Ghaata Mega Episode 10 [Eng Sub] - Adeel Chaudhry - Momina Iqbal - Mirza Zain Baig - 22nd Jan 2024

  • 8 months ago
02:07this disease of mine, I am saved,
02:12he did not die, he did not die, he did not die,
02:16you are not ashamed of roaming around with a knife on your friend's back,
02:39what is missing
02:40in me, what is missing in me, do we have like
02:44this? What I don't have is your
02:48face, loyalty and
02:50loyalty. I am lacking in everything. I
03:01thought from the beginning that you were a very loving person. From the beginning, I used to say something
03:05strange to you. I don't know that you are such a person by nature
03:09that I give my friendship to my sister. I was
03:13breastfeeding you, don't take his name, you are my
03:16wife again and again, you
03:19don't accept my honor that you
04:04Hamza, you are roaming around wearing his name around your neck, give back my
04:12you will not get it back, you are asking me to
04:17return this There are such people in this world
04:20who sacrifice a lot of things.
04:30I want us to build a home where only
04:33love and love are the only worries.
04:37My eyes only see you.
04:41I am the only one who cares for you. They say
04:47that You should marry someone who
04:50loves you. There are great benefits. A
04:53person remains pampered throughout his life.
04:57Happy Birthday to
05:00you. Your tea is as lacking in taste
05:02as you are in beauty. Why are you doing this
05:04with me? If you want to go with me then
05:06Change your dress, what will it cost you, sorry,
05:10short time, love grips a person from all around
05:14like a mistletoe and does
05:17n't leave him till his life, don't agree, don't agree with the heart, don't agree with the
05:21heart, you are not mine,
05:52even the world enters into the eyes along with the shoes. They
05:55defamed our
05:59queen, took back the wedding procession, yet she is blaming us. Her
06:06name is like the world,
06:13so you must have understood my point
06:16that why I married Rania on a whim,
06:20if she
06:22had lived here, she could have taken action at any time.
06:26If you also did not do anything good to her,
06:30pushed her into the den of snakes,
06:35stop helping her, pray for your daughter
06:39that she should be happy,
06:43in the hell in which you have pushed her, a
06:47person can die, marriage cannot be happy.
07:16I have brought you into this house with respect,
07:18you too consider this relationship as yours and give it
07:21respect. I
07:28you. It doesn't matter whether I
07:35hate you or love you.
07:42You have accepted me, now you
07:46are mine and I
07:49said yes to you.
07:51When is it, but at this moment the queen in front of you is a
07:54living corpse or she is
07:56somewhere else, the
08:01body can be imprisoned but not the love present in it
08:06and I only love Hamza, did
08:17you hear, no problem,
08:26no problem. We will force you, will
08:34call Hamza and make love to me,
10:34Danish's father, what kind of sirat is this
10:37whose journey is never ending, when will you reach,
10:39I am ruined, wait and come
10:44brother, this man will definitely reach death.
10:47Allah Ma, after so long I had
10:51such a peaceful sleep and you woke me
10:53up, I thought that today the legs of the bed will
10:57break and only then my daughter will wake up
11:00and your daughter-in-law and son are still locked in the room, have
11:03not come out, shut up, shameless. Keep studying
11:07inside, ok, I don't even want to see their face, I can
11:09see their face, my body gets on fire,
11:11my blood pressure goes up like this,
11:14oh show me power Amma, then
11:17what should I do, wear a puffer jacket and
11:19enter like a truck I will burst into his room with anger and destroy
11:21all his happiness.
11:24Similarly, your father has spoiled my mood. Come, I will
11:26go to the hospital to inquire about his well-being.
11:29Why, as soon as Rania's wedding procession
11:32started, he decided to take out his last rites.
11:34Thank God.
11:39Amma, please tell me one second again, what did
11:43you say, why didn't you tell me,
11:46then call me, let's talk, tell me,
11:49where are you, where are you, that's why I didn't tell you,
11:52you will have a fit of madness, be patient and go,
11:55my doll. Be patient, he is fine now, he is
12:00I am going to the hospital to inquire about his well-being, you also go, at this time Hamza will
12:02need your comfort anyway, you will
12:05come close to him on this pretext and that
12:07too, a snake made of Lanka harps. So I will
12:09be alone, even more than that, hold me in your fist, so yes, come on, come on, come on,
12:16Amma, my Allah, my Allah, save me, I will go
12:21mad because of this Hamza, he will
12:23send me to you, Giddu
12:27Monkey, come,
13:09what are you doing? People are visible, people are visible. You
13:14are my future wife. Which wife are you? There is
13:17still a lot of time left for marriage, that
13:21time will also pass like this
13:23and let me tell you,
13:26once you and I get married, I will
13:32not let anyone else come.
13:36I will hide your pain in my heart. How will we live, how will we
13:44live? Tell me, have we
13:48got our heart from that unfaithful person?
13:57Yes, have we got it? Has
14:01this person become a meaningless love? This person has become a
14:09meaningless love. What kind of punishment have you given me?
15:08O Allah, what is happening? Are you jealous?
15:10Ya Allah, please have mercy Ya Allah, what has happened?
15:14Sha bhi ha, it will not happen,
15:18no, Allah,
15:27Allah, what is this, what is
15:29happening, what is happening,
15:37Sana, oh, Sana, where has the Nawab died?
15:46Barf barf barf
16:22aay aay aay aay
16:40yaay, all these people have gone away aay
16:44o ho maaati, I have become paralyzed.
16:52You have seen Salman Tai Jaan's attitude has become so
16:57strange, along with me, even I
16:59myself am not able to understand. Come, although she
17:02loves you a lot but she does
17:05n't love my daughter,
17:09she was so small, so every day I
17:13tried unsuccessfully to save my life from you,
17:17but now whatever I do, the result will be
17:21only success, take courage, take
17:40courage my sister, very difficult
17:46La Allah knows the
17:50condition of my heart, my Allah, I am a martyr. Seeing us in this condition,
17:59I cannot tell the condition of my heart after seeing it lying there. I did
18:01not even dare to see my child
18:04in such a condition.
18:06What happened? The child's and mother's
18:10mother is so embarrassed, she became watery with shame, she
18:15thought this, she started shivering,
18:18fell ill,
18:20Bachi, I have no complaint against you, it is
18:25not her fault,
18:27so I apologize
18:30that her selfishness has killed my son.
18:35Brother Sajda, don't even
18:38ask, I have to say that she is my sister and there is a
18:42world of difference between us, where I am and she
18:45herself is dirty with the mud of Garji,
18:49but at least even you people did not
18:54do it so quickly. Danish got married
18:57to Rania. My son is fond of her.
19:08Allah only knows that I, such a selfish woman,
19:16could never even think of making the daughter of such an insolent woman my sister. How could you think like
19:19this, but believe me, Daniel. He cried like this,
19:23Bill Bilaya fell at the feet of Sana's father
19:27and started pleading and said, make
19:29my daughter the beloved of your house, keep
19:32my respect, what was there, his heart became sad, he
19:35scolded me and started saying, Nawab, beware that
19:37something. She said, the marriage will take place today itself, now the
19:39Nawab will be born, what would you do by keeping a stone in your heart,
19:43Amma is saying absolutely right, Naila
19:45aunty and you know Amma has
19:49not even accepted Rania as her daughter-in-law from her heart, and you
19:51yourself thought about the only son. A mother marries with
19:55so many desires,
19:59but that fate never came. We had gone to the marriage
20:02and embraced the trouble. Leave it. Whatever
20:05happened, happened brother. When it was supposed to break, it broke on us.
20:08Allah Pak Hamza Ko Sah, he is the master of all these. Come
20:12out of things, my God, yes yes,
20:14Inshallah, he will get well. Pray
20:16son, just get well soon.
20:22Aunty Hamza and I are very good friends. I
20:27pray that he
20:29gets well as soon as possible and I wish him all the best. I will fix it exactly
20:35as before, I am sure that we did not even know that
20:39this accident had happened, if I had known at that
20:42time, the rickshaw taxi would have
20:44reached no matter what, I would have taken a lift and
20:46reached there, but my sister
20:49was in such trouble. We were there like this, don't you
20:52pray for Hamza, your prayers are answered,
20:55son, if your prayers are answered, get it done
20:58by him,
21:13then look how shining my son is,
21:18everything is looking like a prince, it is amazing for a newlywed bride,
21:21all this is Your prayers have got results
21:26Ama, are you sitting there drinking tea, I
21:32need a phone, I want to call my house, I
21:36know whom you need to talk to, if you do
21:38n't get the phone Danish, I will
21:41behave very badly, return the phone to me, hey hey
21:44girl tongue. Give me the reins, there is no etiquette to
21:47talk to your husband. Actually, your mother roams
21:49around like a big girl. She did not teach
21:53you etiquette. I am only asking for my phone back.
22:06You have to talk to Amja. I know that is why you did not
22:08get the phone from me. I want to talk to you, that's my phone, give it
22:11back, I am your husband, from today
22:14onwards, whatever you do, you will do as per my wish,
22:18listen to me, Sharif Jaad, this is not your job,
22:22what you had to do before marriage,
22:24you have pretended, now you You are the daughter-in-law of a respectable family.
22:27Hey, fear Allah and not the world.
22:30I told you that I have to
22:33talk to Mama. Give this gimmick to someone else.
22:36I know everything. Mama
22:39came out of her heart just a little while ago. Yes,
22:40you suddenly remembered Mama, please
22:45me return my phone otherwise I will
22:47go and tell Khalu, it's okay to do whatever you want Khalu,
22:52my phone is not working,
22:55I have to call home, I want to talk to Mama, please
22:59return it. Why did you keep his phone with you,
23:01why did you keep it with you, what is the meaning of keeping it, it is
23:04my wish, I have not kept it, I don't
23:05trust him, listen to him Rashid, you are coming like
23:07such an advocate, do
23:10n't ask him,
23:13what is the work of the daughters-in-law of the house. You have to sail on this mobile,
23:15which will sink
23:17if you don't have a phone.
23:20Brother, whatever you had, your fan has fallen, now
23:23you are a noble lady, the daughter-in-law of a noble family,
23:25pass it, at least this
23:28is the limit brother. Why do you guys make such a small issue into such a
23:31big issue
23:33and if you didn't have faith then why did you marry?
23:37Listen to me Rashid Saheb,
23:40go to some corner of the house and read some philosophy, you
23:44understand that elders have come from nowhere,
23:46worldliness is not in your control. You do this, you
23:48retire from this world, there is no room for it, or now
23:52this poor girl will suffer the punishment for the wrong decision taken by her father.
23:57Amma is right, she is
23:59absolutely right about you, whether you know it or not, it is a
24:02strange thing to you. I have to break my leg,
24:04brother, this is a matter between the wife and we
24:06will solve it. Why are you jumping in the middle, why are you jumping in the middle? Oh
24:15Allah Amma, I had already heard
24:18that when the daughters-in-law arrive, the house gets turned upside down
24:21and look at today. There was a rift in our house,
24:24yes brother, we picked up the garbage dumper and brought it
24:29down under our control that whatever would happen would be seen
24:32instead of any respect being given to us,
24:36look at their gait, look at their tune,
24:40look at their song instead of Lady Diana. Before
24:44anyone can respect us, we would have had the same
24:47shoes, I swear,
24:49Amma, you have so much courage
24:52that you are tolerating this woman, you are
24:54listening to so many things, I swear to your daughter-in-law,
24:57if any other mother would have taken your place. Had she been there, she would have already got
25:00out holding the hands of her son and daughter-in-law.
25:03Okay, offer more to Amma. Oh, offer it
25:07to Amma. What is your work other than drinking tea and offering it to Amma? Come on
25:14son, give me some money to spend.
25:17If there is no passage then please give me, I am married,
25:20your people give me good deeds, look at this, I am
25:46looking more
25:54handsome than Hamza, only the face is good,
26:00by nature, you are like a cobra snake, I
26:05like your sense of every
26:13Nelly, joke well. I accept it,
26:21Alhamdulillah, whatever it is, I am your husband,
26:28tolerate it or
26:32just tolerate it, what else can you do, do
26:43n't know what my mind says, I am still on the journey with this faith, the
26:47destination will be reached with the weight of my feet.
26:58Hey friend, what is the problem at this time, people keep coming in between,
27:04Khamkha, this is father-in-law's yesterday,
27:09what's the matter, his timing is good,
27:12Hello ji Khalu, how are you son, are you fine
27:18Rania, how is your daughter Rania, she is absolutely
27:21fine, she is a little angry, angry. She is
27:25not talking to anyone, she fought forcefully and
27:28even attacked me, but she was not like that.
27:33You made me talk to my queen, oh no,
27:37not with you, I am sure she
27:39will not talk at all, but don't worry about it. I am
27:42also me, I will also make it,
27:45after making it, I will ask her to talk to you. Hey,
27:48one important thing, don't forget, let me
27:50tell you in advance, there are some queen's things, you have
27:53brought them while coming, yes, yes, it is not a problem,
27:58Danish, hello
28:02hello. Why did you lie,
28:05why did you tell Baba that I am not talking to anyone,
28:10I am quarreling with everyone, it is obvious that I am talking to such a person,
28:15even if he is your father,
28:17why should you talk when he forcefully got you
28:23You are mentally sick, well said, well said,
28:41I was the one who told you Khalu, you and Hamza were going to
28:46run away from home,
28:52you did
28:56this off course,
28:59I did it, so I don't know how thankful I am, I
29:03can't even tell you if he
29:05listened to me and shared that secret with me.
29:09If I had not made a plan, perhaps you would never have met me. It is
29:16said that I read in a book that there
29:22was such a book, not even you are separated from mistakes, neither am I separated from mistakes,
29:29we both are human beings,
29:33God is not you, God is not me, there is
29:40no tension. Leni, let's sit and talk, let
29:45everything be fine,
29:48Rania is angry with
29:52me, how
29:55can you be happy with me, Sajda, you have thrown her into the wolves' throats,
30:03all this is a game of fate, Rania's
30:07marriage with the person with whom she was supposed to happen, at the moment everything was
30:11higher than before. It had already been written that
30:14all the rest were just excuses, do
30:20n't blame fate for your wrong decisions; it was much better than marriage to make
30:23her stay here all her life, so don't worry,
30:27everything will be fine.
30:29Yes, Danish was saying that when
30:32Rania When we came to meet her, we brought her clothes and some
30:35things with us and
30:37started talking about Mutal Ben Kanglo,
30:42why do you think so selfishly?
30:44After all, we had to give something to our daughter,
30:47anyway, everything is our daughter's,
30:58I don't want anything more than my daughter. Aaj
31:42Rania Sarania Sania Rania Sunny Hamza
31:48Hum Hum Hamza Son,
31:55you are scared in the dream, you are scared in the dream,
31:57nothing, Rania is getting married, I do
31:59n't, no, stop, please please, son, Rania has got
