2 Chainz Cleans Out Closet And Donates Clothes

  • 7 months ago
2 Chainz cleaning out his closet + donating clothes
00:00 Going through one of my side closets. Giveaway, giveaway, giveaway, giveaway.
00:07 Giveaway. Giveaway, giveaway, giveaway.
00:12 Giveaway, giveaway.
00:19 First you do this guy.
00:21 And you push it in a fist bump.
00:25 And then push the other way and do a fist bump.
00:28 And then, whoa.
00:30 Okay, that's how you do the whoa?
00:32 Thanks.
00:34 Bye.
00:35 Still a work in progress.
00:39 Tony Clos Giveaway.
00:46 Still coming.
00:48 Still coming. We still working.
00:54 Keep pushing it.
