
  • 8 months ago


00:00 [music]
00:02 Oh no! The aliens are here and they've taken our parents!
00:06 [screams]
00:07 What are we gonna do?
00:08 Follow me!
00:09 [music]
00:28 [music]
00:36 Shakespeare, get the um, the thing.
00:38 Okay.
00:39 Jumbo Ninja, pick up the, the other thing.
00:41 Sweet!
00:43 [music]
00:49 Huh? Snacks? Clothes? Jewelry?
00:52 [music]
00:55 Is that, is that makeup?
00:57 [music]
01:01 [screams]
01:02 [music]
01:07 Sweet mother of sweet!
01:10 Girls club for princesses? No boys allowed?
01:14 Gentlemen, our worst fears have come true.
01:17 The girls started a club.
01:20 [music]
01:23 Sweet!
01:24 Since the dawn of time, girl clubs have been the shadowy hands behind some of the world's most notorious events.
01:30 The caveman makeover incident.
01:33 The Camelot Cootie outbreak of 580 AD.
01:35 The Napoleonic Midnight Makeup Assault of 1802.
01:38 And let's not forget what really happened at the moon landing.
01:41 [music]
01:43 The monster!
01:45 Girl clubs are pure glitter sticker covered evil.
01:48 Something must be done before it takes over the entire Swell Mart.
01:51 Louie?
01:53 I've created a model projection of what we can expect.
01:55 After running it through my virtual simulator.
01:57 [music]
02:01 You said it, Ninja. We can't nay.
02:03 We must not let that happen.
02:05 We'll show those girls what men are made of.
02:07 We'll infiltrate the club and find out what they're up to.
02:09 Hoorah!
02:11 [music]
02:22 [knock]
02:23 Party's over, girls. It's the man police.
02:26 Open up.
02:27 Yes?
02:29 Uh, can we help you?
02:30 Yeah, you can help us by letting us in.
02:32 I'm sorry, gentlemen, but our club has a very strict admissions policy.
02:36 It's nothing personal. Boys just, you know, smell.
02:39 You ain't getting down if you party standing up.
02:43 [door slams]
02:45 I party sitting down.
02:47 What?
02:49 This means war.
02:50 Sweet!
02:51 I've seen this in the movies before,
02:53 but I think they did it with a horse or something.
02:56 [slicing]
02:57 [coughs]
02:58 Ladies, I've got some delicious cookies for you darlings.
03:03 Oh, Granny.
03:05 So nice of you to drop by.
03:07 [thud]
03:08 [barking]
03:09 [chirping]
03:11 You sure are in good shape for a grandma.
03:13 Aren't you, Granny?
03:15 Oh, my, yes.
03:18 Exclusive club. Ha!
03:20 There's no way those girls can keep this guy out.
03:23 Hey, watch the arthritis, ladies.
03:26 Grandma isn't as nimble as she used to be.
03:29 [thud]
03:30 [thud]
03:31 [thud]
03:32 [thud]
03:33 [thud]
03:34 Hello?
03:35 Kids these days, no respect for their artificial elders.
03:39 Don't worry, I saw this in a better movie.
03:42 Way to work, Italiaki.
03:44 [chirping]
03:45 [chirping]
03:48 [chirping]
03:49 [chirping]
03:50 [chirping]
03:51 [chirping]
03:52 [chirping]
03:53 [chirping]
03:54 Oh, man.
03:55 [chirping]
03:56 [chirping]
03:57 [chirping]
03:58 [chirping]
03:59 [chirping]
04:00 Huh, that lion sure gets around.
04:02 Sweet.
04:03 Now we'll never know what goes on behind those girl club walls.
04:06 Yeah, they could be rating us in cuteness order.
04:09 [sighs]
04:10 We're short of using dangerously experimental science to transform us into girls.
04:14 We'll never get in.
04:15 [chiming]
04:16 Tell it.
04:17 What?
04:18 [chiming]
04:19 Though she may not be a girly girl, Turret remains of the female persuasion.
04:22 As a chick, they'd have to let her in.
04:24 No way, man.
04:25 Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please.
04:28 Hey, I have an idea.
04:29 How about you come up with a plan to rescue our parents?
04:32 You know, the ones that got kidnapped by interstellar brainlings.
04:35 But Turret, think about it.
04:37 All alone, behind enemy lines, lip balm, avocado beauty masks, teen magazines.
04:43 This could be the most dangerous mission you've ever been on.
04:47 [sighs]
04:48 Fine, I'll do it.
04:50 But just for the danger.
04:52 Sweet.
04:53 [chiming]
04:58 [knocking]
05:00 No, boys, alert!
05:02 Oh, hey, Turret.
05:04 Welcome to girls club.
05:05 [clanging]
05:11 And now, my friends, we play the waiting game.
05:14 [panting]
05:16 Man, the waiting game is boring.
05:19 [sighs]
05:20 [whirring]
05:23 You said it, J-Ninj.
05:24 What's keeping her?
05:25 [clanging]
05:28 I love it.
05:29 Can I help you?
05:30 Yeah, you could help us.
05:32 It's a super top secret mission.
05:33 You know, the one we sent you on.
05:35 Oh, yeah, about that.
05:37 Uh, girls club is way cooler than I thought.
05:39 But, but--
05:40 I'd love to let you in, but, you know--
05:42 But, but--
05:43 Nate, why don't you be a deer and hand out the rest of these flowers to any girl you find.
05:46 We're expanding!
05:48 [clanging]
05:50 It's an open invitation to girls club.
05:53 [clanging]
05:54 Their dark evil is spreading.
05:57 [grunts]
05:59 Run!
06:01 You've hallowed your empirical imperiousness.
06:04 What's this?
06:06 [crunching]
06:08 [farting]
06:09 Ah!
06:10 It appears to be a pamphlet for some sort of club.
06:13 I'll have it obliterated at once!
06:15 [coughing]
06:17 Not just any club, a super exclusive club.
06:20 Why was I not informed about this?
06:23 What?
06:24 I, the great Emperor Brainius III, want in.
06:28 What?
06:29 Suit up, Brian.
06:30 We're going out.
06:32 What?
06:34 Or maybe we just stay right here and you pick the space jam out of my toes.
06:39 [sighs]
06:40 I do believe it's a fine evening to get down.
06:44 [imitates drum roll]
06:45 [laughs]
06:46 This is so exciting, Brian.
06:48 Cheer up, buddy buddy.
06:50 You look fabulous.
06:51 Seriously, sir?
06:52 I could call the fleet and have this club annihilated.
06:55 Brian, a place that's exclusive.
06:58 You join, not annihilate.
07:01 So, when are you letting us in?
07:04 Sorry, fellas.
07:05 This thing's a girls only affair.
07:08 So we ain't getting down if we potty standing up?
07:11 Uh-uh.
07:12 Oh.
07:14 [laughing]
07:16 Welcome to Girls' Club.
07:18 Go!
07:19 [shrieks]
07:20 [coughing]
07:22 Yes, girls?
07:24 Britney and Brianna?
07:26 You ain't getting down if you potty standing up.
07:28 Right this way.
07:29 [music playing]
07:34 Hey!
07:35 What's the matter, Brianna?
07:38 [grunts]
07:39 [laughing]
07:43 Might as well get used to it, guys.
07:45 Girls' Club is going to take over the world.
07:47 Hope you guys like dresses and pink shoes.
07:49 Do I ever?
07:50 [coughs]
07:51 What?
07:52 If only we could get a glimpse through that wall.
07:54 Like if we had x-ray specs or x-ray tennis rackets
07:56 or something.
07:57 I have x-ray tennis rackets.
07:58 You had x-ray tennis rackets this whole time?
08:01 I have a lot of things.
08:04 [music playing]
08:07 So that would be the girls.
08:09 [music playing]
08:13 Guys, did you see that?
08:15 Yeah, those new girls are hot.
08:17 Dibs on the brunette.
08:19 Look closer.
08:21 [music playing]
08:25 B-b-brain links.
08:27 Girls' Club's in cahoots with the enemy.
08:29 They've gone rogue.
08:31 I've always thought girls were evil.
08:33 But this, this ends now.
08:36 Fleece.
08:38 For the honor of manliness.
08:40 [screams]
08:43 Oops.
08:44 Try reverse reverse.
08:46 [screams]
08:48 All right, that's it.
08:50 I've had enough to hear with this dress up nonsense.
08:53 Time to say goodnight, ladies.
08:55 [music playing]
09:00 All right, girls.
09:02 The jig is up.
09:03 We know all about your little plan.
09:06 [coughs]
09:07 Like, what are you talking about?
09:10 This.
09:12 Boys!
09:13 [music playing]
09:16 [screams]
09:18 Well, if you want to get technical,
09:19 we're more of a genderless, gelatinous mass.
09:22 And hey!
09:24 [music playing]
09:26 Shut the brain!
09:27 [screams]
09:30 Let us never speak of this day again.
09:32 Agreed.
09:33 But you're positively oozing in that dress.
09:36 Wait, this is Girls' Club?
09:39 But we thought you'd be doing girl things.
09:44 [belches]
09:45 But we are.
09:46 Yeah, it's kind of nice being ourselves without you
09:48 boys making a big deal out of it.
09:50 Yeah, we fart too, you know.
09:52 [farts]
09:55 Yeah, you said it, Jumbo Ninja.
09:57 We spent all this time thinking all girls did
09:59 was put on makeup and talk about boys.
10:01 We never stopped to think that maybe they
10:02 might like bro-ing out too.
10:04 Guess we stereotyped you girls a little.
10:06 A little?
10:07 We'll leave Girl Club alone on one condition.
10:10 [gasps]
10:12 Boys' Club for Warriors?
10:14 No girls allowed?
10:16 [laughing]
10:18 It's nice to have a guys' night out without the girls
10:20 girl-ing it up.
10:21 Melon-scented lip balm?
10:23 [laughs]
10:24 Yeah.
10:25 [music playing]
10:27 [whimpers]
10:29 I have been carted away against my will!
10:33 [farts]
10:34 [music playing]
10:39 Yes!
10:40 Woo!
10:41 Woo-hoo!
10:44 Nate, you drive like a brainling granny.
10:48 Yeah, but this granny can move.
10:50 [music playing]
10:54 [crashing]
10:57 Oh, great.
10:58 We're out of gas.
10:59 Nate, Shakes, what are you doing?
11:00 Those are for emergencies only.
11:01 Louie, if you're going to build kick-butt-hover-grandpa
11:04 chairs, you have to expect people to break into your lab
11:06 and use them.
11:07 Yeah, so be a good scientist and recharge the cart
11:09 so we can decide who wins the best racer in the mall,
11:11 Chocolat Trophy.
11:14 This is no time for chugging.
11:15 The swell marks in the midst of an energy crisis.
11:18 What?
11:19 I have more energy than ever.
11:20 Just watch me do push-ups.
11:23 [grunting]
11:24 Come on, you.
11:26 [grunts]
11:27 So exhausted.
11:28 Need energy from Chocolate Trophy.
11:32 You better come with me.
11:34 [grunting]
11:35 [splat]
11:36 [music playing]
11:38 Which salsa is better?
11:40 Salsa dancing or nacho salsa?
11:43 Can we get a little more light on camera 45?
11:47 [beep]
11:48 Power depleted.
11:51 What?
11:52 [music playing]
11:54 Mm-mm.
11:55 I could just eat you up.
11:58 And I could just eat you up.
12:01 See?
12:02 Everyone's wasting power.
12:03 This can only lead to one thing-- Energetin.
12:05 But Shakes needs to get a humongous, simple cook
12:08 oven on at all times.
12:09 So we'll always be five minutes away from cupcakes.
12:13 That's what separates us from the animals, OK?
12:15 But at this rate, the swarm will be out of power
12:17 by week's end.
12:18 Week's end, right.
12:19 You're always overreacting.
12:21 [music playing]
12:24 If my hair's not poofy, someone's going to pay.
12:28 [music playing]
12:31 How am I supposed to get down from here?
12:34 Please.
12:36 So Nate, how are we going to solve this energy crisis?
12:40 We need to find an alternative energy source.
12:43 We need to blow stuff up.
12:44 We need to start crying until someone helps us.
12:47 Hmm.
12:48 [fart]
12:49 Scoof.
12:50 Scoof?
12:51 You know, happy gas, bottom burps, rump noises,
12:54 cheese cutters, trouser trumpets, stinky air.
12:57 I'm talking about go farts.
12:59 Huh?
13:01 Oh.
13:02 The brainlings have technology that converts their alien farts
13:05 into the most powerful energy source in the universe.
13:08 Scoof.
13:09 You're saying if we could borrow some of this scoof,
13:12 we could solve our energy crisis?
13:14 Exactly.
13:15 Scoof is risky stuff.
13:16 Who can ever forget what happened on Fartog 7?
13:19 It was horrible.
13:20 And if the same thing happens here,
13:22 it could tear this team apart.
13:24 But we should be fine, right?
13:26 Now, let's go get some scoof.
13:27 [cheering]
13:28 [humming]
13:31 It's called the Brain Ball, Brian.
13:34 And it's going to be the social event of the year.
13:37 Yes, I can't wait.
13:39 I want a gigantic glowing throne and a huge statue of me
13:42 made out of light bulbs.
13:44 And one of those flailing wiggly arm guy thingies.
13:47 [fart]
13:48 [laughing]
13:50 Ooh.
13:51 Oh, we're going to need an awful lot of scoops.
13:55 I hope we have enough baked beans.
13:58 Don't worry, oh, flatulent one.
14:00 Things will go swimmingly.
14:02 They better not.
14:04 I can't swim.
14:05 Have things go walkingly instead, or struttingly.
14:09 Yeah, do that one.
14:10 [smacking]
14:12 [fart]
14:14 Looks like we're in the fart refinery.
14:16 Yeah, smells like it too.
14:18 [fart]
14:19 Fart two, three, four.
14:21 Fart two, three, four.
14:23 Eat more beans, you gassy goat.
14:25 [fart]
14:28 The emperor needs energy for his party,
14:30 and your butt's on the dynamo.
14:32 And my butt is on the line.
14:35 One of these tiny scoop canisters
14:37 should power the Swell Mart for years.
14:39 [fart]
14:40 [fart]
14:41 [fart]
14:42 [fart]
14:43 Why take a little scoop when we can take a lot?
14:47 Imagine all the cool stuff we could do with that much power.
14:50 Guys, guys, with great scoop comes great responsibility.
14:53 I'm not sure that--
14:54 [horn honking]
14:56 Got the scoop!
14:57 Shakes?
14:59 [panting]
15:01 Oh, no, they're stopping the scoop.
15:03 Get those scoop bandits now, parking pools, now!
15:09 [fart]
15:10 And...
15:11 [fart]
15:13 Oh, take a whiff.
15:14 We've got tons of scoop.
15:16 We reek of power.
15:17 Guys, I really don't think we need this much.
15:19 Relax, Nate.
15:20 We just need to get this scoop home,
15:22 and all our problems will disappear.
15:24 Uh-oh, looks like we've got ourselves
15:25 a good old-fashioned hover car chase.
15:27 Get your stinkin' hands away from my stinkin' scoop.
15:30 Your scoop?
15:31 It's my scoop if it's anybody's.
15:34 [fart]
15:38 Woo-hoo!
15:39 Smash! Destroy!
15:41 Disassemble!
15:42 [laughs]
15:43 I feel so good inside my head right now!
15:46 Yes!
15:48 [crash]
15:49 Shakes, I love needless destruction as much as anyone,
15:51 but the hover car can't take much more damage.
15:53 We need to lose the brain links, and fast!
15:55 Relax, everything's under control.
15:57 I've rerouted the mall's emergency power to my laptop.
16:00 Check it out.
16:01 [beep]
16:02 [bell ringing]
16:04 You guys are being traffic lights?
16:07 Really?
16:08 It worked! Yes!
16:11 Whoa, guys, never leave a team member hanging on a high-five.
16:14 What's the deal?
16:15 I'm going to use my scoop to power up
16:17 a mega brain-link annihilator take.
16:19 I'm going to use my scoop to broadcast
16:21 all my news stories on the moon.
16:24 [sniffs]
16:26 Oh, no, it's just like Fartog 7.
16:29 You've got the scoop fever.
16:31 Got a slight problem back here, Nate.
16:33 My laptop just ran out of power.
16:35 [sighs]
16:38 [bell rings]
16:40 It's about time!
16:42 [engine revving]
16:44 They really want their gas back.
16:46 Nobody's going to take my precious scoop.
16:48 It's mine. All mine!
16:51 Feel the wrath of my kitty litter cannon!
16:54 [screeches]
16:56 Is there anything kitty litter can't do?
16:59 [laughs]
17:01 [laughs]
17:03 The kitty litter is too clumpy.
17:05 She's going to blow!
17:07 [grunts]
17:09 If the Empress' party is a dud,
17:16 he'll have me...
17:18 eating beans for the rest of my life.
17:21 Shakes, move over.
17:25 This one's for the real chocolate trophy.
17:27 [screams]
17:28 What is he doing?
17:30 No, no, no!
17:32 Hold on!
17:34 [engine revving]
17:36 [grunts]
17:38 This party stinks.
17:44 Where's my scoop?
17:46 I'm working on it.
17:48 Phew, that was some solid driving.
17:52 Looks like it's going to be smooth sailing from now on.
17:55 I want to use this scoop to power a time machine
17:57 so I can go back and report on every major event in history.
18:01 [gasps]
18:03 You take that back!
18:05 Shakes, take the wheel while I deal with this.
18:07 Guys, it's just the scoop talking.
18:09 You have to fight it.
18:11 Shakes, we should go to the amusement park.
18:13 The scoop can power up all those rides.
18:15 Think of the fun we can have.
18:17 Whatever you say, mysterious, evil-sounding fart voice.
18:21 Oh, no!
18:25 The power of Scoop is compelling Shakes.
18:27 Come on, buddy, snap out of it!
18:29 Stop and smell the scoop, mate.
18:31 [all] Ooh!
18:33 Scoop, silent but deadly.
18:36 Nate, the mall is almost completely out of power.
18:42 Where's that scoop?
18:44 [gasps]
18:45 Sorry, Louie, can't talk. Giant robots!
18:47 I'm back!
18:51 [groans]
18:53 [groans]
18:57 Scoop is tearing this team apart.
18:59 There's only one thing to do.
19:01 Nate, don't do something dopey.
19:03 Hey, it's what I do.
19:05 Give me back my scoop!
19:07 You want it? You got it.
19:09 I should have phrased that better.
19:12 It's burning my nose, Hail Mary!
19:14 Stop it! It's not dropping!
19:16 Damn it! Beans!
19:18 [screams]
19:20 I'm on fire!
19:22 Smell you later. Hopefully not, though.
19:24 Seriously.
19:27 [all gasp]
19:29 Thanks, Nate. Looks like you were right.
19:35 That scoop was bad news.
19:37 Yeah, but we still have a power problem back at the Swalmart.
19:40 What are we going to do?
19:42 We can't rely on dangerous brain-leak technology to live our lives.
19:45 We have to do the responsible thing and fix our energy problem ourselves.
19:48 We can use renewable energy!
19:51 Like solar panels and wind turbines.
19:54 Ooh! And cute little hamsters and wheels.
19:57 Totally! And if we can cut back on our power-wasting,
20:00 we can power up the Swalmart forever.
20:02 Fleece!
20:04 So maybe we might need a little scoop after all.
20:18 You know, just in case.
20:23 Come on, Brian! This party can't be over yet!
20:26 Gimme the scoop!
20:28 Any... second now.
20:31 Yay!
20:35 More.
20:37 [sighs]
20:40 [theme music]
20:43 [theme music]
20:46 [theme music]
20:49 [theme music]
20:52 [theme music]
20:55 [theme music]
20:58 [theme music]
21:01 [theme music]