DMX Has A Moment BB Kings

  • 8 months ago DMX Has A Moment BB Kings
00:00 do is sit there and suck dick all day.
00:02 [crowd cheering]
00:06 I don't give a fuck man, if you don't like it, what, what, what, what, what, what, what?
00:12 [crowd cheering]
00:13 It is what the fuck it is man. It is what the fuck it is.
00:18 To me, to me the real award, the real award
00:26 is when you're able to walk past someone in the street
00:31 and have them tell you that something you've done
00:35 has done something positive in their life.
00:39 [crowd cheering]
00:44 The only award that matters
00:47 is the one that you can't carry away when you walk away.
00:53 [crowd cheering]
00:55 You gotta keep it in your heart.
00:59 You gotta keep it in your heart.
01:02 So fuck the statue, fuck the trophy, fuck all that shit.
01:08 [crowd cheering]
01:10 Because I'm sure a lot of people here have seen me,
01:14 have crossed my path, I've crossed their path
01:18 once or twice in the streets.
01:20 And you see, I'm a humble person.
01:24 Even when people get on my motherfucking nerves,
01:28 I still take a picture.
