:41:33 Godfrey remembered
00:41:34 being blinded by the light
00:41:36 and having fainted.
00:41:37 He told the hypnotist
00:41:39 that he woke up
00:41:40 in a strange room,
00:41:41 where he was being examined
00:41:42 by several small creatures
00:41:43 and a tall and bearded
00:41:45 humanoid figure
00:41:46 that resembled
00:41:48 a Nordic alien.
00:41:49 Once again,
00:41:51 his statements were badly seen
00:41:52 and ridiculed.
00:41:53 A few weeks after
00:41:55 Godfrey's report
00:41:56 reached the newspapers
00:41:57 and international headlines,
00:41:58 he was summoned
00:42:00 to the office
00:42:01 of the Attorney General.
00:42:02 There was a man
00:42:04 in a black suit and tie sitting there.
00:42:06 He presented himself
00:42:07 as a man from the Ministry.
00:42:08 He had a folder
00:42:10 that contained strange vehicles
00:42:11 designed by Godfrey.
00:42:12 Godfrey was not allowed
00:42:15 to see the rest of the file,
00:42:16 but he believed
00:42:18 that it contained a report
00:42:19 of the events of that night
00:42:20 and the mysterious death
00:42:22 of Sigmund Adamski.
00:42:23 The man forced Godfrey
00:42:25 to stop talking
00:42:26 about the close encounter,
00:42:27 which Godfrey
00:42:29 agreed to do
00:42:30 with great reluctance.
00:42:31 The young policeman
00:42:32 met this man
00:42:33 several times
00:42:34 during the following days
00:42:35 in Todmorden.
00:42:36 And finally,
00:42:38 when he realized
00:42:39 that he was being spied on,
00:42:40 he decided to confront
00:42:42 his spy one night
00:42:43 in a local bar,
00:42:44 asking him to leave
00:42:45 and never return.
00:42:46 After that meeting,
00:42:48 the minister disappeared
00:42:50 and was never seen again.
00:42:51 Godfrey still firmly believes
00:42:54 that he was a secret agent
00:42:55 of the MI5,
00:42:56 sent from London
00:42:58 to take charge of the case.
00:42:59 But another theory
00:43:01 that has been circulating
00:43:02 in recent years
00:43:03 and highly supported
00:43:04 by skeptics
00:43:05 refers to the fact
00:43:07 that the stranger
00:43:08 was actually an employee
00:43:09 of the West Yorkshire police,
00:43:10 who warned Godfrey
00:43:13 not to talk to the press
00:43:14 to avoid drawing more attention
00:43:15 to the police itself.
00:43:16 Later it was revealed
00:43:20 that several police officers
00:43:21 and a bus driver
00:43:23 had seen strange lights
00:43:24 that morning,
00:43:25 but the police station
00:43:27 decided to cover it
00:43:28 so as not to embarrass
00:43:29 the police.
00:43:31 After the events,
00:43:32 Godfrey was transferred,
00:43:33 but never stopped
00:43:35 talking about his
00:43:36 close encounter.
00:43:37 On the night of December 26,
00:43:45 1980,
00:43:46 a patrol soldier
00:43:48 at the Woodbridge Air Force
00:43:49 Base
00:43:50 saw a particularly bright
00:43:52 red light
00:43:53 that seemed to come
00:43:54 from the nearby
00:43:55 Boeing 737.
00:43:56 The red light
00:43:58 was a red light
00:43:59 that seemed to come
00:44:00 from the nearby
00:44:01 Rendlesham Forest.
00:44:02 The soldier
00:44:05 got in touch
00:44:06 with the base control tower,
00:44:07 who replied
00:44:09 that there was no flight
00:44:10 in progress
00:44:11 outside of Woodbridge
00:44:12 or the nearby
00:44:13 Bentwaters Base.
00:44:14 A patrol of three men
00:44:16 was decided to send
00:44:17 to determine the origin
00:44:18 of the mysterious light.
00:44:19 The patrol was formed
00:44:22 by Sergeant James Penniston,
00:44:23 aviator John Burroggs
00:44:26 and Edward Cavansag.
00:44:29 The three men
00:44:30 arrived at a clearing
00:44:31 in the center of which
00:44:32 reported having seen
00:44:33 a series of strange lights,
00:44:34 three of which
00:44:36 included a very powerful
00:44:37 yellow light
00:44:38 and two smaller
00:44:40 red and blue.
00:44:41 According to the official report,
00:44:43 Sergeant Penniston,
00:44:45 when approaching,
00:44:46 discovered that the lights
00:44:47 were emitted
00:44:48 by a metal object
00:44:49 in the form of a pyramid
00:44:50 that seemed to rest
00:44:52 on a kind of tripod.
00:44:53 Suddenly,
00:44:54 the object rose in the air
00:44:55 a meter and began
00:44:56 to move horizontally
00:44:57 towards the forest
00:44:58 with a zigzag trajectory
00:44:59 and then took off
00:45:01 vertically and disappeared
00:45:02 in the air.
00:45:03 A study of the site
00:45:05 carried out in the light of day
00:45:06 revealed three traces
00:45:08 on the ground
00:45:09 and a certain level
00:45:10 of radioactivity in the area.
00:45:11 The object was then
00:45:15 brought to the base
00:45:16 and the patrol
00:45:17 was sent to the base
00:45:18 to investigate the situation.
00:45:19 The patrol was then
00:45:21 sent to the base
00:45:22 and the patrol
00:45:23 was sent to the base
00:45:24 to investigate the situation.
00:45:25 Two days later,
00:45:27 on December 28,
00:45:28 the head of the military police
00:45:29 of the base,
00:45:30 alerted by a guard patrol,
00:45:31 called Lieutenant Colonel
00:45:32 Charles Halt,
00:45:33 who was heading the base
00:45:34 at that time
00:45:35 instead of the commander,
00:45:36 to warn him that
00:45:37 the radar had intercepted
00:45:38 the signal
00:45:39 of an unidentified aircraft.
00:45:40 Decided to determine
00:45:45 the origin of the phenomenon,
00:45:46 Halt gathered about 10 men
00:45:47 and personally took command
00:45:48 of the team.
00:45:50 Upon entering the forest,
00:45:52 they realized
00:45:53 that they had been isolated,
00:45:54 as if a strange interference
00:45:55 blocked the communications
00:45:56 by radio,
00:45:57 and later,
00:45:58 advancing in the forest,
00:45:59 the team would have seen
00:46:00 a strong brightness
00:46:01 in the area,
00:46:02 where the team
00:46:03 of Penistone
00:46:04 had seen the supposed UFO
00:46:05 two nights earlier.
00:46:06 A soldier,
00:46:08 equipped with a Geiger counter,
00:46:09 confirmed the increase
00:46:10 of the levels of radioactivity,
00:46:11 exactly as reported
00:46:12 in the inspection
00:46:13 on December 26.
00:46:14 The team was then
00:46:16 sent to the base
00:46:17 to investigate the situation.
00:46:18 This was not reported
00:46:19 in the inspection
00:46:20 on December 26.
00:46:21 Then,
00:46:23 there was a turning point.
00:46:24 Suddenly,
00:46:25 the men saw
00:46:26 an extremely bright object
00:46:27 in the shape of an ellipse,
00:46:28 red in color,
00:46:29 but with a darker center,
00:46:30 floating between the trees
00:46:31 about 4 meters from the ground
00:46:32 and in the east direction.
00:46:33 Immediately,
00:46:34 the soldiers
00:46:35 walked towards the object
00:46:36 that seemed to be moving away,
00:46:37 and followed it
00:46:38 until they reached
00:46:39 a wire fence
00:46:40 that marked the border
00:46:41 with the field
00:46:42 of a local farmer.
00:46:43 The field was a very large
00:46:45 and dense forest,
00:46:46 and the trees
00:46:47 were a great help
00:46:48 to the soldiers.
00:46:49 The UFO
00:46:53 continued its trajectory,
00:46:54 stopping in the middle of the field
00:46:56 beyond the wire fence.
00:46:58 Colonel Halt
00:46:59 observed it closely.
00:47:01 "It looks like it's made
00:47:02 of molten steel,"
00:47:03 were his words.
00:47:05 Suddenly,
00:47:10 with a bright flash,
00:47:12 the UFO
00:47:13 split into five bright white objects
00:47:15 that floated in the sky.
00:47:17 As they advanced
00:47:18 past the border
00:47:19 of the farm property,
00:47:21 the men
00:47:22 continued to see
00:47:23 three of these bright objects
00:47:24 flying obliquely
00:47:25 towards the sky,
00:47:27 producing red,
00:47:28 green,
00:47:29 and intermittent blue lights.
00:47:31 Halt
00:47:32 made contact
00:47:33 with the air defense base,
00:47:35 who said
00:47:36 they had not detected
00:47:37 any radar signal
00:47:38 of flying objects
00:47:39 in the area.
00:47:41 The men
00:47:42 continued to observe
00:47:43 the zigzag movement
00:47:44 of the three bright objects
00:47:45 for approximately
00:47:46 an hour,
00:47:47 until Halt
00:47:48 gave the order
00:47:49 to return.
00:47:50 There,
00:47:55 they discovered
00:47:56 that the photos and videos
00:47:57 taken from the observation
00:47:58 appeared blurry
00:47:59 and could not be used
00:48:00 to analyze the phenomenon.
00:48:02 On January 13, 1981,
00:48:05 Lieutenant Colonel Halt
00:48:07 sent a report
00:48:08 of the events
00:48:09 to the British
00:48:10 Ministry of Defense.
00:48:13 Several reports
00:48:14 have been offered
00:48:15 about the events
00:48:16 of Rendlesham.
00:48:17 First,
00:48:18 the Orfordness lighthouse,
00:48:20 which emitted
00:48:21 a fairly intense beam of light,
00:48:23 could be seen
00:48:24 a few kilometers
00:48:25 from the base.
00:48:26 That night,
00:48:30 a bright fireball
00:48:31 was also observed,
00:48:32 flying over the skies
00:48:33 of southern England,
00:48:35 a phenomenon
00:48:36 that astronomers
00:48:37 attributed
00:48:38 to the passage
00:48:39 of a meteor.
00:48:40 The observation
00:48:41 of the metal object
00:48:42 by Sergeant Peniston
00:48:44 may have been
00:48:45 a misinterpretation
00:48:46 due to his
00:48:47 poor night vision.
00:48:48 As for the radioactivity measurements,
00:48:52 it was found
00:48:53 that the devices used
00:48:54 were not calibrated
00:48:55 to take into account
00:48:56 the background radiation.
00:48:58 When gathering these facts,
00:49:01 the scientist
00:49:02 Ian Readbath
00:49:04 explained them
00:49:05 as a series
00:49:06 of misinterpretations.
00:49:07 The first observation
00:49:08 made by a soldier
00:49:09 on December 26
00:49:10 could be related
00:49:11 to a comet
00:49:12 or a fireball,
00:49:13 while the subsequent
00:49:14 light observations
00:49:15 could be related
00:49:16 to the light
00:49:17 generated
00:49:18 by the Orfordness lighthouse.
00:49:19 The skeptic Stuart Campbell
00:49:20 agrees with the hypothesis
00:49:21 of a fireball
00:49:22 that could be related
00:49:23 to a comet
00:49:24 or a fireball.
00:49:25 The skeptic Stuart Campbell
00:49:26 also agrees
00:49:27 with the hypothesis
00:49:28 of a fireball
00:49:29 that could be related
00:49:30 to a comet
00:49:31 or a fireball.
00:49:32 The skeptic Stuart Campbell
00:49:33 also agrees
00:49:34 with the hypothesis
00:49:35 of a fireball
00:49:36 that could be related
00:49:37 to a comet
00:49:38 or a fireball.
00:49:39 The skeptic Stuart Campbell
00:49:40 also agrees
00:49:41 with the hypothesis
00:49:42 of a fireball,
00:49:43 but has also given
00:49:44 an alternative explanation
00:49:45 for the lighthouse boats
00:49:46 whose light
00:49:47 would also be visible
00:49:48 from the place
00:49:49 where the events occurred.
00:49:50 An alternative explanation
00:49:51 for the fireball
00:49:52 is that the lights
00:49:53 observed on the night
00:49:54 of December 26
00:49:55 could have been
00:49:56 those of a police car
00:49:57 driven by the police
00:49:58 officer Kevin Conde,
00:49:59 who would have modified
00:50:00 the flashing siren
00:50:01 of his car.
00:50:02 The skeptic Stuart Campbell
00:50:03 also agrees
00:50:04 with the hypothesis
00:50:05 of a fireball
00:50:06 that could be related
00:50:07 to a comet
00:50:08 or a fireball.
00:50:09 However,
00:50:10 Conde denied the fact
00:50:11 and stated that
00:50:12 on those days
00:50:13 he was on vacation
00:50:14 for the Christmas holidays
00:50:15 and therefore
00:50:16 he had not been patrolling.
00:50:17 Other possible explanations
00:50:18 have questioned
00:50:19 the return
00:50:20 to the atmosphere
00:50:21 of the last stage
00:50:22 of a carrier rocket
00:50:23 that on those days
00:50:24 put into orbit
00:50:25 a Soviet spy satellite.
00:50:26 The skeptic Stuart Campbell
00:50:27 also agrees
00:50:28 with the hypothesis
00:50:29 of a fireball
00:50:30 that could be related
00:50:31 to a comet
00:50:32 or a fireball.
00:50:33 The skeptic Stuart Campbell
00:50:34 also agrees
00:50:35 with the hypothesis
00:50:36 of a fireball
00:50:37 that put into orbit
00:50:38 a Soviet spy satellite.
00:50:39 The existence of the
00:50:40 NSA Research Center,
00:50:41 which specializes
00:50:42 in laser technology
00:50:43 research,
00:50:44 was also reported
00:50:45 and the observed light
00:50:46 could have been caused
00:50:47 by experiments
00:50:48 carried out
00:50:49 in this center.
00:50:50 Alternatively,
00:50:51 everything was organized
00:50:52 by a military group,
00:50:53 including Lieutenant Colonel Halt,
00:50:54 to cover an operation
00:50:55 to recover
00:50:56 a spy satellite.
00:50:57 The skeptic Stuart Campbell
00:50:58 also agrees
00:50:59 with the hypothesis
00:51:00 of a fireball
00:51:01 that put into orbit
00:51:02 a Soviet spy satellite.
00:51:03 The skeptic Stuart Campbell
00:51:04 also agrees
00:51:05 with the hypothesis
00:51:06 of a fireball
00:51:07 that put into orbit
00:51:08 a Soviet spy satellite.
00:51:09 However,
00:51:10 finally,
00:51:11 at least once,
00:51:12 it was possible
00:51:13 to solve this
00:51:14 intricate enigma.
00:51:15 About 20 years later,
00:51:16 during which
00:51:17 the sighting of Randlesham
00:51:18 became famous
00:51:19 among the enthusiasts
00:51:20 of ufology,
00:51:21 in 2003,
00:51:22 this mysterious event
00:51:23 was solved,
00:51:24 thanks to a report
00:51:25 from the BBC
00:51:26 in which an article
00:51:27 revealed
00:51:28 what had really
00:51:29 happened
00:51:30 those two nights.
00:51:31 Basically,
00:51:32 the former military police officer
00:51:33 Kevin Conde
00:51:34 confessed in 2003
00:51:35 that the sighting
00:51:36 of December 26
00:51:37 had been a joke
00:51:38 organized by him,
00:51:39 where suddenly
00:51:40 he would have lit
00:51:41 the patrols
00:51:42 with sirens
00:51:43 and their headlights.
00:51:44 At that moment
00:51:45 and during
00:51:46 the next 20 years,
00:51:47 concerned by the stir
00:51:48 that surrounded the event,
00:51:49 Conde never clarified
00:51:50 his involvement
00:51:51 for fear of sanctions.
00:51:52 He said that
00:51:53 he had never
00:51:54 been involved
00:51:55 in any such activity
00:51:56 and that he had never
00:51:57 been involved
00:51:58 in any such activity
00:51:59 in the past.
00:52:00 He said that
00:52:01 he had never been involved
00:52:02 in any such activity
00:52:03 in the past.
00:52:04 He said that
00:52:05 he had never been involved
00:52:06 in any such activity
00:52:07 in the past.
00:52:08 He said that
00:52:09 he had never been involved
00:52:10 in any such activity
00:52:11 in the past.
00:52:12 He said that
00:52:13 he had never been involved
00:52:14 in any such activity
00:52:15 in the past.
00:52:16 He said that
00:52:17 he had never been involved
00:52:18 in any such activity
00:52:19 in the past.
00:52:20 He said that
00:52:21 he had never been involved
00:52:22 in any such activity
00:52:23 in the past.
00:52:24 He said that
00:52:25 he had never been involved
00:52:26 in any such activity
00:52:27 in the past.
00:52:28 He said that
00:52:29 he had never been involved
00:52:30 in any such activity
00:52:31 in the past.
00:52:32 He said that
00:52:33 he had never been involved
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00:52:35 in the past.
00:52:36 He said that
00:52:37 he had never been involved
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00:52:39 in the past.
00:52:40 He said that
00:52:41 he had never been involved
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00:52:43 in the past.
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00:52:45 he had never been involved
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00:52:47 in the past.
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00:52:49 he had never been involved
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00:52:51 in the past.
00:52:52 He said that
00:52:53 he had never been involved
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00:52:55 in the past.
00:52:56 He said that
00:52:57 he had never been involved
00:52:58 in any such activity
00:52:59 in the past.
00:53:00 He said that
00:53:01 he had never been involved
00:53:02 in any such activity
00:53:03 in the past.
00:53:04 He said that
00:53:05 he had never been involved
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00:53:07 in the past.
00:53:08 He said that
00:53:09 he had never been involved
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00:53:11 in the past.
00:53:12 He said that
00:53:13 he had never been involved
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00:53:15 in the past.
00:53:16 He said that
00:53:17 he had never been involved
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00:53:19 in the past.
00:53:20 He said that
00:53:21 he had never been involved
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00:53:23 in the past.
00:53:24 He said that
00:53:25 he had never been involved
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00:53:27 in the past.
00:53:28 He said that
00:53:29 he had never been involved
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00:53:31 in the past.
00:53:32 He said that
00:53:33 he had never been involved
00:53:34 in any such activity
00:53:35 in the past.
00:53:36 He said that
00:53:37 he had never been involved
00:53:38 in any such activity
00:53:39 in the past.
00:53:40 He said that
00:53:41 he had never been involved
00:53:42 in any such activity
00:53:43 in the past.
00:53:44 He said that
00:53:45 he had never been involved
00:53:46 in any such activity
00:53:47 in the past.
00:53:48 He said that
00:53:49 he had never been involved
00:53:50 in any such activity
00:53:51 in the past.
00:53:52 He said that
00:53:53 he had never been involved
00:53:54 in any such activity
00:53:55 in the past.
00:53:56 He said that
00:53:57 he had never been involved
00:53:58 in any such activity
00:53:59 in the past.
00:54:00 He said that
00:54:01 he had never been involved
00:54:02 in any such activity
00:54:03 in the past.
00:54:04 He said that
00:54:05 he had never been involved
00:54:06 in any such activity
00:54:07 in the past.
00:54:08 He said that
00:54:09 he had never been involved
00:54:10 in any such activity
00:54:11 in the past.
00:54:12 He said that
00:54:13 he had never been involved
00:54:14 in any such activity
00:54:15 in the past.
00:54:16 He said that
00:54:17 he had never been involved
00:54:18 in any such activity
00:54:19 in the past.
00:54:20 He said that
00:54:21 he had never been involved
00:54:22 in any such activity
00:54:23 in the past.
00:54:24 He said that
00:54:25 he had never been involved
00:54:26 in any such activity
00:54:27 in the past.
00:54:28 He said that
00:54:29 he had never been involved
00:54:30 in any such activity
00:54:31 in the past.
00:54:32 He said that
00:54:33 he had never been involved
00:54:34 in any such activity
00:54:35 in the past.
00:54:36 He said that
00:54:37 he had never been involved
00:54:38 in any such activity
00:54:39 in the past.
00:54:40 He said that
00:54:41 he had never been involved
00:54:42 in any such activity
00:54:43 in the past.
00:54:44 He said that
00:54:45 he had never been involved
00:54:46 in any such activity
00:54:47 in the past.
00:54:48 He said that
00:54:49 he had never been involved
00:54:50 in any such activity
00:54:51 in the past.
00:54:52 He said that
00:54:53 he had never been involved
00:54:54 in any such activity
00:54:55 in the past.
00:54:56 He said that
00:54:57 he had never been involved
00:54:58 in any such activity
00:54:59 in the past.
00:55:00 He said that
00:55:01 he had never been involved
00:55:02 in any such activity
00:55:03 in the past.
00:55:04 He said that
00:55:05 he had never been involved
00:55:06 in any such activity
00:55:07 in the past.
00:55:08 He said that
00:55:09 he had never been involved
00:55:10 in any such activity
00:55:11 in the past.
00:55:12 He said that
00:55:13 he had never been involved
00:55:14 in any such activity
00:55:15 in the past.
00:55:16 He said that
00:55:17 he had never been involved
00:55:18 in any such activity
00:55:19 in the past.
00:55:20 He said that
00:55:21 he had never been involved
00:55:22 in any such activity
00:55:23 in the past.
00:55:24 He said that
00:55:25 he had never been involved
00:55:26 in any such activity
00:55:27 in the past.
00:55:28 He said that
00:55:29 he had never been involved
00:55:30 in any such activity
00:55:31 in the past.
00:55:32 He said that
00:55:33 he had never been involved
00:55:34 in any such activity
00:55:35 in the past.
00:55:36 He said that
00:55:37 he had never been involved
00:55:38 in any such activity
00:55:39 in the past.
00:55:40 He said that
00:55:41 he had never been involved
00:55:42 in any such activity
00:55:43 in the past.
00:55:44 He said that
00:55:45 he had never been involved
00:55:46 in any such activity
00:55:47 in the past.
00:55:48 He said that
00:55:49 he had never been involved
00:55:50 in any such activity
00:55:51 in the past.
00:55:52 He said that
00:55:53 he had never been involved
00:55:54 in any such activity
00:55:55 in the past.
00:55:56 He said that
00:55:57 he had never been involved
00:55:58 in any such activity
00:55:59 in the past.
00:56:00 He said that
00:56:01 he had never been involved
00:56:02 in any such activity
00:56:03 in the past.
00:56:04 He said that
00:56:05 he had never been involved
00:56:06 in any such activity
00:56:07 in the past.
00:56:08 He said that
00:56:09 he had never been involved
00:56:10 in any such activity
00:56:11 in the past.
00:56:12 He said that
00:56:13 he had never been involved
00:56:14 in any such activity
00:56:15 in the past.
00:56:16 He said that
00:56:17 he had never been involved
00:56:18 in any such activity
00:56:19 in the past.
00:56:20 He said that
00:56:21 he had never been involved
00:56:22 in any such activity
00:56:23 in the past.
00:56:24 He said that
00:56:25 he had never been involved
00:56:26 in any such activity
00:56:27 in the past.
00:56:28 He said that
00:56:29 he had never been involved
00:56:30 in any such activity
00:56:31 in the past.
00:56:32 He said that
00:56:33 he had never been involved
00:56:34 in any such activity
00:56:35 in the past.
00:56:36 He said that
00:56:37 he had never been involved
00:56:38 in any such activity
00:56:39 in the past.
00:56:40 He said that
00:56:41 he had never been involved
00:56:42 in any such activity
00:56:43 in the past.
00:56:44 He said that
00:56:45 he had never been involved
00:56:46 in any such activity
00:56:47 in the past.
00:56:48 He said that
00:56:49 he had never been involved
00:56:50 in any such activity
00:56:51 in the past.
00:56:52 He said that
00:56:53 he had never been involved
00:56:54 in any such activity
00:56:55 in the past.
00:56:56 He said that
00:56:57 he had never been involved
00:56:58 in any such activity
00:56:59 in the past.
00:57:00 He said that
00:57:01 he had never been involved
00:57:02 in any such activity
00:57:03 in the past.
00:57:04 He said that
00:57:05 he had never been involved
00:57:06 in any such activity
00:57:07 in the past.
00:57:08 He said that
00:57:09 he had never been involved
00:57:10 in any such activity
00:57:11 in the past.
00:57:12 He said that
00:57:13 he had never been involved
00:57:14 in any such activity
00:57:15 in the past.
00:57:16 He said that
00:57:17 he had never been involved
00:57:18 in any such activity
00:57:19 in the past.
00:57:20 He said that
00:57:21 he had never been involved
00:57:22 in any such activity
00:57:23 in the past.
00:57:24 He said that
00:57:25 he had never been involved
00:57:26 in any such activity
00:57:27 in the past.
00:57:28 He said that
00:57:29 he had never been involved
00:57:30 in any such activity
00:57:31 in the past.
00:57:32 He said that
00:57:33 he had never been involved
00:57:34 in any such activity
00:57:35 in the past.
00:57:36 He said that
00:57:37 he had never been involved
00:57:38 in any such activity
00:57:39 in the past.
00:57:40 He said that
00:57:41 he had never been involved
00:57:42 in any such activity
00:57:43 in the past.
00:57:44 He said that
00:57:45 he had never been involved
00:57:46 in any such activity
00:57:47 in the past.
00:57:48 He said that
00:57:49 he had never been involved
00:57:50 in any such activity
00:57:51 in the past.
00:57:52 He said that
00:57:53 he had never been involved
00:57:54 in any such activity
00:57:55 in the past.
00:57:56 He said that
00:57:57 he had never been involved
00:57:58 in any such activity
00:57:59 in the past.
00:58:00 He said that
00:58:01 he had never been involved
00:58:02 in any such activity
00:58:03 in the past.
00:58:04 He said that
00:58:05 he had never been involved
00:58:06 in any such activity
00:58:07 in the past.
00:58:08 He said that
00:58:09 he had never been involved
00:58:10 in any such activity
00:58:11 in the past.
00:58:12 He said that
00:58:13 he had never been involved
00:58:14 in any such activity
00:58:15 in the past.
00:58:16 He said that
00:58:17 he had never been involved
00:58:18 in any such activity
00:58:19 in the past.
00:58:20 He said that
00:58:21 he had never been involved
00:58:22 in any such activity
00:58:23 in the past.
00:58:24 He said that
00:58:25 he had never been involved
00:58:26 in any such activity
00:58:27 in the past.
00:58:28 He said that
00:58:29 he had never been involved
00:58:30 in any such activity
00:58:31 in the past.
00:58:32 He said that
00:58:33 he had never been involved
00:58:34 in any such activity
00:58:35 in the past.
00:58:36 He said that
00:58:37 he had never been involved
00:58:38 in any such activity
00:58:39 in the past.
00:58:40 He said that
00:58:41 he had never been involved
00:58:42 in any such activity
00:58:43 in the past.
00:58:44 He said that
00:58:45 he had never been involved
00:58:46 in any such activity
00:58:47 in the past.
00:58:48 He said that
00:58:49 he had never been involved
00:58:50 in any such activity
00:58:51 in the past.
00:58:52 He said that
00:58:53 he had never been involved
00:58:54 in any such activity
00:58:55 in the past.
00:58:56 He said that
00:58:57 he had never been involved
00:58:58 in any such activity
00:58:59 in the past.
00:59:00 He said that
00:59:01 he had never been involved
00:59:02 in any such activity
00:59:03 in the past.
00:59:04 He said that
00:59:05 he had never been involved
00:59:06 in any such activity
00:59:07 in the past.
00:59:08 He said that
00:59:09 he had never been involved
00:59:10 in any such activity
00:59:11 in the past.
00:59:12 He said that
00:59:13 he had never been involved
00:59:14 in any such activity
00:59:15 in the past.
00:59:16 He said that
00:59:17 he had never been involved
00:59:18 in any such activity
00:59:19 in the past.
00:59:20 He said that
00:59:21 he had never been involved
00:59:22 in any such activity
00:59:23 in the past.
00:59:24 He said that
00:59:25 he had never been involved
00:59:26 in any such activity
00:59:27 in the past.
00:59:28 He said that
00:59:29 he had never been involved
00:59:30 in any such activity
00:59:31 in the past.
00:59:32 He said that
00:59:33 he had never been involved
00:59:34 in any such activity
00:59:35 in the past.
00:59:36 He said that
00:59:37 he had never been involved
00:59:38 in any such activity
00:59:39 in the past.
00:59:40 He said that
00:59:41 he had never been involved
00:59:42 in any such activity
00:59:43 in the past.
00:59:44 He said that
00:59:45 he had never been involved
00:59:46 in any such activity
00:59:47 in the past.
00:59:48 He said that
00:59:49 he had never been involved
00:59:50 in any such activity
00:59:51 in the past.
00:59:52 He said that
00:59:53 he had never been involved
00:59:54 in any such activity
00:59:55 in the past.
00:59:56 He said that
00:59:57 he had never been involved
00:59:58 in any such activity
00:59:59 in the past.
01:00:00 He said that
01:00:01 he had never been involved
01:00:02 in any such activity
01:00:03 in the past.
01:00:04 He said that
01:00:05 he had never been involved
01:00:06 in any such activity
01:00:07 in the past.
01:00:08 He said that
01:00:09 he had never been involved
01:00:10 in any such activity
01:00:11 in the past.
01:00:12 He said that
01:00:13 he had never been involved
01:00:14 in any such activity
01:00:15 in the past.
01:00:16 He said that
01:00:17 he had never been involved
01:00:18 in any such activity
01:00:19 in the past.
01:00:20 He said that
01:00:21 he had never been involved
01:00:22 in any such activity
01:00:23 in the past.
01:00:24 He said that
01:00:25 he had never been involved
01:00:26 in any such activity
01:00:27 in the past.
01:00:28 He said that
01:00:29 he had never been involved
01:00:30 in any such activity
01:00:31 in the past.
01:00:32 He said that
01:00:33 he had never been involved
01:00:34 in any such activity
01:00:35 in the past.
01:00:36 He said that
01:00:37 he had never been involved
01:00:38 in any such activity
01:00:39 in the past.
01:00:40 He said that
01:00:41 he had never been involved
01:00:42 in any such activity
01:00:43 in the past.
01:00:44 He said that
01:00:45 he had never been involved
01:00:46 in any such activity
01:00:47 in the past.
01:00:48 He said that
01:00:49 he had never been involved
01:00:50 in any such activity
01:00:51 in the past.
01:00:52 He said that
01:00:53 he had never been involved
01:00:54 in any such activity
01:00:55 in the past.
01:00:56 He said that
01:00:57 he had never been involved
01:00:58 in any such activity
01:00:59 in the past.
01:01:00 He said that
01:01:01 he had never been involved
01:01:02 in any such activity
01:01:03 in the past.
01:01:04 He said that
01:01:05 he had never been involved
01:01:06 in any such activity
01:01:07 in the past.
01:01:08 He said that
01:01:09 he had never been involved
01:01:10 in any such activity
01:01:11 in the past.
01:01:12 He said that
01:01:13 he had never been involved
01:01:14 in any such activity
01:01:15 in the past.
01:01:16 He said that
01:01:17 he had never been involved
01:01:18 in any such activity
01:01:19 in the past.
01:01:20 He said that
01:01:21 he had never been involved
01:01:22 in any such activity
01:01:23 in the past.
01:01:24 He said that
01:01:25 he had never been involved
01:01:26 in any such activity
01:01:27 in the past.
01:01:28 He said that
01:01:29 he had never been involved
01:01:30 in any such activity
01:01:31 in the past.
01:01:32 He said that
01:01:33 he had never been involved
01:01:34 in any such activity
01:01:35 in the past.
01:01:36 He said that
01:01:37 he had never been involved
01:01:38 in any such activity
01:01:39 in the past.
01:01:40 He said that
01:01:41 he had never been involved
01:01:42 in any such activity
01:01:43 in the past.
01:01:44 He said that
01:01:45 he had never been involved
01:01:46 in any such activity
01:01:47 in the past.
01:01:48 He said that
01:01:49 he had never been involved
01:01:50 in any such activity
01:01:51 in the past.
01:01:52 He said that
01:01:53 he had never been involved
01:01:54 in any such activity
01:01:55 in the past.
01:01:56 He said that
01:01:57 he had never been involved
01:01:58 in any such activity
01:01:59 in the past.
01:02:00 He said that
01:02:01 he had never been involved
01:02:02 in any such activity
01:02:03 in the past.
01:02:04 He said that
01:02:05 he had never been involved
01:02:06 in any such activity
01:02:07 in the past.
01:02:08 He said that
01:02:09 he had never been involved
01:02:10 in any such activity
01:02:11 in the past.
01:02:12 He said that
01:02:13 he had never been involved
01:02:14 in any such activity
01:02:15 in the past.
01:02:16 He said that
01:02:17 he had never been involved
01:02:18 in any such activity
01:02:19 in the past.
01:02:20 He said that
01:02:21 he had never been involved
01:02:22 in any such activity
01:02:23 in the past.
01:02:24 He said that
01:02:25 he had never been involved
01:02:26 in any such activity
01:02:27 in the past.
01:02:28 He said that
01:02:29 he had never been involved
01:02:30 in any such activity
01:02:31 in the past.
01:02:32 He said that
01:02:33 he had never been involved
01:02:34 in any such activity
01:02:35 in the past.
01:02:36 He said that
01:02:37 he had never been involved
01:02:38 in any such activity
01:02:39 in the past.
01:02:40 He said that
01:02:41 he had never been involved
01:02:42 in any such activity
01:02:43 in the past.
01:02:44 He said that
01:02:45 he had never been involved
01:02:46 in any such activity
01:02:47 in the past.
01:02:48 He said that
01:02:49 he had never been involved
01:02:50 in any such activity
01:02:51 in the past.
01:02:52 He said that
01:02:53 he had never been involved
01:02:54 in any such activity
01:02:55 in the past.
01:02:56 He said that
01:02:57 he had never been involved
01:02:58 in any such activity
01:02:59 in the past.
01:03:00 He said that
01:03:01 he had never been involved
01:03:02 in any such activity
01:03:03 in the past.
01:03:04 He said that
01:03:05 he had never been involved
01:03:06 in any such activity
01:03:07 in the past.
01:03:08 He said that
01:03:09 he had never been involved
01:03:10 in any such activity
01:03:11 in the past.
01:03:12 He said that
01:03:13 he had never been involved
01:03:14 in any such activity
01:03:15 in the past.
01:03:16 He said that
01:03:17 he had never been involved
01:03:18 in any such activity
01:03:19 in the past.
01:03:20 He said that
01:03:21 he had never been involved
01:03:22 in any such activity
01:03:23 in the past.
01:03:24 He said that
01:03:25 he had never been involved
01:03:26 in any such activity
01:03:27 in the past.
01:03:28 He said that
01:03:29 he had never been involved
01:03:30 in any such activity
01:03:31 in the past.
01:03:32 He said that
01:03:33 he had never been involved
01:03:34 in any such activity
01:03:35 in the past.
01:03:36 He said that
01:03:37 he had never been involved
01:03:38 in any such activity
01:03:39 in the past.
01:03:40 He said that
01:03:41 he had never been involved
01:03:42 in any such activity
01:03:43 in the past.
01:03:44 He said that
01:03:45 he had never been involved
01:03:46 in any such activity
01:03:47 in the past.
01:03:48 He said that
01:03:49 he had never been involved
01:03:50 in any such activity
01:03:51 in the past.
01:03:52 He said that
01:03:53 he had never been involved
01:03:54 in any such activity
01:03:55 in the past.
01:03:56 He said that
01:03:57 he had never been involved
01:03:58 in any such activity
01:03:59 in the past.
01:04:00 He said that
01:04:01 he had never been involved
01:04:02 in any such activity
01:04:03 in the past.
01:04:04 He said that
01:04:05 he had never been involved
01:04:06 in any such activity
01:04:07 in the past.
01:04:08 He said that
01:04:09 he had never been involved
01:04:10 in any such activity
01:04:11 in the past.
01:04:12 He said that
01:04:13 he had never been involved
01:04:14 in any such activity
01:04:15 in the past.
01:04:16 He said that
01:04:17 he had never been involved
01:04:18 in any such activity
01:04:19 in the past.
01:04:20 He said that
01:04:21 he had never been involved
01:04:22 in any such activity
01:04:23 in the past.
01:04:24 He said that
01:04:25 he had never been involved
01:04:26 in any such activity
01:04:27 in the past.
01:04:28 He said that
01:04:29 he had never been involved
01:04:30 in any such activity
01:04:31 in the past.
01:04:32 He said that
01:04:33 he had never been involved
01:04:34 in any such activity
01:04:35 in the past.
01:04:36 He said that
01:04:37 he had never been involved
01:04:38 in any such activity
01:04:39 in the past.
01:04:40 He said that
01:04:41 he had never been involved
01:04:42 in any such activity
01:04:43 in the past.
01:04:44 He said that
01:04:45 he had never been involved
01:04:46 in any such activity
01:04:47 in the past.
01:04:48 He said that
01:04:49 he had never been involved
01:04:50 in any such activity
01:04:51 in the past.
01:04:52 He said that
01:04:53 he had never been involved
01:04:54 in any such activity
01:04:55 in the past.
01:04:56 He said that
01:04:57 he had never been involved
01:04:58 in any such activity
01:04:59 in the past.
01:05:00 He said that
01:05:01 he had never been involved
01:05:02 in any such activity
01:05:03 in the past.
01:05:04 He said that
01:05:05 he had never been involved
01:05:06 in any such activity
01:05:07 in the past.
01:05:08 He said that
01:05:09 he had never been involved
01:05:10 in any such activity
01:05:11 in the past.
01:05:12 He said that
01:05:13 he had never been involved
01:05:14 in any such activity
01:05:15 in the past.
01:05:16 He said that
01:05:17 he had never been involved
01:05:18 in any such activity
01:05:19 in the past.
01:05:20 He said that
01:05:21 he had never been involved
01:05:22 in any such activity
01:05:23 in the past.
01:05:24 He said that
01:05:25 he had never been involved
01:05:26 in any such activity
01:05:27 in the past.
01:05:28 He said that
01:05:29 he had never been involved
01:05:30 in any such activity
01:05:31 in the past.
01:05:32 He said that
01:05:33 he had never been involved
01:05:34 in any such activity
01:05:35 in the past.
01:05:36 He said that
01:05:37 he had never been involved
01:05:38 in any such activity
01:05:39 in the past.
01:05:40 He said that
01:05:41 he had never been involved
01:05:42 in any such activity
01:05:43 in the past.
01:05:44 He said that
01:05:45 he had never been involved
01:05:46 in any such activity
01:05:47 in the past.
01:05:48 He said that
01:05:49 he had never been involved
01:05:50 in any such activity
01:05:51 in the past.
01:05:52 He said that
01:05:53 he had never been involved
01:05:54 in any such activity
01:05:55 in the past.
01:05:56 He said that
01:05:57 he had never been involved
01:05:58 in any such activity
01:05:59 in the past.
01:06:00 He said that
01:06:01 he had never been involved
01:06:02 in any such activity
01:06:03 in the past.
01:06:04 He said that
01:06:05 he had never been involved
01:06:06 in any such activity
01:06:07 in the past.
01:06:08 He said that
01:06:09 he had never been involved
01:06:10 in any such activity
01:06:11 in the past.
01:06:12 He said that
01:06:13 he had never been involved
01:06:14 in any such activity
01:06:15 in the past.
01:06:16 He said that
01:06:17 he had never been involved
01:06:18 in any such activity
01:06:19 in the past.
01:06:20 He said that
01:06:21 he had never been involved
01:06:22 in any such activity
01:06:23 in the past.
01:06:24 He said that
01:06:25 he had never been involved
01:06:26 in any such activity
01:06:27 in the past.
01:06:28 He said that
01:06:29 he had never been involved
01:06:30 in any such activity
01:06:31 in the past.
01:06:32 He said that
01:06:33 he had never been involved
01:06:34 in any such activity
01:06:35 in the past.
01:06:36 He said that
01:06:37 he had never been involved
01:06:38 in any such activity
01:06:39 in the past.
01:06:40 He said that
01:06:41 he had never been involved
01:06:42 in any such activity
01:06:43 in the past.
01:06:44 He said that
01:06:45 he had never been involved
01:06:46 in any such activity
01:06:47 in the past.
01:06:48 He said that
01:06:49 he had never been involved
01:06:50 in any such activity
01:06:51 in the past.
01:06:52 He said that
01:06:53 he had never been involved
01:06:54 in any such activity
01:06:55 in the past.
01:06:56 He said that
01:06:57 he had never been involved
01:06:58 in any such activity
01:06:59 in the past.
01:07:00 He said that
01:07:01 he had never been involved
01:07:02 in any such activity
01:07:03 in the past.
01:07:04 He said that
01:07:05 he had never been involved
01:07:06 in any such activity
01:07:07 in the past.
01:07:08 He said that
01:07:09 he had never been involved
01:07:10 in any such activity
01:07:11 in the past.
01:07:12 He said that
01:07:13 he had never been involved
01:07:14 in any such activity
01:07:15 in the past.
01:07:16 He said that
01:07:17 he had never been involved
01:07:18 in any such activity
01:07:19 in the past.
01:07:20 He said that
01:07:21 he had never been involved
01:07:22 in any such activity
01:07:23 in the past.
01:07:24 He said that
01:07:25 he had never been involved
01:07:26 in any such activity
01:07:27 in the past.
01:07:28 He said that
01:07:29 he had never been involved
01:07:30 in any such activity
01:07:31 in the past.
01:07:32 He said that
01:07:33 he had never been involved
01:07:34 in any such activity
01:07:35 in the past.
01:07:36 He said that
01:07:37 he had never been involved
01:07:38 in any such activity
01:07:39 in the past.
01:07:40 He said that
01:07:41 he had never been involved
01:07:42 in any such activity
01:07:43 in the past.
01:07:44 He said that
01:07:45 he had never been involved
01:07:46 in any such activity
01:07:47 in the past.
01:07:48 He said that
01:07:49 he had never been involved
01:07:50 in any such activity
01:07:51 in the past.
01:07:52 He said that
01:07:53 he had never been involved
01:07:54 in any such activity
01:07:55 in the past.
01:07:56 He said that
01:07:57 he had never been involved
01:07:58 in any such activity
01:07:59 in the past.
01:08:00 He said that
01:08:01 he had never been involved
01:08:02 in any such activity
01:08:03 in the past.
01:08:04 He said that
01:08:05 he had never been involved
01:08:06 in any such activity
01:08:07 in the past.
01:08:08 He said that
01:08:09 he had never been involved
01:08:10 in any such activity
01:08:11 in the past.
01:08:12 He said that
01:08:13 he had never been involved
01:08:14 in any such activity
01:08:15 in the past.
01:08:16 He said that
01:08:17 he had never been involved
01:08:18 in any such activity
01:08:19 in the past.
01:08:20 He said that
01:08:21 he had never been involved
01:08:22 in any such activity
01:08:23 in the past.
01:08:24 He said that
01:08:25 he had never been involved
01:08:26 in any such activity
01:08:27 in the past.
01:08:28 He said that
01:08:29 he had never been involved
01:08:30 in any such activity
01:08:31 in the past.
01:08:32 He said that
01:08:33 he had never been involved
01:08:34 in any such activity
01:08:35 in the past.
01:08:36 He said that
01:08:37 he had never been involved
01:08:38 in any such activity
01:08:39 in the past.
01:08:40 He said that
01:08:41 he had never been involved
01:08:42 in any such activity
01:08:43 in the past.
01:08:44 He said that
01:08:45 he had never been involved
01:08:46 in any such activity
01:08:47 in the past.
01:08:48 He said that
01:08:49 he had never been involved
01:08:50 in any such activity
01:08:51 in the past.
01:08:52 He said that
01:08:53 he had never been involved
01:08:54 in any such activity
01:08:55 in the past.
01:08:56 He said that
01:08:57 he had never been involved
01:08:58 in any such activity
01:08:59 in the past.
01:09:00 He said that
01:09:01 he had never been involved
01:09:02 in any such activity
01:09:03 in the past.
01:09:04 He said that
01:09:05 he had never been involved
01:09:06 in any such activity
01:09:07 in the past.
01:09:08 He said that
01:09:09 he had never been involved
01:09:10 in any such activity
01:09:11 in the past.
01:09:12 He said that
01:09:13 he had never been involved
01:09:14 in any such activity
01:09:15 in the past.
01:09:16 He said that
01:09:17 he had never been involved
01:09:18 in any such activity
01:09:19 in the past.
01:09:20 He said that
01:09:21 he had never been involved
01:09:22 in any such activity
01:09:23 in the past.
01:09:24 He said that
01:09:25 he had never been involved
01:09:26 in any such activity
01:09:27 in the past.
01:09:28 He said that
01:09:29 he had never been involved
01:09:30 in any such activity
01:09:31 in the past.
01:09:32 He said that
01:09:33 he had never been involved
01:09:34 in any such activity
01:09:35 in the past.
01:09:36 He said that
01:09:37 he had never been involved
01:09:38 in any such activity
01:09:39 in the past.
01:09:40 He said that
01:09:41 he had never been involved
01:09:42 in any such activity
01:09:43 in the past.
01:09:44 He said that
01:09:45 he had never been involved
01:09:46 in any such activity
01:09:47 in the past.
01:09:48 He said that
01:09:49 he had never been involved
01:09:50 in any such activity
01:09:51 in the past.
01:09:52 He said that
01:09:53 he had never been involved
01:09:54 in any such activity
01:09:55 in the past.
01:09:56 He said that
01:09:57 he had never been involved
01:09:58 in any such activity
01:09:59 in the past.
01:10:00 He said that
01:10:01 he had never been involved
01:10:02 in any such activity
01:10:03 in the past.
01:10:04 He said that
01:10:05 he had never been involved
01:10:06 in any such activity
01:10:07 in the past.
01:10:08 He said that
01:10:09 he had never been involved
01:10:10 in any such activity
01:10:11 in the past.
01:10:12 He said that
01:10:13 he had never been involved
01:10:14 in any such activity
01:10:15 in the past.
01:10:16 He said that
01:10:17 he had never been involved
01:10:18 in any such activity
01:10:19 in the past.
01:10:20 He said that
01:10:21 he had never been involved
01:10:22 [BLANK_AUDIO]
