• last year
An alligator was found completely frozen in a lake - with its nose poking out through the ice to breathe.

Video filmed amid a snap of extreme cold in the United States shows an alligator hibernating with its nose breaching a frozen lake.

The alligator currently resides at Gator Country, a wildlife and adventure park in Beaumont, Texas.

According to Gary Saurage, the owner of Gator Country, the alligator is breathing through the hole and has slowed its heartbeat to only three beats per minute to survive.

He said: "Right down here we can see the whole entire body of the alligator, but most importantly look at its snout.

"It has pushed its snout up through so it can get oxygen so it can breathe - that animal is in full hibernation"


00:00 You guys want to see something really cool? We all know what alligators do in the summer and spring.
00:03 We know what they do, right? What do they do during the winter and how do they survive?
00:07 Look at this. Look right down here. You can see the entire body of the alligator,
00:11 but most importantly, look at its snout. It has pushed its snout up so it can get oxygen. It can
00:18 breathe. That animal is in full hibernation right there. His heart's beating three beats per minute.
00:23 Folks, that's amazing. That's how alligators survive in the ice.
