• 5 months ago
Once, a king and queen had twelve sons, and fearing the birth of a daughter who would inherit the kingdom, the king ordered twelve coffins for his sons. The queen, devastated, confided in her youngest son, Benjamin. To protect themselves, the brothers retreated to a forest, promising to return if a white flag was raised on the castle tower, but to flee if it was red. Years passed, and Benjamin's turn to watch arrived. Seeing a red flag, the brothers grew resentful, vowing revenge on any maiden they encountered.

In the forest, they discovered a cottage and made it their home. Meanwhile, the king and queen's daughter, unaware of her brothers, found twelve shirts in her mother's wardrobe. Determined to locate her siblings, she ventured into the forest, meeting Benjamin. Recognizing each other, they shared a heartfelt reunion.

Benjamin revealed the brothers' vow against maidens and devised a plan to spare his sister. When the eleven brothers returned, Benjamin brokered a deal: spare the first maiden they encountered, and he would share a secret. He then unveiled his sister. The brothers, overjoyed, embraced her, and she brought order and happiness to their lives.

However, tragedy struck when the sister plucked twelve lilies in the garden. Instantly, her brothers transformed into ravens, and the enchanted house disappeared. Alone and desperate, she encountered an old woman who explained that only a challenging task could break the spell. The fate of the brothers hung in the balance, leaving the young maiden with a daunting quest ahead.