• last year
Indiana coach Mike Woodson met with the media on Friday night and talked about the Hoosiers' 91-79 loss at Wisconsin. Here is the full video, with the written transcript in the story.
00:00 >> Composure, last couple games had moments of these isolated incidents.
00:03 Are you worried that it's becoming kind of a trend?
00:05 I mean, what do you kind of speak to those, those taking a kick out of it?
00:08 >> Well, again, in the heat of the battle, anything is liable to happen.
00:11 I'm not happy about it.
00:13 I mean, after looking at it, the kid put his head on his chest and
00:19 he threw a semi elbow.
00:22 I don't think it was something hard that warranted being kicked out of the game.
00:28 But again, I can't control that he was kicked out.
00:32 And from that point on, we just, I thought we were playing pretty good.
00:36 We gave up really, it was a 16 to a four run at that point.
00:41 I mean, they went off on a tremendous run and we couldn't get back.
00:45 >> You guys gave up a 20 and up at one point.
00:49 What do you feel the issues were during that?
00:51 >> Well, it's defense.
00:52 I mean, you ain't gonna beat nobody in a big team and that's so mean, 91 points.
00:56 It's a lot of points, yeah, we missed a big fella tonight to plug the hole.
00:59 But I mean, we kept getting beat off the balance a lot tonight.
01:03 And I mean, that generated a lot of, they shot 25 free, made 25 free throws.
01:08 So that's a bit much.
01:10 So we gotta get that fixed.
01:13 >> When did- >> How long were, like the-
01:15 >> Don't know, I really don't.
01:16 I'm just sitting here, I have no idea how long it'll be.
01:20 >> When did you find out you were gonna lose him?
01:21 What was the time frame of that?
01:22 How much preparation time did you get?
01:24 >> Well, I mean, he went down and practiced, came down on somebody's foot,
01:28 turned his ankle and it blew up on him.
01:31 So I mean, what are you gonna do?
01:34 I thought Peyton played an excellent game.
01:36 For a guy that hadn't played very many minutes, I thought he was very,
01:40 he's one of the positive sides to him, which is kind of nice to see.
01:43 >> You talked about toughness after the pre-rock.
01:46 Were you pleased with the team's effort today?
01:48 >> No, not when you give up 91 points.
01:50 I mean, I thought we fought.
01:53 I mean, we didn't quit.
01:55 But I know he's not happy with his defense.
01:58 I mean, he scored 53 points in the second half.
02:01 They scored 52.
02:02 But who's playing defense?
02:03 Nobody.
02:04 >> When you talk about the fight you showed at the end and not quitting and
02:08 kind of weighed out against some of the Flamer Fowls and the discipline like that.
02:12 How do you kind of weigh what you're getting from your player leadership right
02:14 now? >> Well, again, I mean,
02:15 I put it where it lies.
02:17 It still starts with our seniors.
02:19 I mean, we got three of them.
02:21 I think Walker was very good.
02:23 Gallo had a stretch where he just was horrendous.
02:27 It really cost us about ten points.
02:29 I mean, so those are things that are correctable that we gotta clean up, man,
02:32 if we're gonna move forward and stay in the hunt.
02:36 >> What is it about Klusman?
02:37 What is it about Klusman?
02:39 He had more points in the second half there at the start than Indiana had.
02:43 >> Well, again, just losing even.
02:46 When we doubled, didn't rotate correctly.
02:49 I mean, it's a lot of miscues.
02:52 Again, that's on me.
02:54 >> You have had a number of double figure losses here.
02:57 What are two or three things that you feel are things you can change this season
03:01 to get you on that new track?
03:02 >> Keep working.
03:03 That's all we can do is keep working.
03:05 >> With this long break you have, I guess, where do you go from here as far as just
03:09 resetting yourself and getting forward to the game next year?
03:11 >> Go back to work.
03:12 We gotta work.
03:13 We gotta keep working.
03:15 We gotta keep working to get better.
03:17 That's all you can do.
03:18 >> And bringing Axe off the bench the last few games, what do you kinda want his role?
03:21 What's kinda your message to him?
03:22 >> I thought he was better tonight.
03:23 I thought he showed some signs of trying to lead and do the right thing.
03:28 So I mean, we'll look hard at it this week, see if he can earn his spot back.
03:33 If he does, then we'll probably have him back in the lineup.
03:35 It all depends on how he comes to work and produces and
03:39 practices to get where he needs to get.
03:41 >> You are 0 and 5 against green teams.
03:43 What do you feel like separates you guys right now?
03:46 >> Well, again, we're a new team, and I'm not using that as an excuse.
03:50 You got ten new players, and we're still trying to figure each other out.
03:53 Not having the big fella, that hurt a little bit tonight.
03:56 Again, I thought Peyton gave us some positive minutes.
04:00 Leak has been solid all year.
04:02 We just gotta get some guard play for this team, get them going.
04:06 >> Coach, is it just defense that goes away when these teams go on these longer
04:10 runs?
04:10 >> I mean, on the road, you can't- >> We keep on winning.
04:14 >> You can't think you just go out and score tickets on the road.
04:16 You gotta play defense on the road and rebound the ball.
04:19 And I thought we were there from a rebounding standpoint, but
04:23 91 points, you're not gonna beat anybody on the road.
04:25 >> Woody, you're a tough competitor.
04:28 How's this affecting you?
04:29 >> Well, coach, and it's my job to figure it out as a coach to get our team
04:36 playing better, and that's what I'm gonna do.
04:38 >> Where do the problems start, defensively?
04:40 Is it communication?
04:41 Is it effort?
04:42 >> No, I think they're trying to give effort, but
04:44 I just think the rotations are awful.
04:46 We're playing well, and we have good defensive runs.
04:49 Everybody's on the same page, but
04:52 we haven't been able to put it together over a long period of time.
04:55 We're playing well in spurts, and that's not good enough to win right now.
04:59 >> Thanks, coach.
