Inpres Jalan Daerah Berlanjut di 2024

  • 8 months ago
Presiden Joko Widodo yang memastikan, perbaikan Jalan melalui program Instruksi Presiden jalan daerah, akan berlanjut pada 2024. Bahkan besaran anggaran untuk perbaikan Jalan meningkat, dan hal tersebut disampaikan Presiden Jokowi saat meninjau Jalan Provinsi Solo-Purwodadi.


00:00 We start with the first information from President Jokowi Dodo
00:03 who assured that the road repair through the Presidential Road Instruction Program
00:07 will continue in 2024.
00:10 Even the budget for the improvement of the road has increased.
00:13 And the matter was conveyed by President Jokowi
00:16 when he surveyed the road of Solo-Purwodadi Province.
00:19 President Jokowi said the budget for road repair in 2024
00:24 reached 15 trillion rupiah.
00:26 The budget increased compared to last year which reached 14.6 trillion rupiah.
00:32 The budget will be used for road repair throughout Indonesia.
00:37 With the budget, the government targets the road repair this year
00:41 to reach 3,200 kilometers.
00:44 Only President Jokowi has not announced the budget size for each province.
00:50 The road repair is expected to be able to support the mobility of the community
00:55 so that it can move the regional economy.
00:58 The entire road area that we work on is impressed by the regional road,
01:07 the IJD.
01:11 The total in all of Indonesia's waterways is 14.6 trillion rupiah,
01:22 in total in 2023.
01:25 Then, we provide 1.3 trillion rupiah for Central Java.
01:33 Central Java is used to repair
01:37 approximately 40 roads.
01:42 In 2024, there will be another regional road impressed
01:49 of 15 trillion rupiah.
01:53 Thank you.
