Moms Plate - Plan India Initative in Rajasthan

  • 9 months ago
MoMs Plate project is implemented as a Pilot intervention in the Bikaner District of Rajasthan. This innovative program aims to address the nutritional needs of pregnant mothers and enhance birth outcomes. Malnourished pregnant women have been identified and provided with cooked, hot, nutritious meals at their doorstep, ensuring the fulfilment of additional calorie requirements. Customised dietary plans, culturally acceptable and developed in consultation with nutritional specialists, have been implemented to bridge the energy gap. Registered under the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) as "Posahar Mitra," local women have been empowered to prepare and deliver these meals, fostering rural entrepreneurship and augmenting family income post-COVID. To challenge harmful traditional practices and dispel misconceptions surrounding the diet of pregnant women, community-level awareness programs have been conducted as part of a Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) initiative. This comprehensive approach aims to nourish mothers and empower communities for healthier pregnancies and improved maternal well-being.
