England aim to compete with Ireland and France - Borthwick

  • 8 months ago
England coach Steve Borthwick admitted his side aren't currently at the level of others ahead of Six Nations
00:00 As long as I can remember, people would talk about England going into this tournament,
00:04 regardless of where England were, people would talk about England being one of their favourites.
00:08 What's clear is that Island of France have set the standards for a number of seasons
00:13 now. That's great credit to them, their coaches, their players. Now, for us, that's not where
00:20 we're at. For us, that's not where this team's been at, but it's where we want to be. We
00:26 want to be competing, and that's when I talk about a different mindset, a different mentality.
00:30 We haven't been competing for the trophy at the end of it, but we want to. So, what do
00:35 you do to get there? If you know where you want to go, concentrate on the step that's
00:38 right in front of you, and that's Italy, a week on Saturday. That's our focus. So, I
00:44 say again, the mindset and attitude we bring to that game, the intensity with which we
00:50 prepare for that game, the intensity with which we deliver from a concentration, intensity
00:55 concentration, and a physical intensity. That's what we're going to aspire to, to raising
