Distance Control Ladder Chipping Tips

  • 7 months ago
In this video, PGA Professional Katie Dawkins offers a ladder drill to help improve your distance control when you chip.
00:00 So a brilliant drill to help you with distance control especially on those longer putts if
00:08 you're somebody who tends to hit the ball to get it to get to the flag on long putts
00:12 this will be brilliant for you. You don't want to hit the ball if you're working out
00:16 that a little putt is going to be a little hit and a big putt is going to be a big hit
00:19 it's very hard to control how much hit to give it. Much easier to do length of stroke
00:24 so for that I tend to use this ladder drill it also gives you a fantastic idea of the
00:28 pace of greens if you're visiting different courses. So the first one I'm going to do
00:33 is just going to be a very small tick tock so almost like a metronome in my head I've
00:38 got this one two rhythm tick tock. I'm not going to look to see where my balls go so
00:43 that I'm not influenced as to how hard to give it thumb so keeping the same tempo the
00:48 first putt is very small tick tock the next putt slightly bigger tick tock the next putt
00:57 slightly bigger and the next putt is your bigger one. And what you should end up with
01:07 is a nice fairly even Stevens ladder all the way up the green. What you would then do is
01:13 you then remind yourself of the length of stroke that you took and you worked your way
01:16 back to your target that you started next to and that should really help with your distance
01:20 control.
01:27 [Music]
01:52 (upbeat music)