Outlook Money 40After40 - Anup Bagchi

  • 7 months ago
00:00 A 35 year old person who is like fully digitally savvy after 25 year, the chances are that
00:15 he will be 60 only and he will require annuity.
00:18 So it is a patience game.
00:20 In 10-15 years, you know this will start moving.
00:24 And so simple products, less complex products where the contract is understood, what you
00:29 pay, what you get is understood, it will move.
00:32 Which is why even mutual funds if you see, PMS and EIFs are not the ones which go online.
00:38 You will see SIP is happening and SIP is happening on simple mutual fund, ETFs are happening,
00:44 index buys are happening.
00:45 Simplicity, good process, low complexity, that will sell.
00:52 And we have to work very hard as an industry to make that happen because the need is very,
00:56 very large.
00:57 We have a very large need for live penetration.
01:02 We have a very large need for loan penetration, loan protect.
01:07 We have a very large need for retirement.
01:09 So the needs are extremely large.
01:12 So that is where the unlock opportunity also is for players like us.
01:16 Yeah.
01:17 Yeah.
01:18 Yeah.
01:19 Yeah.
01:20 Yeah.
01:20 Yeah.
01:25 Yeah.
01:26 Yeah.
01:26 Yeah.
01:31 Yeah.
