Only way to liberate women is this || Acharya Prashant Workshop (2023)

  • 9 months ago
Full Video: Dear Lady, I am sorry, I can't help you || Acharya Prashant Workshop (2023)

Video Information: 25.03.23, Acharya Prashant Workshop, Rishikesh

~ What is real feminism?
~ When should we express our emotions?
~ What is the worst enemy of women?
~ When should one talk back to their parents?
~ How to bring woman's revolution?
~ How to bring about a Total Women's revolution?
~ Why there is need for women empowerment?
~ Are man and woman equal?
~ How women can be empowered?

Music Credits: Milind Date
00:00 The woman can be enslaved only as long as she is body identified and socially conditioned.
00:11 Vedanta is about the person gaining liberation from both of these, body identification and
00:20 mental conditioning.
00:22 So ideally spirituality should be the woman's best friend.
00:31 But practically evidence has been rather mixed.
00:40 In fact evidence has been that religion historically has been on the side of the oppressors when
00:47 it comes to women, oppressors of the woman.
00:52 The reason is that religion itself has not been well understood.
01:06 Religion itself has been a victim of contamination and when religion is contaminated then religion
01:19 becomes a tool towards exploitation of women.
01:28 So much so that a lot of very negative attitudes that you see existing towards women today,
01:39 they are claimed to be sanctioned by religion.
01:49 So as you are saying that the woman should continuously be dependent, that's an attitude
01:57 that finds its source in some so called religious books and there are verses exactly to this
02:09 effect that let the woman never be independent.
02:16 Not only that, there have been so called books that have talked of the woman as a very clearly
02:27 inferior person, some kind of a different species altogether.
02:38 So she is guilty of this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, so many things
02:43 are inferior and condemnable in her and therefore she does not merit responsibility or freedom
02:52 or many other things.
02:55 Now what's the problem here?
02:57 The problem here is that these two kinds of attitude towards women are actually coming
03:05 from two kinds of different religions.
03:09 There is a religion that uplifts women, that's called Vedanta and there is a religion that
03:16 oppresses women, that's your normal cultural religion and whenever Vedanta will shine,
03:29 one of its effects will be the emancipation and empowerment of women.
03:38 Whenever the real religion will show up, it will help women and that will deeply frustrate
03:51 the traditional kind of religionists because the difference is stark.
04:03 Real religion, if I said the woman's best friend and false religion, prevalent religion,
04:11 mainstream religion is the woman's worst enemy and it's very important to differentiate between
04:19 these two kinds of religions.
04:29 The tragic thing is most women themselves follow the false kind of religion.
04:36 They are aghast, why I am talking to women and telling them that they are not baby producing
04:44 machines, that it is not their fate to be firstly dependent on the father and then on
04:52 the husband.
04:54 But what I am saying is Vedanta and the amusing thing is that what I am saying is probably
05:03 not finding too much acceptance among women themselves.
05:10 So now the question is who should be blamed?
05:13 Women or women?
05:18 Because when, you see, if you go to places where in the name of religion all kinds of
05:25 nonsense is happening, 80-90% of that crowd will be women.
05:35 What to do?
05:37 It is as if women themselves are hell bent on proving that they do not deserve the real
05:43 religion.
05:48 All kinds of story telling and nonsensical dancing and gossiping, all this in the name
05:54 of religion and you will find women very eager.
06:00 But when Vedanta speaks truly in the favor of liberation of women, women themselves do
06:05 not come forward to support.
06:08 How can they support?
06:09 They do not want to even accept the help.
06:11 That is the problem.
