Gayle King and Charles Barkley Share Dream Guest List for New CNN Show _ Spillin

  • 7 months ago
Gayle King and Charles Barkley Share Dream Guest List for New CNN Show _ Spillin
00:00 Hello to you, I'm Gayle King.
00:01 And I'm Charles Barkley.
00:02 And we're on the set of King Charles
00:04 and we're gonna spill the...
00:05 E.T.
00:06 E.T., may I pour you a cup, dear?
00:08 Yes.
00:09 All right.
00:10 Okay, your best friend, Oprah, is turning 70.
00:13 Yes.
00:14 What the, first of all, that is actually amazing.
00:18 I know, I know.
00:19 To think Oprah's 70 years old.
00:20 I know, we say that too, yeah.
00:23 It's crazy 'cause, you know,
00:24 we've enjoyed her so much our entire life.
00:26 You're like, "Oh, we're around a..."
00:28 She does, like we're around the same age,
00:30 and like, "Oprah's 70?"
00:31 Yep.
00:32 So what do you give somebody who has everything?
00:37 Everything.
00:38 Well, this is the thing.
00:39 Oprah put a rule out years ago,
00:41 no birthday gifts, no Christmas gifts,
00:44 'cause she always says, "I don't need anything."
00:46 So the thing that matters most to her
00:48 is that thoughtfulness.
00:50 She wouldn't mind if you just wrote a lovely card,
00:52 and I mean that.
00:53 So she has no expectations about that.
00:56 You know, the conversation we're having now is 70.
00:59 Would you please, Oprah, have a birthday party?
01:01 'Cause so many people wanna have a birthday party,
01:03 and so far she's put the kibosh on it,
01:05 but I'm hoping she'll change her mind
01:07 and that there's a great birthday party for her
01:09 when she turns 70.
01:11 Why can't you just get a surprise birthday party?
01:13 She hates surprises.
01:14 That would actually piss her off.
01:16 No, I would never surprise her.
01:17 She would be upset about it.
01:18 Oh, okay.
01:19 Okay, what's your advice to Taylor Swift
01:22 on dating a professional athlete?
01:24 And what do you make of all the obsession?
01:26 Because listen, I'm all in for the Taylor-Travis story.
01:29 I love watching them.
01:31 I hope it works.
01:32 I think they're having a good time.
01:33 But why are we so obsessed with it?
01:35 Well, 'cause the media's nosy.
01:38 The thing I would tell--
01:40 Couldn't it be we just like a good love story?
01:42 No, the media's just nosy.
01:44 Me and you like a good love story,
01:46 but the media's just nosy.
01:47 I think the number one thing you have to do
01:49 in your personal life
01:50 is keep it really low-key and discreet.
01:52 Don't ever discuss it publicly,
01:55 'cause I just think it opens up
01:57 quote-unquote Pandora's box.
01:59 Like, I was like, "Hey, you can ask me anything in the world.
02:01 "Just don't ask me any personal questions."
02:03 I've always had a very strict rule upon that.
02:06 So my advice to Taylor, like,
02:07 "Hey, she's my girl.
02:10 "I'm her guy.
02:11 "That's all y'all need to know."
02:12 Because when you're famous,
02:15 you don't get any personal space or time.
02:20 You know, any time you go out,
02:22 you know, it's like when I go to the supermarket,
02:23 people are like, "What are you doing here?"
02:25 I'm like, "Getting food, fool."
02:26 So that would be my advice.
02:28 Keep that out.
02:29 Don't talk about it.
02:31 So you've interviewed a lot of people.
02:33 Great job with Jay-Z.
02:34 Oh, that's one of my favorites.
02:35 Thanks.
02:36 Who is your dream guest to interview?
02:38 I've been working on Beyoncé for 10 years,
02:42 and it just not happen.
02:43 Oh, clearly you're not good at your job.
02:45 Yeah.
02:46 ♪ Na na na dealer is a female version of a hustler ♪
02:49 But I still say, Charles, keep hope alive.
02:51 Keep hope alive?
02:52 Yes.
02:53 So until Miss King can finally sit down with Queen B,
02:56 these two have a ton of guests and topics to explore
02:59 on their CNN primetime show, King Charles.
03:01 We love you, Kim.
03:03 We gonna fight on our first night.
03:04 Charles Barkley, what can people expect from this show?
03:08 It's gonna be a mix of serious,
03:13 silly, funny, entertaining.
03:16 Yeah.
03:17 I think it's gonna be all over the place,
03:19 'cause obviously the beauty of the show
03:21 is we're gonna be talking about current events.
03:23 Yep, yep.
03:24 But it's gonna be a blast.
03:25 And we always say this,
03:26 we promise not to waste people's time.
03:28 Yes.
03:29 This was such a big deal.
03:30 I got my eyebrows threaded.
03:32 Here's something, E.T., I bet you didn't know.
03:34 I didn't know this.
03:35 This man, Charles Barkley, threads his eyebrows.
03:39 Yes, it's true.
03:40 I was clutching my pearls.
03:42 He threads his eyebrows.
03:44 Do you care to explain why you thread your eyebrows?
03:46 That's something I learned about him
03:47 that I did not know, and I was surprised.
03:49 What 'cause--
03:50 Your eyebrows look very nice, by the way, dear.
03:51 Thank you.
03:52 Yes.
03:53 Well, I realized when I got older,
03:55 the hair grows in places it shouldn't grow.
03:58 Yeah.
03:59 So I used to get my eyebrows waxed.
04:01 You're painting quite a picture.
04:03 I know, so I did.
04:03 I used to get my eyebrows waxed,
04:05 and the girl said to me,
04:06 what do you want me to do about that afro
04:08 growing in your ears?
04:09 I said, what?
04:10 She says, Chuck, you're older now.
04:13 And she's like, I'm gonna get those ears, too.
04:15 And then one of my friends suggested,
04:20 you know, try threading.
04:22 And it's like night and day.
04:24 So now, I go like once a month,
04:27 get these things touched up.
04:29 What has been your moment?
04:34 You're like, wow, I have been really, really successful.
04:39 I mean, they put your name on a show.
04:41 Yeah, yeah.
04:43 No, King Charles, everybody says that's your name.
04:45 But it's my name, too.
04:47 But I always think that you can all,
04:50 I don't care who you are,
04:51 I always think you can do better, you can be better.
04:54 I still, even as I sit here today,
04:56 when I look at people and say, oh, I wanna be like you,
04:59 I go, no, you wanna be better than me.
05:01 'Cause I always think there's room to grow, always.
05:03 Myself included.
05:05 Tell you one of these, it was a crazy moment.
05:07 Oh, okay, when you knew you were successful.
05:09 I do wanna know this, actually.
05:10 So I was at the White House to interview President Obama.
05:15 So he says to me, Chuck, have you ever been
05:18 in the Oval Office?
05:18 And I said, oh, I've been there many times.
05:21 Which I had never been, obviously.
05:23 So I didn't know it, they took a picture
05:26 of me and him standing in the Oval Office.
05:27 And I have it on my wall.
05:30 And I have friends from all over the country
05:33 texting me like, yo, man, I'm really proud of you.
05:39 I said, what are you talking about?
05:40 He says, dude, there's a picture of you
05:42 and President Obama standing in the Oval Office.
05:45 And I was like, what?
05:47 And they sent it to me.
05:48 And I says, number one, obviously, it's the President.
05:51 Yes.
05:51 It's the black President.
05:53 And me from a small town in Alabama.
05:55 And I was like, that's pretty incredible, you're right.
05:58 It was pretty cool.
05:59 That is a good moment.
06:00 And the thing about that is, with Barack Obama,
06:02 he didn't only know your name,
06:04 I'll bet he knew about your career
06:06 and what you had done during your career.
06:07 'Cause he loves basketball.
06:08 Yes.
06:09 It was a great feeling.
06:11 What have you learned about me
06:12 since we started working together?
06:14 You are a perfectionist.
06:18 You notice everything from the chairs to the wall.
06:24 'Cause you say, what do you think of that wall?
06:26 I says--
06:27 He said, I don't give a beep about the wall.
06:30 I don't care about the wall.
06:31 No, he didn't say I don't care.
06:32 He goes, I don't give a beep about the walls, Gail.
06:34 And then he's like, Charles,
06:36 what do you think of these chairs?
06:38 I said, Gail, I don't give a damn about these chairs.
06:41 The thing I care about is ESPN on that television over there.
06:45 I don't care, that's all I care about
06:47 when I'm sitting in a chair.
06:48 Hey, I got sports on, I'm good.
06:50 Hoda Kotb says she gets mistaken for me while she's out.
06:54 I actually get mistaken for Hoda Kotb too, a lot.
06:57 People say, hey Hoda, hey, and I'll go, hi.
06:59 A couple times I've even signed things as Hoda,
07:02 because when you try to explain I'm not,
07:04 I go, yes, I'm her, here, I'll sign,
07:06 I'll take a picture.
07:07 Who do you get mistaken for that the audience would know?
07:12 This is what annoys me, and it really annoys me.
07:15 Okay.
07:16 Every short, fat, bald guy.
07:19 These women.
07:23 Oh God.
07:23 These women come up to me all the time.
07:27 Yes.
07:29 And they're like, you look like my boyfriend
07:30 and my husband, and I kinda laugh,
07:33 and you know I gotta see the picture.
07:35 I just laugh, I see the resemblance.
07:39 But they're always these short, little,
07:41 fall, fat, little, bald dudes.
07:43 And I like, yo.
07:46 So you would not describe yourself
07:48 as a short, fat, bald dude.
07:50 How would you describe yourself,
07:51 in terms of your appearance?
07:53 Short, chunky, bald dude.
07:55 That's what you would describe yourself?
07:56 Yes, that's what we say in the country, big boned it.
07:58 Big boned it.
07:59 Big boned it.
08:00 Okay, that's good.
