Controversial VAR Penalty Decision How PSG Got The Penalty Against Newcastle

  • 9 months ago
Newcastle United were denied a famous victory over PSG following an incredibly controversial VAR penalty decision from referee Szymon Marciniak. But why was the handball given, when a seemingly identical situation was let go by the same team? The answer lies in UEFA's bizarre wording of their own rules.
00:00 *Badass music*
00:02 Feel sick me
00:09 All right, hello everybody AdamTheory442 here
00:13 There's only one thing in football right now that anybody's talking about you've seen it
00:18 I've seen it the handball given against the UCAS United in their game against PSG last night is being
00:24 described and I'll put this delicately as
00:28 Controversial in fact so controversial is it I don't think I've ever seen such a unanimous
00:32 derision of a refereeing decision in my entire life obviously Newcastle they are furious about it
00:38 but I a Newcastle fan have literally received texts from Arsenal and
00:43 Sunderland supporters saying that was a robbery
00:46 Do you have any idea how bad a decision has to be to get that sort of United front?
00:51 But as ever with this sort of thing, there's just loads of stuff floating around today. Most of it not actually true
00:57 So we're gonna break down that penalty decision and show you rightly or wrongly
01:01 Why they awarded it now first off if you've somehow been in a cave on
01:06 Mars with your eyes shut and your fingers and your ears going la la la no football for me and you somehow haven't seen it
01:11 This is what happened deep deep into injury time. Believe me
01:15 We will talk about the injury time a little later on as well
01:18 PSG get the ball on the right hand side of the box attempt to cut it across the face of goal
01:24 It bounces off Tino liver mentos body hits his arm and the referee after a lengthy VAR check
01:30 Although probably not as lengthy as it should have been
01:32 Awards the penalty now
01:34 This is the first problem here because as soon as the ball hits his body and then bounces off
01:38 Common sense or certainly how we understand the rules in the Premier League is that's not a handball. It hits his body first
01:44 There's nothing he can do about the subsequent deflection
01:46 So it shouldn't be a penalty except that is not the rule in the Champions League
01:51 They have a different interpretation of that situation than the Premier League does they do not factor in the ball
01:58 Striking another body part when determining if it's a penalty now
02:02 You may well have seen this or something like it on social media in the aftermath a UEFA statement
02:06 Saying no handball offense should be called on a player if the ball is previously deflected from his own body now just to flag this up
02:13 Straight away that has not been released by UEFA since the game or certainly not at the time of recording
02:19 Anyway, what that is from though is some UEFA guidelines issued in April at the end of last season saying that next season
02:25 They should look to implement this law, but crucially they did not implement this law. It was some guidance given
02:32 It was a guideline they wanted to bring in but they haven't I don't get me wrong
02:35 They almost certainly will following this given the absolute shit storm that it's caused but going into this game
02:40 That is that is not the rule
02:42 That is not something the referee was supposed to factor in but the problem with that then is that earlier in the game?
02:47 I think with about 20 minutes to go of normal time a very similar situation
02:50 Happens the ball hits Lewis Miley then jumps up and strikes him on the arm PSG naturally appeal for a penalty
02:57 It goes to VAR. They look at it and they say no, that's that's not a penalty. You don't need to come to the monitor
03:02 So what's the difference? Why the lack of consistency now?
03:06 It's dead easy to sit there and cry conspiracy or cry in competency or cry inconsistency or something like that
03:12 But if you look at you wait for his interpretation of the handball rule in the box
03:16 There is a difference between the two incidents. So when you wait for competitions, they consider three criteria before awarding a penalty in this situation
03:24 The first one is if there is a deliberate motion from the hand to the ball
03:29 The second is the distance the ball travels does the player physically see the ball?
03:33 Is there anything they can do about the situation?
03:35 Are they in control of their reaction and the third is the position of the hand in relation to the ball?
03:41 Does it fall within a natural profile and it's that third one?
03:44 Which has led to this penalty being given because if we look at them side by side
03:48 The VAR officials have in their infinite wisdom
03:51 deduced that Tino
03:53 Livramento's arm was not in a natural position and Lewis Miley's was I look if you've just thrown something at your television or your computer
04:01 Or you've got smash your phone on the floor then just like that's not my interpretation of it
04:06 Those are the way for rules that will be the criteria they have considered
04:10 That would be what they see as the difference between those two incidents right or wrong. That's how they see it now
04:16 What's insane here is if you look at the two stills side by side the ball hits the player in pretty much the exact?
04:22 Same part of the arm and that part of the arm is in exactly the same position
04:27 Relative to the rest of the body
04:29 The only difference is that Lewis Miley's arm is down by a side when it happens and Tino
04:34 Livramento's arm is perceived to be elevated and away from his body now
04:38 I could sit here and do a video for an hour about how on earth you come to the conclusion that some kind of advantage
04:44 Has been gained from your elbow simply being in a different angle, but I can't that's that's just how they've read it
04:51 So I seems to just be always the case now when we talk about refereeing decisions when you break it down
04:56 They've probably enacted the laws the way they have been written. They've technically done the right thing
05:01 It's just that the rules themselves are a complete farce
05:04 And if you think back right up until the 94th minute everybody was full of praise for this referee
05:09 Newcastle fans neutrals everybody thought he was having a really good game. He wasn't getting intimidated by the atmosphere
05:14 He wasn't putting up with PSG surrounding him asking for decisions
05:17 It's the guy who refereed the World Cup final and it looked like he is one of the best in the game in this
05:24 Situation though the lads in the van. They are not the World Cup final referee
05:28 They're not as good as he is and they looked at the first one
05:31 They thought yeah arms down by his side can't really give that and they looked at the second one and just really quickly came to a
05:36 Conclusion that his arms up
05:38 I genuinely think if they look at it longer and consider where the ball actually strikes the arm or even if they just compared the
05:44 Two decisions, but see there's actually no real difference in the handball
05:49 Despite the fact that arm is in a very different position and then the course of the whole matter of the PSG handball
05:54 Which stopped Alexander Isak getting clean through on goal
05:57 There's a coming together it bobbles around and the PSG defender does stop the ball rolling through accidentally by the way with his arm
06:04 Why isn't that looked at well because VAR don't look at those situations outside the penalty area
06:10 It's not something that they are permitted to interfere with it
06:13 Can't flag the ref up and say oh by the way, you need to look at this. There was potentially a goal-scoring opportunity
06:18 That's just that's not how it works. It's serious foul play. It's red card offenses and it's penalty incidents
06:23 Which means ironically, of course if that happened like five yards further forward if that had been in the box
06:27 They would have looked at it
06:29 They would have discussed it referee whether they would have given anything for it is another matter entirely
06:33 But it would have been within their remit to draw attention to as it stands
06:37 It wasn't now if you've watched this channel a lot, you'll know I try not to be hysterical or dramatic
06:43 We're just trying to provide the fact here so that you a fairly intelligent fan of football can make your own assessments of it
06:49 So as disappointing as that is I could comfortably say it's one of the most galling ways
06:53 I've ever seen my team denied a victory in a game of football
06:56 Not what this video is about
06:58 But if I may be permitted to just editorialize slightly on this speaking as a Newcastle fan
07:03 You watch that game in the pub with his friends and was absolutely floored by the last few minutes and is legitimately
07:08 Considering taking up karate lessons just in case I ever bump into those VAR nerds in the street at any point
07:14 I think when we get a bit of perspective when the dust settles when we take a step back from that
07:19 We shouldn't let that decision
07:21 Ruin what was a brilliant performance and could still be a really good result
07:26 Like it's so hard to take when it happens like that
07:29 And I still can't even fully wrap my head around it having poured through you a first rules this morning, but
07:34 We beat Milan at home
07:36 We stay in Europe one way or another and given the reaction that happened when Newcastle were drawn in that group against PSG Milan and Dortmund
07:44 What a huge achievement that is already what a great position to be in
07:48 I was in New York a couple of weeks ago
07:50 And there were four PSG club shops in New York City either opened or about to open
07:56 This is a club with
07:57 Ambitions of being the biggest thing in the entire world and Newcastle turned up in a situation
08:01 where they had a sixth former in central midfield and could not make a single substitution and were
08:07 legitimately denied a
08:09 Brilliant brilliant historic win and as 442's own Matthew Ketchell our deputy editor has already put on Twitter
08:16 This game came nearly two years the day of that Norwich draw when we were winless all season
08:21 we were circling the drain when we thought we were going down just by being the
08:25 richest club in the world and we clung on for a point at home with
08:29 10 men like the distance this club has come with those two exactly the same scorelines is just
08:36 Staggering and they'll probably be some kind of you wafer statement. They've already taken the VAR guys off their game tonight
08:43 They'll probably finally enact that advisory rule change. They had an April because
08:47 How can you let something like that decide such a big game of football?
08:51 But just forget about that you gotta just you gotta take that hit and you've got to move on
08:57 That's pretty much what Eddie house said in the press conference. It's the attitude
08:59 You know the players are gonna be having in training. So
09:02 It's one of them things. Am I angry? Yeah, I'm really angry about it. Am I sad? Yes, I'm absolutely good
09:09 Not just for me but for some of the players in that squad who should have battling defensive 1-0 win away to PSG as a
09:17 Memory they can have forever like think about Jamal LaSalle
09:20 He didn't put a foot wrong Nick Pope made some of the best saves I've ever seen and your castle player make and it's all just
09:26 Kind of gonna get a raise now because of that decision at the end like I am gutted gutted for them
09:31 But if they beat Milan at home, which is entirely possible and PSG failed to beat Dortmund away, which is also entirely possible
09:38 they will get out of the group of death into the Champions League round of 16 despite that happening to them and
09:46 What an achievement that is like even if they drop into the Europa League that is still
09:52 Huge like Steve Bruce always used to say we just got to dust ourselves down and go again
09:57 And what a trip it is
09:59 To need to have that mentality after being denied one of the most historic victories in the club's history
10:05 Away in the Champions League to one of the biggest teams in Europe as opposed to when he used to say it
10:10 Which is when we get beat like 3-0 off Norwich. So yes, there you go. That is implausibly why they gave that decision
10:17 Let me know please what you think of that in the comments below
10:20 Of course, if you enjoy this kind of thing, please do consider subscribing to full 14
10:23 We love having you here and subscribing is the one thing that really really helps out
10:27 So we'd love to have you on board for that. Get me on Twitter at Adam Cleary
10:30 CLE are why I'm going through the various stages of grief over there first
10:34 There was bargaining and anger and now I'm just kind of doing memes about it
10:37 Let's all join in with that and until next time
10:40 this is 442 and that's
10:42 That's football. I'm afraid I'll see you soon. Bye
10:46 Bye.
