• 9 months ago
the same triangular-shaped ufo - TR-3b Black Manta? - with the same double tractor beam - the beam thats allegedly - seeing fly away in two different ways - after having pulled something up - most probable needed extra-fuel.

At first we believed the footage to be likely CGI, and when we then researched the internet for the source/authenticity through picture search on google/bing/yandex - we came across a similar second recording - as well as more clear cheap GCI-TR3b Black Manta recordings that we will spare you the time off - besides that it looks exactly like drawings/3d-models of the TR3b Black Manta.
Therse clearly are two different captures at two different times and locations - however both at a mountain-top (probably somewhere near europe/Italy). In both cases the tractor beam is beaming something up, yet in one case the beam immediatly vanishes and the craft fly's away in two different ways.
Are these 2 coincidental recent(2020 surfaced) captures - or is this the same CGI-model of a triangular-shaped-UFO re-used with one improved version - as the UFO isnt that hard to do, the tractor-beams look more difficult - yet that there are two different ones - from two different perspectives and distances - what does make it feel a bit more real. As who would make two forgeries in such a short time, wouldnt that be a bit overdoing it.
In one we can see the craft slowly flying away, in the other it rapidly ascends. Due 2 the friction and G-forces in case of the TR3b Black Manta - then they would have succeeded in cancelling those out. And that Nasa then are fooling their own-personnel with slow lengthy space-missions, makes it less probable to be genuine.


the same CGI-artist from a mountainous area near Maratea, Italy - who got inspired from the myth and the data on the craft thats on the internet - and added a neon-glow tractor beam animation scientificly questionable - who made a second improved one in wich the tractor beam slowly went down and up - instead of being already there and immediatly away - and the craft rapidly ascended instead of moving away (from the camera direction).
two coincidental recordings of the actual US-TR3b Black Manta on a secret-mission near a populated-area of Italy doing tests with a additional feature - tractor beam - probably beaming up fuel - coincidental-recorded one time above italy 2020 - and probably a second time in a similar nearby area.
one or two showing the actual-et-spacecraft that was reverse engineered
